(Night cuddles) Lamia!Killer x Passive!Nightmare☁️

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⚠️ !! Snake/lamia and hypnosis!! ⚠️

(❗️❗️This story will have topics that aren't cannon to lamias this is just for the story purpose if anyone finds that triggering❗️❗️)

Dom- lamia!Killer

Sub- Passive!Nightmare

No one's / 3rd person POV:

Nightmare was sitting underneath the tree of feelings, trying to relax as his injuries were all fresh. It stung a little but it wasn't as bad as it used to be other days. There was only a couple of cuts that had fresh of blood and a couple a bruises that should heal in a couple of days. He got quite bored and just wanted to pass time so he got the nearest book from arms reach and was surprised to pick one up he hasn't read in a while. It was about different monsters from around the multiverse which interest Nightmare.

Nightmare's POV:

I was quite bored as no one was really with me and when I mean no one I mean my brother-. I just grabbed the closest book to me and started to read it because I haven't read it in a while. Yes, I've read almost all of my books already so at this point I'm just rereading them since they're all interesting. I picked one up about different creatures and monsters which I find interesting. I've read most of the book but not the whole thing as I got quite bored with the last ones. I flipped through the pages slowly trying to find a new one or one that I would like to re-read again. As I got near the the last pages, I was planning to just close the book and pick a different one until I found a chapter that interest me. "Lamias..." I whisper to myself seeing the drawn sketch of them. It was a human like snake creature which Nightmare thought they looked okay. I skipped through some of the pages and saw the next chapter that again, was about lamias but this time, it was skeletal lamias. Now this, I found interesting. I read about them, their descriptions about having elegant, silky and soft ecto scales that would please a monster with just a touch. Smiling, just imagining how it would feel. Their hostility though kinda made me like them more. They fend for themselves even being describe amazingly comfortable. Only problem is though they also would stalk on their prey to kill on sight. I read up on their powers on a different page, they seemed quite interesting but I didn't find them really cool. 'Hypnosis...' I thought to himself as that's one of their main powers they had that people had worried about. I didn't know how to feel about that topic, not feeling your true self and having no control... I didn't even know how it feels. I kept reading as I heard rustling in the nearby forest. It did startle me but I shouldn't really be worried as it's probably just an animal. I glanced over the tree looking at the giant forest behind me almost near the tree and saw something for a spilt second before disappearing. I saw something bright red, kinda big too but I couldn't tell. This kinda startled me as I didn't expect to see that. I shook my head thinking that I was hallucinating for a second and didn't want that to get in my mind. I looked down at my book with a stern face until I heard someone's footsteps rapidly approaching.I looked up to see Dream running happily towards me happy to see me again after the day. I smiled to myself seeing how someone was still happy seeing me.

Nobody's / 3rd persons POV:

Dream went up to Nightmare happily but immediately got worried seeing the injuries. "Oh my goodness Nightmare! Are you okay?" Dream said hurriedly running up to his brother kneeling down to see his injuries more clearly. Nightmare just chuckled seeing how worried his brother was but he did have to lie because he doesn't want to think everyone hurts him and he wouldn't have any friends. "Don't worry Dream, I just wasn't careful when playing in the forest again," Nightmare looked down a little "sorry brother." He said with a smirk. Dream's worried face became to a relieved one. He was still quite mad tho now seeing how he wasn't careful again but of course, he definitely, immediately, forgave him. "Brother..., you need to be more careful I don't want your injuries getting worse, okay?" Dream said softly touching the cuts making sure not to hurt him. "Okay." Nightmare said softly to Dream as he let Dream check him all he wanted. It was getting quite dark out, the sun was slowly going down as the moon was now rising making a beautiful sunset. Dream yawned softly as he was quite tired from playing with the villagers all day. Nightmare saw this and just wanted the best for his brother. "I'll be fine brother," Nightmare said, brushing Dream's hand away from him a little. "just get some sleep, okay? It's getting dark soon." Dream heard his brother clear and just softly said 'okay'. Nightmare got the banner hanging from the tree and placed it on Dream as Dream laid down next to his brother. Nightmare was still sitting up right leaning on the tree as Dream started to doze off feeling safe that his brother was right next to him. It was now almost completely dark as only one part of the sky had a bit of light in it. A couple of minutes passed and the sky had turn into the beautiful night with the stars shining in the sky brightly. As Dream slept, Nightmare heard some ruffling in the forest again. He was still awake only hearing the quiet crickets and bugs making their magnificent sounds in the forest. He looked back where the forest was again cautiously. He looked down at his brother and didn't want to leave him but he was just curious. He knew that it was really dumb to go and explore a mysterious sound at night in the woods but he had nothing better to do as he wasn't really tired at all. He slowly got up making sure not to disturb Dream. He waited a couple of seconds seeing if Dream would wake up which he didn't so he started making his way to the forest. It didn't take long to get there only taking like a minute or 2 to get there. He remembered the red thing he saw and wondered if it was still there or if it was even real. He looked around as he was in the entrance of the forest and saw the red appearance again. It of course, immediately left in a second but now Nightmare was certain that he wasn't seeing things. He slowly walked over to where he saw it getting deeper into the forest. He would occasionally see the red thing so he kept trying to get closer but was really only getting farther from the tree. He looked around again as he didn't see it again for a little second and thought that he was seeing things. He turned back and was about to began walking until he heard a twig snap behind him.

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