(My Moonlight flower) Swadkill pt4

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⚠️contains breaking in, mentions of s3x, Drugs, and foul language⚠️

Killer's POV:

I woke up super sore not knowing why until my memory came back to me. Again, another sin forced on me. I looked under my blanket and saw that my eco body that I summoned last night was gone and I had to put some clothes on. I slowly got out of bed and saw my clothes, they didn't have anything weird on them so i quickly put them back on and sat down on the floor next to the bed crying softly to myself. I heard shifting on the bed and started to get really scared that Swad would do something to me after he noticed I wasn't in the bed. As I sat on the floor I saw something in front of me and I slowly looked up and of course, saw Swad. I sighed shakily while getting up looking at Swad with tired eyes. He looked down at me as he is way more taller then me and started to say something. "I'll start on food darling!" He said to me while starting to walk away. As he went to the door, he thanked me for last night and closed the door. I just looked at the closed door, standing there clutching my fist as I wanted revenge so much but, I'm just to weak. I collapsed on the floor again as I broke down crying. I didn't trust this man anymore, I never trusted him in the first place, I don't even know why I ran away. It would've been better if I just stayed there..., at least that would've been the last time. If I stay here longer, Swad might do that to me even more. I kept crying to myself for like 10 minutes until I heard Swad call my name saying that breakfast was reading. I wiped away my tears and headed out the door to the kitchen. I saw Swad sitting at his seat with his food and my usual seat with my food. I sighed again and went to my seat and sat down. I slowly ate the food as I lost my appetite thinking about what happened last night. It was so disgusting, especially on how he forced it on me. I finished eating my meal and asked if I could go to the library and he said yes thankfully. I walked over there and when I got there, I stared at the big doubled doors and opened them. I walked over to my usual seat and sat down with a book. God I hope they notice I'm gone.

Nightmare's POV:

I was in my office thinking about Killer and the plan. What if it doesn't work? What if Swad knows about it? A lot of questions popped in my mind until I finally thought of one that is quick and easy. In the morning, we'll break into the bedroom when we see that Swad left and only Killer is there. Then, someone will go in the room and take Killer with them as the rest of us keep a watch on Swad. If we do successfully get Killer, we have to make sure we escape quick so Swad doesn't suspect anything and not be a threat to are plan. That was it. That has to be the plan! It's perfect! I had to tell the others about it and see if they will go with it to. And if they do, we might be able to get Killer back.

3rd person/ no one's POV:

In the middle of the day, Nightmare called everybody for another meeting. When everyone got to the meeting room, Nightmare was discussing the new plan and how it should work perfectly. Everyone thought it was a really good one but the only problem is, who is going to get Killer? They all thought about it for awhile and taking out the obvious people. It can't be Nightmare because of Swad's positivity. It can't be Dream because he looks exactly like Swad which would make Killer alert him if Dream scared him on accident. And it can't be Blue or Horror as they suck at sneaking in. And Dust is not even helping so the only good option was Ink. They all agreed and Ink agreed to save Killer. They made sure to tell Ink that when we get there, keep a low profile, make sure to get in and get out, and lastly, don't get caught. Ink nodded and immediately went back to the doodle sphere to prepare himself. Once everyone was still talking about the plan, they decided to do it in the morning so Swad doesn't do anything to Killer but they don't know that he already did. They all decided to get some rest except Nightmare who was stressing out the whole time hoping that their plan works. Once it was finally morning, they all knew what to do.

Killer's POV:

I was in the library for some time until it was time for dinner again. I walked slowly to the dining room, tripping on my own steps as I was still nervous. I saw him sitting at the table again eating while my food was on the table. I sat down on the chair and looked at my food for a good while. I got a suspicion of it, like it was drugged. Swad looked at me and asked "Why aren't you eating darling?" I looked at him and started to twist my own words. "I-I- I'm just not hu-hungry..." I said while looking away from the food and Swad. He just looked at me and started to do that annoying smirk of his. "Eat the food, darling..." he said to me. I looked at him and looked back at the food. I then picked up the fork and started to eat slowly. Swad just looked at me and said "good" while eating his own food. Once I was done eating, I started to feel dizzy again. "No no no no no..., not again." I said to myself trying to keep myself awake. Swad just snuck behind me and grabbed my hands while turning me around to look at him. I had a worried face as he said "don't struggle darling, just accept it~" Swad said to me while picking me up. I tried getting out of his grip again but he just expanded his positivity. It took a lot of energy away from me but I kept on fighting and Swad noticed that I wasn't giving up. He just simply sighed and started to chuckle again while taking me to his room. He took me to his bed and instead of letting me go he made me lay on the bed right next to him not letting me have any personal space. I was still trying to struggle away but it was hopeless. I just gave up and fell asleep so he wouldn't bother me. Before I fell asleep I heard him say quietly "thank you~~"

Morning/ 7:38

I woke up with Swad getting up from the bed. My limbs were still pretty weak from him dragging me. Man I'm tired of getting drugged. He left the room saying that he was going to make breakfast for me and him and I simply just nodded and waiting for him to leave. Once he left the room, I got of the bed and sat down next to it. I started to cry again but then heard something open behind me. I didn't care anymore and just ignore it until I heard something shift and get closer to me. Moments later I saw a figure in front of me and I thought it was Swad until I saw a rainbow brownish person. My vision was still blurry and I was about to say something until I felt something got around my mouth. I tried to scream but then starting feeling tired again. I think this cloth has some sleeping drugs on it which is making me tired again. Why do I fucking keep getting drugged. I passed out slowly after the figure drugged me again. I hope it wasn't Swad.

3rd person/ no one's POV:

Ink broke into Swad's room and started to look around. He heard someone crying so he went over to them and saw Killer! He was about to say his name but knew if he made any sound he could get caught so he kept quit. He went in front of him but saw that he didn't notice him so he got his piece of cloth with sleeping drugs on it just in case if Swad hypothesized him and he would've alerted him. He slowly walked up to Killer and saw him lift his head up. He was about to say something until Ink immediately wrapped the cloth around his mouth just in case. Ink was holding him down until he passed out and knew he could finally take him. He picked up and and put him over his shoulder while leaving the window he came out of. He saw everyone waiting for him and looked at him confusingly. "Umm Ink, why is he passed out? Did you take him in his sleep?" Dream asked as he saw Killer passed out on his shoulder. "Nope! I drugged him so he wouldn't make a sound!" Ink said proudly while everyone looking at him like if he was a psycho. "You didn't have to drug him Ink" Nightmare said to him while backing away from the peephole they were looking in. They all just looked at him awkwardly while finally saying that they had to leave. Nightmare made a portal to his castle and took them all in. Once they got there, he took Killer from his Ink's hold and told them to leave. Ink, Dream, and Blue left them alone as Nightmare took Killer to his own room to rest. He then left Killer in his room while patrolling the place to make sure Swad didn't come back to come retrieve him again. It became night and once they knew he wasn't coming back they all went to bed. Nightmare still was awake to really make sure Swad wouldn't come but he didn't which made Nightmare relieved. When it was morning Killer woke up, thinking that he was in Swad's room until he felt the bed. It felt different for him. He jolted up and looked around the room he was in. Everything looked different from Swad's room, it looked like his. He immediately got up from his position and looked more closely around the room to confirm it was his. He starting to tear up when he realized it was his room, he was back at his place. He then went to his room and walked out of it. He went to the living room and saw that it looked the same as Nightmares castle. He ran back to his room and started to hug his plushies as he missed them. "I'm finally home..."
1851 words

This took forever for me to think of and I love the fact that Killer keeps getting drugged and he hated it 😭😂

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