(Stuck with you) Nightmare x blue☁️

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(No concerns, just fluff :) )

Nightmare's POV:

I'm so tired right now but I can't sleep because of Blue, he would probably just watch me sleep which creeped me out. Dream forced us in a room together and we couldn't get out, me and Blue tried all that we could but nothing would budge. We just finally accepted that we wouldn't be able to get out of this room until morning. I was currently looking at the window and the sun was starting to go down. "We can finally leave soon, you should sleep soon so you don't have to wait the night." I said to Blue hoping that he would take my advice so he wouldn't bother me the whole night. He just looked at me kinda confused and said, "What about you? Aren't you going to sleep too?" Blue asked me. I just looked at him and said I would later. Blue kinda pouted and said that he wanted to something before he slept. I looked at him kinda curious and asked what. "I wanted to know if you wanted to read with me..." I just looked at him and shrugged while saying sure. He's probably been waiting to say that for awhile as he was super excited that I sad yes.

Blue's POV:

Nightmare told me that I should sleep to past the time but, I really wasn't that tired. When Nightmare looked back at the window I wondered if I'm able to get to know him better because that's what this whole thing is about. I thought of things we could both do that he likes because I learned that of Nightmare didn't like something that someone would want to do, he would usually leave or just not do anything. I looked around the room to see if we could do anything and starting to make a list in my mind. Drawing? No he's not Ink. Board game? Nah, he probably would get bored. Maybe painting? No, he once said that it was to messy. Oh I've got the perfect thing! Reading, he loves to read. We could do that together. I looked at Nightmare kinda nervous because I don't know what his reaction will be. I know he won't hurt me because Dream put a magic barrier here. I finally got the courage to ask him and said his name. He looked at me with an unamused expression. "What do you want Blue?" He asked me. His voices sounded so calming but I had to ask him. "I wanted to know if you wanted to read with me..." I asked him getting ready for him to say no but to my surprise, he said yes. I looked back at him and started to jump up and down excitedly which startled him so I apologized to him while calming down and walk over to him. He looked at me with his one cyan blue eye and asked what book he wanted to read. I thought for a second and said "Lost sea?" I asked him. He thought for a second and said sure. I started to get really excited again and went over to the bookshelf and grabbed the book. I ran to the bed waiting for him to come over to. Once he got here he sat down next to me and we both starting reading. Nightmare we surprised that I was going the same pace as him because he's a really fast reader. "I didn't know you read fast. Do you read often?" Nightmare asked me and I was kinda happy that he did because we could now finally ask each other questions. "Yea I read often! I love to read." I said happily to Nightmare as his unamused look went to an amused one. Nightmare just nodded and kept reading the book while I was kinda awkward thinking of what to ask him.

3rd person/ no one's POV:

While Blue was thinking of what to say to Nightmare, he noticed Blue thinking about something and he stopped reading. They were currently on page 56 which was an more "romantic" page. He looked at the page number and looked back at the daydreaming Blue. "Whatcha thinking about." Nightmare asked which got Blue's attention again. "Oh nothing! I-I was just... "distracted" by something" he said while looking away. Nightmare knew he was lying but didn't really care as he was super tired at the moment. Blue looked at Nightmare and saw how he was tired too so he asked him if he wanted to sleep. Nightmare just looked at Blue and said he didn't need sleep but Blue wasn't gonna give up. Blue closed the book and put it on the nightstand while looking back at Nightmare. "Are you done reading know?" Nightmare asked Blue who looked tired. "No but I stopped because I want to make sure you sleep." Blue said in a caring voice to Nightmare. "I already told you I don't need to sleep, you do." Nightmare said to a little mad Blue. Blue just huffed and started to nag while Nightmare was sitting there having to listen to him. He kept on lecturing him for a good 5 minutes now and Nightmare was starting to get annoyed so he told Blue if he slept would he leave him alone. Blue nodded happily and was about to say something until he was interrupted by Nightmare saying "But you have to sleep with me too." Blue just looked at him shocked at what he said. Blue just kept looking at a tired Nightmare and he was suddenly pulled down with Nightmare. Nightmare made him lay down with him while he closed his eyes. Blue was just in an awkward position while he saw Nightmare starting to doze off. Once Blue saw Nightmare finally sleep he scooted a little away from him so he could ageist his position. As he was finally comfortable he started to close his eyes and about to sleep but was immediately interrupted by Nightmare pulling him closer to him. Blue started to get scared that Nightmare was awake but was surprised to see him still sleeping so his instincts did that. He started to feel Nightmare cuddle him and the only thing Blue thought to himself was "The king of negativity, likes to cuddle!?" he said out loud in his thoughts. He looked at Nightmare who was still sleeping peacefully just to make sure he really wasn't awake. Blue started to feel something else hug him besides Nightmare's arms and now it was his tentacles. They started to wrap around Blue protectively which made blue kinda happy that they did. Blue felt really comfortable in Nightmare's hold and started to doze of himself. Nightmare and Blue were finally asleep together and non of them woke up because of them being uncomfortable. When it was finally morning, Dream went to go and let them out thinking that they were still awake but when he opened the door he saw the sweetest moment. Nightmare and Blue were still asleep cuddling next to each other which made Dream start to squeal to himself. He didn't want to bother them so he closed the door not locking it so they could leave whenever they want. Nightmare was the one who woke up first and didn't realize what he was holding on to. When he finally founded out he started to blush heavily and unwrap himself from Blue making sure not to wake him up. When Nightmare finally was able to get away from Blue without waking him up, he walked to the door to see if it was unlocked and it was. He opened the door and quietly closed it while walking to the living room. When he finally got there he saw everyone there just talking and when they all saw him they started to laugh except Dream who had an "aww" type of face. "Why are y'all laughing." Nightmare said in a serious tone. "We saw your little cuddling session with Blue" Killer said to Nightmare while trying to hold in his laugh. Nightmare started to blush and thought to himself saying that they saw. "I-I, ITS JUST AN MISUNDERSTANDING!!!" Nightmare said while running away still being a blushing mess. Everyone started to laugh at his embarrassed behavior. "Man I never knew boss liked to cuddle." Killer said with an smug look on his face. "I guess he isn't that all bad then." Dream said while chucking to himself.
1421 words
Man this chapter is super cute

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