(Please, sleep) Killer x Nightmare ☁️

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⚠️contains attempts to take drugs and insomnia⚠️

Killer's POV:

I'm so tired but I can't sleep. This is the 4th time this has happened in a row. I've tried sleeping pills and stuff but non of it would work. Is my insomnia that bad? I looked at the time and saw that it was 2:46AM. I sighed and got up from my laying position on the bed to go get some water because my throat is like, hella dry. I teleported to the kitchen because if I walked I probably would make a lot of noise so I'm not going to risk it. I got a cup from the cabinet and went to the sink to get some water until I saw the light turn on. I jolted my head up to see who it was. It was just Dust. "Heya Dust." "Hi Killer, why are you up right now it's 2:50AM" he said to me while rubbing his eyes(?). "I-I'm just getting water!... my throat is just a little dry..., yea." I told him kinda panicking because I didn't want him to know I haven't been sleeping for awhile. Dust just looked at me confusingly then shrugging to himself while walking away. I sighed as I also went back to my room with my water. This is going to be another long night...

Dust's POV:

As I was sleeping I heard someone in the kitchen which woke me up. I was really annoyed that I was kinda like right next to the kitchen so I could hear everything that goes on in there. I groaned as I got up from my bed and starting walking towards my door. When I was out of my room I started my way to the kitchen and saw a shadowy figure there. I couldn't see who it was so I turned on the light, praying that it wasn't Nightmare. When I turned on the light I saw Killer who jolted up when I turned on the light. I was really confused why he was up right now and he just greeted me. "Hi Killer, why are you up right now it's 2:50AM." I asked him tiredly but he just started to stutter while telling me he was just getting some water. I just looked at him confusingly and shrugged it of while going back to my room. I didn't want to talk to him anymore because I am tired as hell. Once I got to my room I thought to myself. I've been seeing Killer up at such late times. Is he getting any sleep or something? I'll just tell boss what I've seen so he can deal with it.

4 hours later

Nightmare's POV:

I woke up at 6:00AM to the sound of yelling and banging. My dumb gang always gets up early because of Killer. He is the first one to always be awake. I got up groaning because I usually wake up at 7:00AM so I'm really tired right now. I walked to my closet to get a change of clothes which were the same from yesterday and headed out the door. I walked down the hallway hearing the noises getting even louder. Once I made my way to the living room I saw Cross and Killer fighting again over chocolate and Horror, and Dust, we're just watching them together. "What the hell are they doing." I asked Dust as I sat right next to him. "They're arguing about who's chocolate is who's again and then Killer took both so they are fighting"  Dust said as he looked at me. I just sighed and muttered to myself because they fight almost every morning, it's a miracle if they don't fight. Dust kept laughing to himself until he stopped and got my attention. "Hey boss" "Yes?" "I've got to tell you something" Dust said time now looking kinda worried. I asked him what and then he started to act a little serious. "I'm kinda concerned for Killer because I've seen him up at night at like 3:00AM doing something for the last 4 days, I think he's getting no sleep. Just wanted you to know." Dust told me before he looked back at the fighting mess. I just looked at him kinda concerned and then looked back at Killer and examined him. I saw that he was less energetic as he usually would be and he had dark circles under his eyes(?). I started to get concerned myself and decided to do something about it at night.

3rd person/ no one's POV:

Killer was super tired the whole day but made sure not to make it visible. He thought no one knew but the only person who did was Nightmare. He would check Killer hourly to see how he was doing and saw him weakly moving around on how limp he felt. Nightmare was really concerned for Killer and thought of going to his room to check on him at 2:30AM to see if he was awake. If Killer was awake, then Nightmare would catch on that he has insomnia. As the day pasted on, Killer got an energetic wave in him so he wasn't tired anymore. He hated when that would happen because he knows that he wasn't going to sleep that night again. Everyone was starting to get tired so they all went to bed except Nightmare and Killer. Killer again, couldn't sleep so he started to just walk around his room trying to find something to do but couldn't find anything so he just sat next to his bed and stared at the wall. He would usually do this when there would be nothing to do but this time he forgot to turn of the lights. Nightmare looked at the time and saw that it was pretty late so he went over to Killer's room. When he got there he saw his light on and probably guessed that he was awake. I slowly opened his door just in case he was sleeping but instead I saw him sitting on the floor staring at the wall. "B-boss?" He said as he noticed him walking in the room. Killer started to panic because his boss just caught him and now had to think of an explanation so he doesn't get in trouble for not sleeping. When Nightmare was fully in his room and closed his door and asked "Killer why are you up so late." Killer started to panic and said "I-I just h-had a bad d-dream so I woke up...!" Killer said in a panic hoping that Nightmare believed him. He didn't. Nightmare sighed as he walk up to Killer and sat down next to him. "Killer, I know you aren't sleeping. I know you have insomnia but you still have to at least try to sleep." Nightmare told Killer who was looking down in shame. "I-I know boss but it's jus-" Killer was cut of with Nightmare hugging him. "What are you doing boss?!"  Killer said surprisingly after he was cut of. "Making you sleep obviously" Nightmare said to Killer sounding kinda tired. "I-I don't need.... sleep..." Killer said as he actually started to feel tired. He felt Nightmare's tentacles starting to wrap around his waist to his chest. Killer was starting to fall asleep a little as the warmth from Nightmare felt amazing and he was so comfortable, he's never felt like this before. He started to give in to Nightmares touch as his tentacles were around his body. Nightmare kept hugging Killer as he was whispering nothings to him like "it's ok", "you don't have to struggle", and "it's ok to sleep." Nightmare kept doing these things to Killer which worker really well as it made Killer really tired. Killer was trying to not sleep but he just gave up and started to doze of. When Nightmare noticed that Killer was finally asleep in his hold, he was starting to feel tired himself so he started to cuddle next to Killer as he didn't want to wake him up. He heard Killer purr a little as he felt the tentacles shift a little. Nightmare started to doze off to and they both sleep on the floor together meanwhile Dust, Horror, and Cross where taking blackmail pictures of them sleeping.
1400 words
I love this story so much because this is my favorite ship♥️♥️ also I'll be posting pt 4 for "my moonlight flower" soon.

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