(My moonlight flower) Swadkill pt2

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⚠️Contains drugs⚠️

Nightmare's POV:

I was started to get really nervous because I didn't know where Killer went. I've looked everywhere for him, but he wasn't there. I was such a fool..., I should've been more nice to him so he wouldn't had reacted like that. I asked other people around but they said that they haven't seen him, I even asked Swad but why would he want Killer? The only reason I was suspicious with Swad is because the day Killer went missing, someone saw Swad with another person in his arms. I tried telling him who it was but he just shook the question off and avoided it. Swad would also stop hanging around with people, almost like if he was hiding something. I just shrugged it off and went to go talk to Dream if he knew anything but he didn't know anything too. I was starting to lose hope until Blue came to me and said that he saw Killer and Swad in the forest but that's all he saw, he didn't see what he did or do. "I knew that fucking bird had to do something with this..."

Killer's POV:

I feel a little numb but I feel more weak, then numb. It was also super warm, the perfect type of warmth. My eyes were still closed and I didn't want to get up from my position..., I was so... comfortable. The thing I hated though was the light shining on my eyes, and the person next to me... THERES SOMEONE NEXT TO ME! I jolted up to see who was next to me and I saw Swad standing over me. He only looked at me and chuckled while picking me up bridal style again. "Nghhhh... wha-what's going on?" I asked kinda tripping on my words.Swad just kept looking at me with that psycho smile still on his face, he just chuckled again and said "Your home now, darling~" I didn't know what he ment by "Your home"..., I didn't know what was going on, was I back at the castle? Why is Swad carrying me? I can't even remember what happened yesterday..., it was all a blur. Swad just took me over to his living room and placed my still numb body on the couch. He went over to the kitchen and started to cook something for me and him. I started to get my body back together and being able to stand up and walk finally but it's still pretty sore. I'm still trying to figure out where I'm at but..., it's really positive in here and it's hard to use my magic so I can't summon anything to attack Swad. It was a couple of minutes later and he said that the food was ready. I stumbled to the dining room and sat down, it was a pretty nice table as it was decorated heavily. Swad gave me the food and sat down across me. As we were both eating he said "how's the food darling~?" I told him that it was good because I'm afraid that if I don't do what he says I have to do, he'll hurt me... He just nodded at me with a smile and continued eating. I hope he's not going to keep me for long...

3rd person/ no one's POV:

After they were done eating Swad picked up their plates while Killer was sitting there pretty scared. Swad noticed him kinda shaking a little because of how scared he was and Swad knew how emotional or sensitive Killer can be. Swad went up to Killer and told him to "follow me." As Killer sat up from his seat still visible shaking, he followed Swad as he was told. They kept walking through the big castle and Killer got an uneasy feeling the whole time while going through each hallway. When they finally arrived at their destination there were two big wooden doors in front of them. Swad opened the door and went inside with Killer, it was a big library. Killer really doesn't like reading but the amount of books there was kinda absurd and he would rather read than be with Swad. "You can stay here for awhile if you want to calm down." Swad said to Killer as he saw him calm down. "Th-thank you..." Killer said as he walked a little up then heard the doors close. He looked behind him and saw that Swad was gone which made Killer calm down a little. Killer started to look around the library and saw how beautiful it was. He picked out a book that sounded interesting and sat down on a chair to read it. "I hope Swad doesn't disturb or sneak up on me, I'm already in a lot of stress." Killer thought to himself while still reading the book.

Nightmare's POV:

I was able to get the Star Shits(Star sances) to help get Killer back from Swad because they know that we are enemies but the stuff Swad can do to Killer would be crucial to even think about. We were all talking about how to maybe trick Swad or distract him to get Killer back but it would have to be a really good plan and not go wrong because Swad is way stronger then all of us and could easily kill us with his strong aura if he wanted to. Dust wasn't gonna help us because of what happened but Horror did as he was forced to do it with Dust and he really wanted Killer back. Blue was really concerned the whole time because of what was happening while Dream was kinda stressed out. I was really anxious the whole time because I just want Killer back and I don't want anything bad to happen to him. We were all still thinking about a plan and some people would share theirs but it would usually be bad because someone always dies at the end. I had no idea what to do anymore until Ink actually had a good idea. "Hey! Why don't a couple of us distract Swad then a couple of us sneak in and get Killer!" Ink said. "It's a pretty good plan but who was going to distract him and who was going to get Killer?" Cross asked while having a spark of hope in his eyes. Ink then explained how only 2 people here know Swad's castle pretty well so one person who he likes the most will go with the group distracting him, while the other group will have someone who knows the place. "I guess will have to go with that."

Swad's POV:

I left Killer alone for a bit so he could calm down because the more his negativity is shown the easier it would be for the others to find him. I don't want them taking my darling away from me he's just too cute! It was almost nighttime so I was going to get Killer soon because I don't want him in there forever. It was now 12:39 AM and I was starting to get tired so I went over to go get Killer. I opened the door to the library and thought that Killer would hear me but he didn't so I decided to just go up to him. I teleported behind him and started to slowly walk up to him. "Hello darling, it's time to put the book down and go to bed!" I think I scared him because he flinched again like he did when I met him in the forest. "Oh...ok." Killer said to me pretty low, like if he was mumbling. He got up from his seat and walked with me to his bedroom. I had a guest bedroom for him so he wouldn't be uncomfortable. I lead him to the room and it looked like mine a little just a bit smaller. "Get some rest darling, I don't want you being exhausted~" I said to him before leaving the room. I'm surprised he hasn't disobeyed me yet but he should be glad he didn't.

Killer's POV:

After Swad left me in the room, I wasn't tired at all and I had insomnia so that made it worst. I hope he doesn't realize that I didn't get any sleep because there is no way I am sleeping in this state. Especially when I found him just staring at me when I woke up..., he's such a creep. I sat on the bed hoping that I would sleep but I didn't. I have to make sure I don't make it obvious in the morning.

3rd person/ no one's POV:

When it was morning Killer was still wide awake but tired now and it was to late to sleep because Swad was already awake. Killer went out of the room and tried his best to not make it obvious that he's tired the only thing that he could see tho was the dark circles(?) under his eyes. "Good morning darling, did you sleep well~" Swad said to Killer as he was making breakfast. It took Killer a second to process what he said but then said yes, that was an pretty obvious sign that he didn't. Swad then ask him a question but Killer just replied with random words but when Killer realized what he said, he tried telling Swad that it was nothing but now Swad clearly knew that Killer got 0 sleep. After breakfast Swad was hanging around with Killer who was trying not to fall asleep. They hanged out for a while until Swad knew that it was a good time to cook dinner. As Swad was making dinner, Killer got an energetic wave go through him and wasn't tired any more but that means he wouldn't be able to sleep again. Swad was done cooking dinner and then saw how Killer was energized so he put something in his food. Swad told Killer that food was ready and Killer didn't notice the powder that was put in his so Killer still ate. "Was is good darling?" Swad seeing the effects of the drug start to go on Killer. Killer felt so tired when he was done eating and didn't know why. His limbs starting going numb again and when he stood up he almost fell but was able to keep his balance. Swad saw this and started to chuckle to himself then walked up to Killer and held him bridal style. Killer was starting to struggle again to try to get out of the position but then Swad raised his positive aura so he can weaken Killer. Swad then took Killer to his room so he can monitor him and be right next to him. When Swad took Killer to his room, he placed Killer on his bed who was already almost asleep. Swad than laid down next to him and wrapped his wings around Killer which made him even more weak. "Rest well, darling~" Swad said to Killer as he passed out from the positivity. "You know, I might use this stuff on Killer more often now."
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