(Night cuddles) Lamia!Killer x passive!Nightmare pt2

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⚠️PTSD, hallucinations⚠️

(Sorry just had to make a part 2 been thinking about it all day-also if y'all want to get to the comfort part your either gonna have to skip or read a lot sorry-)

(‼️Events from this story aren't cannon or anything real that a lamia does this is only for the story if it's triggering to some‼️)

Dom: lamia!Killer

Sub: passive!Nightmare

No one's/ third person POV:

After Killer (the lamia I'm just gonna start calling him Killer sometimes) left Nightmare with Dream, it was only 1 or 2 hours until Nightmare to wake up. Nightmare slowly opened his eyes as a strong breeze woke him up. He groaned and softly grabbed his head with one hand trying to stable it because of how tired he was. It only took a couple of seconds for Nightmare to gain full consciousness and start to remember what had happened. His eyes opened wide and he started to look around panicked. He patted himself and look at his arms and hands, then looking around his surroundings. He saw Dream still sleeping peacefully and started to calm down a little. He took a couple of breaths before starting to try to remember everything.

Nightmare's POV:

I started to take slow and deep breaths trying to calm myself down after I woke up. I tried to remember what had happened last night and started to rethink the whole situation. I first went into the forest..., then I saw the lamia..., I remember trying to run but then it caught me.... It took me somewhere then I saw their eyes glowing red and then... oh, I can't remember the rest. Did it really hypnotize me? If so how am I even alive? What did it even do to me!? I looked over to Dream again and it looked like he was slowly starting to wake up himself. I calmed down fully now just trying to think on what that.. 'thing' could've done to me. I'm positive it wasn't a dream... or was it? I don't think it was... I usually don't sleep at night so why would that night be special. Also, I would've known that I had a dream. As I was in deep thought I heard soft yawning and saw that Dream was finally awake.

No ones/ third person POV:

Dream woke up while yawning softly seeing Nightmare awake too. "Morning brother, did you sleep this night...?" Dream said tiredly while rubbing his eyes(?). Nightmare looked at his brother and smiled softly knowing that his brother wasn't an illusion after one of the theories he thought. "Yea, I did and I feel pretty refreshed." Nightmare said after looking away from Dream to stare at the sky that had a blue and orange tint to it. Dream beamed in joy but kept most of his excitement in after hearing that his brother finally slept this night. He was really happy that he slept but then wondered how and why. He didn't look or act that tired yesterday and he said he felt refreshed which meant he slept for the whole night and not for just 2 or 1 hour. He decided not to think about it and just be happy that his brother finally fell asleep for once in a while. Nightmare got up and told Dream that he was gonna go get something before most of the villagers woke up because they didn't really like him. Dream only nodded, waiting for him to leave. Once Nightmare left, he saw the book Nightmare was reading yesterday opened so he picked it up and scrolled through the pages. He didn't understand a single thing in the book only really looking at the pictures of what the book was. He stopped at a book marked page and saw a picture with a skeleton head and torso with the body being of a snake-like ecto. He thought that the picture looked pretty for them. He wondered why his brother would pick this part of the book than any others because he can tell that this chapter was his favorite being because it was the one saved. He kept observing the book until he heard Nightmare coming back. When Nightmare got back he saw his brother looking at his book of monsters. He sat down next to him observing on what his brother was trying to do. "Brother, why is this part of the book marked? Is it your favorite?" Dream asked with a curious tone. Nightmare panicked just slightly but then calmed down again knowing that his brother was just asking a simple question. "Yea, I just thought they were interesting that's all." Nightmare simply replied with as he carefully took the book away from Dream just too look at it before putting it down. Dream smiled again happy to know that Nightmare likes something different but the only weird thing is that it's a weird snake looking creature. Dream started to dust off the banner he was using as a blanket and hung it back on the tree. Nightmare closed his eyes while leaning back on the tree feeling quite, relaxed. He was kinda surprised that he felt like this, his injuries didn't even sting. He wondered if the lamia did this. Because he wasn't more hurt or damaged, he was mainly more rested. Dream told Nightmare that he would go near the pond to go hang out there so if he wanted to meet with him he could. When Dream left, Nightmare just got comfortable again still thinking on what could have happened or even why he felt like this. Nightmare would start to hear more birds chirping and some voices from he distance dedicating that some of the villagers were awake. Nightmare only sighed hoping they kinda just forgot about him so he could have some alone time or be with his brother. Nightmare decided to go where his brother was probably waiting for him or just playing. He had to go through the forest again but he should be fine since it was the morning which meant that there was more people to see the lamia. He was still cautious though. He went inside of the thick jungle only knowing he had to walk only for a couple of minutes which wasn't bad if he walked faster to speed things up. He still heard every little animal and bug making their own noises which was a good sign, no predators were there but he did feel like he was being watched. He picked up the pace looking back occasionally making sure he wasn't being followed. He was panicking a little but then eventually made it to the pond where he saw his brother sitting. All of those thoughts just left Nightmare's mind as he softly smiled at him and walked over to where he was sitting. He also started to not feel watched anymore and was glad to know that. He sat next to Dream and said 'hi' causing Dream to flinch a little but then beam in joy when he saw his brother. "Hey brother! I'm so glad you came, I was getting lonely!" Dream said hugging his brother so suddenly but Nightmare was used to it. "The villagers are up so if you want to go with them instead you can, I don't mind." Nightmare said with a reassuring smile which only made Dreams smile fade only making a confused face. "Why would I leave them for my dear brother? I would rather hang out with you!" He said smiling again while standing up taking Nightmare's hand making him stand up with him. Dream then started to walk near the corner of the pond where the water nearly hit him. He motioned Nightmare to come sit with him which Nightmare did as he wants to make him brother happy. Dream got two nearby stones and gave one to his brother keeping one for himself. He then throw the rock in the pond making it skid across the water pretty far until it sank. He motioned Nightmare to try which he did but he was able to make it go father than Dream's. Dream started to clap seeing how Nightmare was able to do it better than him. "Great job brother! I didn't know you were good at that!" Dream said still having a beaming smile. Nightmare only chuckled hearing his brother's compliments for something small. Dream started looking around which Nightmare noticed but he usually would do this when Dream was trying to find something else to do as he has troubles doing one thing at a time. Nightmare saw some fish in the water that looked beautiful, different variety too. He tapped his brother on the shoulder getting his attention. "Hey, we can look at the fish, they look quite beautiful today don't you think?" Nightmare pointed at them which Dream looked immediately only to see his brother was right. The fish almost glimmered in the sun with their shiny scales and the reflection of the water. Dream immediately got closer to the water as he got on his knees to get a closer look, his pants getting a little wet from the water softly moving towards and backwards from the shore. Nightmare didn't like being messy but he didn't mind so he got to where his brother was but instead got mostly his sleeves and shoes wet. Dream pointed at a fish slightly bouncing in excitement trying to ask his brother what fish it was. Nightmare noticed this and saw which fish he was pointing at and was kinda surprised to see how big it was. "That's a Catfish, brother. They're quite big." Nightmare said to his brother but it already seemed like Dream was paying more close attention to it. "Is it called that because of the whiskers it has?" Dream said pointing it out while looking at his brother again waiting for a response. "I guess you can say that, it's quite funny if you think about it" Nightmare said as his brother immediately started looking back at the pond pointing out more fish for him to name or to explain. Nightmare had no problem answering his questions, he knew everything about them. After a couple of minutes teaching Dream about fish, Dream got up nudging his brother too. "Catch me if your fast enough!" Dream said immediately dashing off somewhere Asgor knows where. Nightmare wasn't even done getting up before Dream dashed off giving him a heads up before Nightmare. "Hey! Come back!"

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