(Past self) Killer x Nightmare

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( no warnings, just a little angst and a lot of fluff!)

Killer's POV

I was sitting in the living room doing random stuff on my phone until Dust started to talk to me. "Hey kills, your bored right?" "Yes, why are you asking?" I said to Dust as he started to smirk. "Wanna pull a little prank on boss?" I looked at him then looked on the ground thinking if I should because what is he gonna do, kill me? I agreed with him and he started to talk about how he wanted to.

After me and Dust got the bucket of water ready we placed it on top of the door that enters in the kitchen. Are plan was that we are gonna call Nightmare in the kitchen and when he opens the door the bucket will fall on him but it shouldn't really do anything serious to him, it should ether melt him a little or add even more goo to him but it'll still be funny both ways. After Dust called Nightmare if he could go in the kitchen we just waited for him to see what happens.

Nightmare finally came and we couldn't wait to see his reaction. "Dust what did you me-ARHHHHH!" Nightmare yelled as the water hit him. We got kinda concerned when he yelled so we went were the area was and saw all his goop on the floor and there was something in the middle of all of it. "Boss...?" I called out to him but he immediately jolted of really fast. Dust was about to chase after him but I stopped him before he could start running after him and told him that I was gonna see what happened.

3rd person/no one's POV:

Nightmare started to run to his room hoping that no one saw him. He keep running until he heard Killer say "Boss wait!" but he didn't care he just kept running. Once he got in his room he slammed the door as fast as he could and locked it while hiding somewhere. He hid in the outside of a corner next to a dresser while he heard Killer knocking on his door asking if he could open it. Nightmare just began to start crying hoping that Killer would leave or he could just disappear.

After a couple of minutes of asking if he could get in, he finally remembered that he could teleport. He teleported inside his room started to look around. He heard small sniffling somewhere so he started to walk in that direction. It didn't take Killer long to find Nightmare who was terrified and tried to hide himself from Killer as much as he could. "Nightmare..?" Nightmare immediately jolted his head up and tried to run away from Killer but was immediately caught and pulled to him pressing his arms together. "Hey hey hey, don't try to run Nightmare it's alright I won't hurt you." Killer said trying to calm him down. "No you w-won't! Th-that's what they a-all say!" Nightmare said crying even harder struggling to get out of Killer's grip.

"It's alright I'm not the others so you can tell me why your so scared right now." "I'm sc-scared because you-you'll leave me after seeing me we-weak and fra-fragile!" Nightmare said as his voice kept shaking and he kept crying. "Shhhh, it's alright Nightmare I won't leave you. Your perfect even in your passive form." "R-really?" Nightmare said to Killer while crying a little less. "Yes really, I would never hurt you." Killer said to him as he started to slowing pet his head. Nightmare leaned into the touch and started to calm down. Killer started to whisper nothings to him and how much he loves him no matter what. Killer stopped petting his head and started rubbing circles on his back still trying to calm him down.

After a while of comforting Nightmare he finally fell asleep in Killer's hold. Once Killer noticed he was asleep, he slowly picked him bridal style and started to walk out the room. He wanted to see if the others knew what this "new form" was. When Killer arrived in the living room where the others were waiting because Dust told them about it. "Hey! Is boss o...k. Killer who is that." Dust said after he realized he had someone in his hold. "This is boss. He goop melted off or something and became this." Killer then looked at the others who were astonished on what he became.

"I don't know if he'll stay like this... we should probably let him rest and see if it comes back but when he wakes up. Don't say a word about this, and if he ask say you don't know about it, okay?" Killer said to all of them who nodded in agreement. "Why can't we say anything no about it?" Cross said to Killer while others agreed with him. "Because when I was trying to calm him down, he was saying that he doesn't want anyone to see him like this because he was 'weak' and 'fragile' so it would be best if we just don't talk about it." They all agreed again and Killer started to take him back to his room.

Once Killer got there he laid him in his bed and he started to notice a little bit of his goop was seeking out his eye so he should turn back to normal soon. Killer thought he was kinda cute in this form but he had to make sure he turns back so they can still keep the balance. "Hopefully he doesn't find out."
950 words
Sorry this was a short one but I did this during vacation so I didn't have much time but hope y'all enjoyed it!

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