(Afterlife love) Night x Demon!Killer

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⚠️contains smut talk, rituals, stalking, lime, murder/violence, and cannibalism⚠️

(Night = Passive!Nightmare)

Night's POV:

I was at the park with my friends Dust, Horror, and Cross talking about random stuff. Dust was starting to get bored and thought that we could play a game at my house. I thought it would be harmless and a pretty fun game so I said it was okay to play it at my house. Dust said that we would meet at his place at 12:00AM and start the game at 1:30AM. I thought that was pretty late but who cares it's not like we are going to do anything weird. After we all went home at around 7:00PM I decided to get dressed in a little bit more comfy clothes because I'm not about to do a game at the middle of the night with uncomfortable clothes on. It's now 10:00PM and I'm just chilling in the neighborhood waiting for my friends to arrive so we can do the game until I heard a knock. I went to go see who it was and of course it was Cross. "Cross and his early ass..." I mumbled to myself as I opened the door to greet him. "Why are you so early dumbass, Dust said to come at 12:00AM-" "I know but I was just to excited and I got bored back at my place" Cross said looking really excited. I sigh and let him into my house. I asked him if he wanted anything to drink but he said he was fine so I just sat down on the couch with him and we chatted a little. While we were talking I asked him what game we were going to play. "Oh what game we're going to play? The Ouija Board." I just stared at Cross shocked and he just looked back at the ground. "AN OUIJA BOARD!? I DON'T WANT TO SUMMON SPIRTS IN MY HOUSE!" I yelled at him really anxious on what could happen. "Calm down Night, nothing will go wrong and besides it won't just come to life and torture us." Cross said confidently to me. I calmed down as I saw the time hit 11:30AM and me and Cross were still talking to each other about random stuff, getting the whole "Ouija board" thing out of my head and it worked. Finally it was 12:00AM so I could expect Dust and Horror to coin soon. At 12:13AM Horror arrived and saw Cross and me just talking together. "When's Dust going to arrive?" I asked Horror because I just want to get this game over with. "Oh he should be here soon, he told me that he was getting the game" Horror told me while reminding me that we were about to summon some spirits or shit. At like 12:19AM Dust finally arrived with the Ouija board and said that we should actually start it early so they can get it over with. I was started to get really nervous when they were setting it up because I started to get weird vibes. "Alright we finished setting it up we can play now." When Dust said that I got chills behind my back on the thought of what could happen. "Okay! Everyone put a finger on the piece so we can start." Cross said to us as we were done getting ready.

3rd person/ no one's POV:

Everyone finally said their first question which was "is there any spirits here with us right now" and at first there was no answer. "I don't think this is going to work gu-" Night said as he was interrupted by the board yanking it to "Yes." "What the..." Dust said as Horror said the 2nd question. "What type of spirit are you?" Horror asked. The Ouija board spelt out D. E. M. O. N. This freaked out Night and he asked "is there anything you're looking for or at?" The spirit simply spelled out "you cutie." Everyone just looked at Night who was blushing a lot when the demon said that. Night just immediately set the board to "goodbye" and immediately got up. They all started laughing at Night how was a blushing mess. "Imagine a demon having a crush on you! Hah! It won't do anything bad to you, it's a spirit anyways." Dust said to Night as he was packing his things to leave. "Yea you have nothing to worry about Night also I'm gonna head out to because I'm pretty tired." Cross said as Horror nodded at him in agreement. After they all left it was 2:36AM at the time so he decided to go to bed. As Night was at the hallway he felt something touch his arm then shove him to the wall. Night was about to say something until he say a figure with black liquid coming out of his eyes, he was a skeleton to like Night. "Hey cutie~, what's your name." Night didn't respond as he was still shocked. "What do you not know English? Ты знаешь русский? หรืออาจจะเป็นภาษาไทย! 아니, 너 한국어 할 줄 알아!" The demon said to Night who was still shocked. "I can speak English." Night said so he could answer the demon's question. "Oh that's cool my name is Killer!" He said as his demon tail started to curl up Night's leg. "Why do you keep calling me cute...?" Night said to Killer. "Because you're sooo handsome, small, and cute~." Killer said in a low tone. Night just blushed at Killer saying that and to make it worse Killer kept saying to him how he has a crush on him and how he thinks he's cute while pinning him to the wall. "So are you gonna keep blushing or are we gonna 섹스하고 껴안고 있어?" Killer said so Night even tho he knew he wouldn't understand half of what he was saying. Night finally pushed Killer away and said "We'll I don't have a crush on you so why do you have one on me?! Everyone else in that room was way hotter than me." Night said trying to convince the demon to not like him. Killer just laughed at his statement and said "I know but your voice is just so hot..., how you look, how you feel~... ฉันแค่อยากจะรู้สึกถึงลมหายใจร้อนของคุณที่คอของฉันตอนนี้~" Night just looked at Killer still blushing like crazy then said "I-I have to go so just leave me alone!" Then Night ran to his room and slammed the door. Killer just stood there in the hallway turning into his invisible form while thinking how to get Night to like him back. "I don't care how long it takes or how far I'll have to go to get that かわいこちゃん to like me~"

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