(Kidnapped by the docter) Baggs x Killer

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⚠️This will contain Kidnapping, hypnosis⚠️

(‼️I don't know much about megalosnia!Sans but I tried my research and if you want to know about the character more before reading or later their creator is megalommi on Tumblr‼️)

Killer's POV:

I had just finished a pretty hard mission so I was tried ass fuck. I wanted some alone time though from everyone since I had a massive headache that was killing me. I quickly told my boss I would go out for a night walk to clear my head so he doesn't have one of the other weirdos looking for me.

The second I left the place I sighed and decided to teleport to a random Au I found calming and peaceful. I would usually go here to relax and keep my mind together and not go crazy. It was quite beautiful as the nature and foliage almost seemed to sparkle and glow, and the sounds of nature was the only thing you could hear day and night. I assumed it was an abandon Au because of how eerily quiet it was but I liked it that way. I went to my usual spot which was near a small waterfall that would gently flow and send small ripples of water instead of fast and overwhelming.

I sighed as I closed my eyes trying to at least take a nap because every time I tried to get a minute of sleep there it wouldn't last long by either my coworkers or another mission. It felt hard to sleep though because of the many times I didn't sleep so it almost felt natural not to. Even tho I feel like shit each day. I was only there for a couple of minutes before hearing some rustling and footsteps coming closer.

Baggs' POV:

I was in my lab just working on some stuff that was very easy and could have been finished tomorrow in a few minutes. Meaning I had some time in my hands to do whatever I pleased which was not often for me. A portal opened somewhere random in my room and I looked at it not surprised since sometimes a Sans or other monster would creator a portal by accident. I wanted to have a little adventure tho so I walked up to the portal and went in.

It closed behind me once I came in and when I first looked around I didn't see anyone. Only a calm forest that seemed too quiet to have anyone in it. I walked around for awhile seeming to almost give up on finding anyone till I walked over near a waterfall and bingo, I saw the first living soul there. They seemed like a Sans but more edgy almost. Like their jacket was a bit torn and dirty from dirt and what seemed like blood. It looked like they were distracted so I made my way over to them but seemed like they noticed me whenever I got close.

No one's/ 3rd person POV:

Killer looked up when he heard something rustling and getting closer to him only to see what seemed like another Sans. He immediately backed up from them and stood from his spot in almost a defensive position bringing out my knife. The mysterious Sans put their hands up in a surrender type way as he chuckled. His chuckle to Killer sounded so soothing for some reason but he wasn't gonna let this dude do anything just because of a sound.

Baggs' POV:

I saw the Sans get up quickly and bring out a weapon threatening me to not come closer. I raised my hands mockingly in a surrender type way because they seemed very interesting and I didn't want to scare them off. Their eyes were blacked out almost as there was black goo coming from them which was quite strange. And the thing that caught my attention the most was their target like soul floating above his chest all open and vulnerable.

"I promise I'm no danger to you... besides what bad would I do to someone who looks quite strong.." I said as I wanted to get him to be comfortable around me let alone trust me. They seemed to buy it as they slowly lowered their knife but definitely kept it in their hands making sure I didn't do anything weird yet.

Killer's POV:

I heard the strange dude talk and even his voice sounded so smoothing and... hypnotic... but that can't be something to loose my guard too. I lowered my arms but made sure that I could still attack this dude quickly without any troubles if he tried anything. I saw him almost analyzing me as it was obvious with his bright magenta eye looking at me up and down. And the way he was eyeing my soul just made me feel a bit uncomfortable. He lowered his arms and put them behind his back as he walked closer to me and I was able to see him clearly now. He was definitely a Sans but they almost looked like a scientist or some weird shit. They were only a bit taller than me, by only 2 inches it seemed. They had a unnerving calm smile that just sent shivers up my spine as they seemed definitely strange.

In a sudden movement they were right in front of me almost whispering to me now. Their whispers were like mocking and teases making me quite pissed. I backed away from the dude about to tell him what was his problem until I saw what almost seemed like translucent magenta hands try and grab my arms.

No one's/ 3rd person's POV:

Killer saw the translucent hands try to grab onto him which immediately made him freak out. He summoned some of his knife and aimed them at Baggs trying to attack him and also get the grip of the ghostly like hands off him. Baggs only dodged his attacks as he would get closer and closer to Killer. Killer would teleport away from Baggs but wasn't able to even go far and was only able to confuse him which it only did by a little. The hands seemed to try and pin Killer's arms together which he wouldn't let happen even tho he seemed to slowly lose that battle.

Baggs only chuckled as he used his magic to grabbed Killer's soul and pull him closer to himself. Killer let out a surprised yelp as he saw what Baggs was doing and that distracted him making the ghostly hands pin his arms together. Baggs left eye seemed to overwhelmingly glow a magenta and cyan color as it would spiral aggressively and quickly. Killer let out a pained yell from his soul getting manhandled and changed as itself started to change to the same overwhelming spirals of magenta and cyan. The overwhelming spirals almost taking over his vision as everything started to blur and he started to lose his since of mind. His head hurt like hell still and he couldn't focus on anything at the moment from the overwhelming spirals and colors and the pain in his head. Killer almost collapsed as everything was happening so suddenly until he felt a bit more calm and the colors and spirals seemed to calm down too. Baggs approached Killer as he held his waist supporting him so he wouldn't tumble or fall. One of the translucent hands appeared and grabbed Killer's chin gently making him look up at Baggs. His eye was much calmer now as it gently spun and the colors weren't as overwhelming. "There we go~... just relax and give in to the pretty colors and spirals~.. nothing else matters except me~" Baggs said as he brought Killer closer making him stare into his eyes even deeper. Killer's eyes had already changed to the same effect Baggs had on his eye to hypnotize Killer and his eyes had slowly fell a bit making them half lidded. "Soo... pretty..." Killer said with his words a bit slurred. He started to smile as the hypnosis was now calming and relaxing instead of overwhelming and painful. His headache seemed to magically go away once it got more calmer so he felt no pain at all now. Baggs chuckled softly at Killer's slurred voice and how cute he sounded. His smile looked adorable and he seemed so happy now. Killer's soul slowly changed to a upside down heart and it still bloomed the same magenta and cyan colors in a steady pace. "There you go, good boy~" Baggs said in a calm and soothing tone as he rubbed the top of Killer's head which Killer happily leaned into. Killer looked tired from the start when Baggs found him which was the main reason why he was even doing this. "You're so tired and sleepy aren't you? Using that little strength you had against me... having no use at all as you belong in my hold and in a nice comfortable trance~..."

Killer's legs gave on him so Baggs was mostly supporting him now which made him laugh a bit he gently picked Killer up in a bridal style making sure the hands keeping his arms together would have a nice and comfortable grip on him. Killer leaned against his chest a bit feeling warm and comfortable even from just being near Baggs. "Your feeling tired aren't you, sweetheart? You should fall asleep... and feel the hypnosis guid you to a comfortable and relaxing state..." Baggs said as he saw Killer obliged and slowly close his eyes. In a matter of time Killer was fast asleep in his hold, limp but to Baggs Killer felt really light. Killer still had a big smile on his face as he slept peacefully in Baggs hold not even knowing he got hypnotized and was now asleep in this state. Baggs opened a portal back to his lab and walked in there with Killer still in his hold, closing it when he was fully in. Now, leaving the forest which used to have one person there now only having non. And totally silent.
1686 words
Okay this was very rushed and probably confusing to read but I would love to know how y'all think of this story!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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