(Needy) Killer x Nightmare

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⚠️This story will include lime, kissing, grabbing inappropriate places, and foul language⚠️



No one's POV:

Nightmare was chilling inside his room reading a book as he finished all his work for the day. He enjoyed the silence he had as he read one of his favorite books. As he took a satisfied sigh, he heard someone enter into his one room.

'Ohhhh boooooosssss~" Nightmare knew who it was and instead did an annoying sigh. "What do you want Killer I'm enjoying my alone time, why do you always have to ruin it..." Killer took a dramatic gasp as he clutched his chest offensively. Killer sneakily walked up behind Nightmare as he had his attention back on his book. "Now I would never do such a thing, besides you're always in your room. Why don't you relaaax~. Killer quickly grabbed Nightmare's waist quickly startling him.

"Killer let me go, what are you doing!" Nightmare said as he sharpened a tentacle. Killer immediately let him go backing away with his hands up in defense. "Alright, alright, don't have to get mad I was just playing." Nightmare mumbled to himself as he went back to reading his book shooing Killer away.

Killer did a little mad huff as he walked away making him think that he wasn't gonna bother Nightmare anymore but oh no, he had plans.

Killer's POV:

I went to my room thinking on a plan. It was pretty simple really, just ask when the others will be gone and for how long so I can know how much 'alone time' I'll have with Nightmare!

He really has been overworking himself and always mumbles to himself that he needs a break but like, he never does it! So that's why I'm gonna make him relax my self~. Well not really I just want to fuck him, but the real plan is to just make him tired after it so he'll actually sleep but with me by his side.

The only problem is how am I gonna get him in a position where I have full control because he rarely comes out of his room let alone communicate with us so convincing him to come out will be tough. But I do have my ways tho so, I can probably handle it.

No one's POV:

Killer went downstairs after his little talk to himself on what he was gonna do. When he got to the living room he saw Horror and Dust chilling on the couch while Cross was in the kitchen and Error was in the anti-void. "Watcha dooooing" Killer asked the both of Dust and Horror. "Nothing, why do you wanna know?" Dust asked as he looked away from his phone. "Nothing really I just wanna know when y'all be out" Dust looked at Killer then at Horror before saying, "Me and Horror are gonna leave tonight to go somewhere, we'll probably be a bit tho."

Killer grinned hearing that they'll be gone today and now only needed to know about Cross and Error. "Thank you!!!" Killer said as he skipped happily to the kitchen. Cross was leaning on the counter and a chocolate bar scrolling on his phone laying no attention to Killer whatsoever. "Hey Cross!" Killer said very loud and quickly startling him also making a 'squeak' sound. Good thing Killer didn't hear it.

"What the hell do you want Killer! You scared the hell out of me!" Cross practically yelling at him. "Jeez sorry I just wanted to know when your going out-." Cross huffed as he got his posterior back to normal. "I'm leaving tonight, I'm gonna meet up with Epic for a bit just to chill." Killer know looked exhilarated as he nodded quickly and then asked him what time.

"I'll leave about 9-ish idk but, when Horror and Dust leave I should be heading out too." Perfect, it was perfect for Killer. They were all gonna be out for the night at the same time and for a long period of time. Just enough to get Nightmare.

5 hours later

No one's POV:

Horror and Dust were getting ready in their rooms while Cross was on a call with Epic. All by Killer patiently waiting for them to leave one by one. After Horror and Dust were done getting ready, they both went downstairs and said goodbye to Killer and Cross before teleporting to their destination. Killer waved goodbye while Cross was ending his call.

"I'm heading out now, see-ya Killer" Killer's head immediately turned over to Cross watching him walk out the front door. Right when everyone left the castle, Killer wanted to make sure that they were gonna stay gone so he waiting another 5 minutes just to make sure.

After the 5 mins were done, Killer had a wide smirk as he got up from the couch and headed to Nightmare's room. He walked slowly keeping his aura down so Nightmare wouldn't immediately notice he's there. He stopped his pace as he stared at Nightmares giant doors that enter his room. He always admired how they looked. Then Killer teleported inside right in front of the door seeing Nightmare at his desk. Killer didn't like that Nightmare was working again not getting a break but it was also good as he is probably tired.

Killer slowly walked to where Nightmare was sitting at and stopped when he was right behind him. Quickly, Killer grabbed Nightmare's arm with one of his arms while he wrapped his other arm around Nightmare's side forcing his arms together. Nightmare yelped as he tried to move but couldn't. He tried to turn his head to see who was behind him but he couldn't see. Killer's raspy chuckle though kinda gave it away.

"What the hell are you doing Killer!" Killer just chuckled more bringing Nightmare even closer to him. "Ohh don't worry boss, just relaaxxx I'll make you feel way better~." Killer started to slowly massaging Nightmare's hips (he has his ecto on). Nightmare bit his lip holding in a moan as it felt good being massaged in that spot.

Killer realized him trying to resist so he put a little more pressure on him. "Come on boss, don't hide your beautiful sounds~." Nightmare whined a little before going back to biting his lip again.

Killer then flipped Nightmare the other direction he was at so know he could see Killer instead of his back. "Aww boss, you get turned on so quickly~." Killer said as he leaned towards him getting closer to his mouth. Nightmare didn't even try to struggle as he was right, he was in his own world from the pleasure he felt seconds ago.

Killer then pressed his lips(?) to Nightmare's and licking his teeth. After Nightmare got what he was doing he obliged so Killer could take dominance. Nightmare then wrapped his arms around Killer's neck trying to deepen the kiss which surprised Killer. "Wow boss, didn't know you were so desperate~." Killer said as he pulled away from the kiss while Nightmare whined a little from the loss of contact.

Killer chuckled again as he started to take Nightmare's and his jacket off. While they he was doing that, they heard a knock on the door. "O-o-open the d-do-door Nigh-Nightmare I n-n-need to tell yo-you somethi-something!" Error said as he waited patiently for him to open up.

Killer panicked as he realized he forgot to ask Error if he was gonna leave or not so he quickly  replied to him while putting on whatever he took of Nightmare and himself. "Oh- u-ummm he's busy right now!" Killer said quickly situating the both of them.

"I'm co-coming I-in." Error said. Once he teleported in he saw something that he wasn't expecting. Nightmare was on the bed sleeping while Killer was standing over him. "U-u-umm Killer wh-what are yo-you doing...?" Killer looked down and saw the position he was in and quickly got away from him while patting his shoulders. "N-nothing! Just making sure Nightmares okay!"

Error gave Killer a weirded out look before shrugging. "If h-he wak-wakes up te-tell him I-I-I need to sh-show him som-something." "Okay!" Killer said quickly as he watched Error leave the room. Killer sighed as he looked at Nightmare smiling a little as his planned worked the not completely.
He never got the fuck him.

1420 words
Im sorry for not posting recently I've just been procrastinating that's all.

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