(My moonlight flower) Swadkill

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⚠️contains kidnapping, hypnosis, and abuse⚠️

Killer's POV:

Everything hurts...


It's hard to...see

Why can't they just leave me alone!

I woke up to the sound of whispering and snickering. I was wondering who was doing that and tried to get a hold of what happened last night but once I did remember..., I don't think I want to anymore. "Just leave him be, he's been through a lot already..." I heard a voice say to others around the room. They sounded a little annoyed to that quote but left me anyways. After they left I made sure that everyone one was gone so I could check myself to see the damage they did to me. I went to the mirror limping because they really damaged my leg but once I saw what they did to me..., I don't think I could ever trust them again. I saw bruises and hickeys all over me and I think 2 of my ribs were broken..., I looked like a mess. I was still lucky that I had my clothes on but I don't know what I did for them to do that. I sat back on my bed crying softly to myself after what happened..., the sin they forced on me. As I was crying to myself I heard soft foot steps approaching my door. I started to panic thinking it was them again so I did what my first instinct was when I heard them knocking on my door. I grabbed the heaviest object that was close to me and that I could hold to break open the window and make my escape. I heard them yell my name when they broke open the door and I was already out the window but I didn't care, I didn't care how much pain I was in, I didn't care if someone was chasing me..., I only said 2 words in my mind.

Keep running...

Keep running...


Nightmare's POV:

I was in the living room as I saw Dust, Horror, and Cross leave Killer's room. "What were they doing in there?" I thought to myself as they went into the living room with me. Once they all went to go do their thing, I wondered why Killer wasn't here yet so I decided to ask one of them because they just left him room. I went to Dust and asked him, "Where's Killer, wasn't he with y'all?" but he looked really nervous and just said that he was still asleep but I felt like he was lying. Once he left me, Cross looked really guilty and came over to me to tell me what really happened. When he told me I was speechless but Cross was telling them not to do it but they didn't care. Cross just looked at me with a scared and nervous look on his face waiting for a response but I only told him that he was dismissed and he immediately left the living room once I said that, not wanting to get blamed on. I went to Dust and Horror as they were talking to each other quietly about what happened last night. They looked at me kinda nervous not knowing if I knew what they did last night but I did. "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT TO KILLER! YOU KNOW HOW HE RESPONDS TO THAT TYPE OF STUFF!" I yelled at them furiously. They tried to explain but I didn't care I just wanted to see if Killer was okay and I was going to deal with them later. I went to Killers room and knocked on the door to see if he would respond. I knew he was awake because I heard soft crying coming from his room but I started to panic when I started hearing banging. "Killer open the door, what's happening!" He didn't respond so I just decided to break down the door to see but once I got into his room the only thing I saw was him jumping out the window. "KILLER!" I yelled running to the window to see if I can stop him from jumping out but I was too late..., he was already gone. I couldn't go after him because I wouldn't know where he would be at.

I failed him...

Killer's POV:

As I kept running I got really tired but I didn't care, I just wanted to get as far away as I could so they wouldn't find me. I couldn't remember who was in the room with me but I really hope it wasn't Nightmare because..., he is my boss why would he do that to me? But I don't think he was in there because I heard him yelling my name when I left so he probably found out what happened. As I kept running I stopped to catch my breath but I wanted to teleport to an different AU but I couldn't because I didn't have that much magic left in me because of how weak I was. I sat next to a tree holding onto my rib because it hurt really bad and it was kinda hard to breathe. I started to cry again to myself not knowing what to do because I have no where to go and I wouldn't be able to stay in the AU because they would be looking for me and feel my aura. As I was crying to myself I heard someone approach me and I got really scared but didn't care any more, I didn't even care if it was them. "Hello Killer~, why are you here alone...~" I heard a voice say. The voice sounded so calming and soothing but I recognized the voice..., it was Swad.

Swad's POV:

I was walking around Nightmare's AU because I wanted to get some fresh air but then I heard some soft crying over at a tree. I went to go see who it was thinking it was just a monster who hadn't died yet being there but to my surprise, it was Killer! I walked up to him but saw that he was badly injured, I wanted to get his attention so I said something to him. "Hello Killer~, why are you here alone...~" I asked him in curiosity. He just flinched a little hearing my voice almost like if he got scared on who it was. He looked at me and just said "What do you want, Swad..." he said in a low voice, like if he was tired. I went up to him and wanted to see his face but when my hand reached to him he saw it and his crying started to increase. I stopped what I was doing and started to feel bad for him and I started to ask him questions. "What's wrong Killer~?" I asked him but he just looked at me and looked back down. I just stared at him until he gave me an answer but the only thing he said was "Th-they h-hu-hurt me..." in a shaky tone still not trusting me. I just looked at him still feeling bad so I did what I think what would make him feel better. Hugging him.

3rd person/ no one's POV:

As Swad hugged Killer, Killer flinched on the sudden movement on Swad touching him. He just gave in and relaxed due to the touch of Swad and now feeling some wings around him which made him feel warm. Swad stopped hugging Killer which made him kinda sad when he left him but then suddenly Swad gave killer a bouquet of Moonlight flowers. They were glowing a beautiful blue and the main color of it was indigo and black. Killer looked at the flowers hesitantly but still took them from Swad. He looked at them for a while, admiring how they looked but then Swad interrupted his thoughts, "I hope you like them, darling~" he said to Killer while kissing his forehead(?). Killer blushed a little when Swad said that, he usually only calls Nightmare his "darling" but he was okay with it. "I'll help you with your injuries if you want~?" Swad said to him slowly giving chills up Killers spine. Killer just slowly nodded saying that it was okay for him to touch him so he can heal him and that's what Swad did. It took him about 10 minutes to heal Killer because Swad's healing powers are very strong so it can heal quickly. After Swad was done healing Killer he just said to him "See you soon~" as he "teleported" back to his AU but he really only got far from Killer where he can still see him but Killer couldn't.

Killer's POV:

I wanted to thank Swad for healing me and giving me the flowers but he was already gone so I didn't get the chance. I was started to think what he ment by "see you soon", I thought nothing of it and started to look at the flowers again but they looked a little different. They had a memorizing pattern to them that made me kinda dizzy..., I couldn't look away from them tho it was..., addicting. I keep staring at them and was getting really tired..., I
started to feel a little warm to like if there was something wrapped around me. My limbs started going numb and I was slowly closing my eyes because my vision started to be blurry. I dropped the flowers to the ground as I saw a blurry figure stand in front of me. I tried to say something but it just came out as mumbles. Then I felt someone pick me up bridal style, but I didn't want them to take me so I started to struggle out of their grip but it was hopeless, I was to tired. I then heard before I passed out was "No need to struggle darling~, rest well...~" After they said that the only thing I felt was something warm on me and my limbs were numb, I couldn't move them. I just gave up and then everything became a blur.

"Heh, I finally have you for myself~"
1700 words

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