(Dirty secrets) S!Blue x D!Killer 🍋

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( XILLIAZ requested this and I am aware that they requested this 6 months ago- and probably won't want this request anymore- but let's not think about that and I hope you enjoy!)

⚠️ Contains: S3x, foul language, and mentions of S3x.⚠️

Bottom Swap
Top Killer

Nobody's/3rd POV:

The Bad Sanses had a mission today including just raiding an Au that was almost completely abandoned but some people still remain. Killer and Cross were the ones doing this mission which was pretty alright as the Au was already almost gone so it'll be an easy job.

Once Killer and Cross arrived they assigned each other jobs to do so they could get this done quicker. Killer had to find materials and goods while Cross just had to eliminate the remainder of monsters living there. They thought this missions was gonna go smooth not thinking anyone was there to bother them... they were so wrong it's not even funny.

Ink's POV:

Soo I'm really excited right now because we're gonna save an Au that's like on its last limp on survival! I got to go with Blue just for some extra help because I couldn't just imagine the poor souls remaining here living in such a rumble filled environment that would easily be destroyed.

When me and Blue were reading, we headed out to the Au and arrived in no time. The Au looked so destroyed and sad... that's why we're here to make it happy! Apparently, the Sans in this Au was killed and the Asgor too! Well a lot of them are dead so I have to recreate the code. Blue is here to help the others who are hurt so I don't have to worry and get distracted. "Imma go now Ink! I'll come back to you if anything happens" Blue said as he started walking away. "Alright! See yea!" I yelled to him.

'This mission should go smoothly'

Blue's POV:

I walked gleefully as I was on the look out for any injured monsters or humans. I decided to look in the most obvious place where the most people might be at so that was Snowdin. I was walking through the forest as I was trying to find my location but I felt a weird sensation... almost like I was being watched. I looked around my surroundings and saw no one or nothing suspicious so I tried to shrug it off and keep walking.

I did make it safely to Snowdin and started to look around but to my surprise no one was there right now. I was slowly walking down the road of some old destroyed buildings as I wanted to make sure that there was anyone there. I heard a thump in a near by ally and was kinda surprised a little but then got myself together and slowly walked down to the dark ally.

I went near the opening of the ally and saw no one there so far so I had to go in a little further to see. As I was walking down the ally I saw a silhouette there but then it immediately disappeared. As I walked a little further down I felt something grab my arm and pull me to them...

No one's/ 3rd POV:

Someone grabbed Blue and pulled him into the corner covering his mouth so he wouldn't speak. Blue could hear a low chuckle as he struggled to get out the mystery persons grip. Blue kept struggling but then saw a reddish circle soul...

"Don't keep struggling darling...~" Killer said as he stopped covering Blue's mouth but kept him in a tight hold. "K-Killer!? What are you-!? Do..mhmm.." Blue let out a muffled moan a little as Killer was messaging his hip bone a little as almost he was trying to arouse Blue. Blue was blushing a little as it felt really good and Killer snickered to himself as he saw this.

"You know you want this Blue~" "Your not even resisting right now and you could easily fight me off can't you?~" Killer said as he kept giving Blue a little bit of pleasure almost like if he was preparing Blue.... "I-... well..." Blue hesitated with his words as he would love to be with Killer right now but he's the enemy... he doesn't even know him that much. Killer smiled a little as he chuckled again. "If your alright with it then summon me something...~" Killer said as he kept giving loving touches to Blue.

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