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includes embarrassment, announcements and a visit.

Aurora and Jasper sat together on the couch in Jasper's room, reading a book together

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Aurora and Jasper sat together on the couch in Jasper's room, reading a book together. "Are we going hunting later?", he asked. He was getting hungry. "Sure." So was she. After the woman stood up and got a new book, cause they were finished with reading, she sat down. Before she could sit on the couch, Jasper was in a second there where she wanted to. The blonde sat down on his lap and rolled her eyes. She turned around, looked down at him and wrapped her legs around his waist. "What are you doing, darlin'?" He started grinning, before she crashed her lips onto his. His arms wandered to her side and he laid his hands on her back. Both smiled into the kiss as it got more intense. They didn't have break it to breath, what was actually very useful.


They both broke the kiss and turned to Emmet, who was standing in the doorway. Their eyes were widened, definitely embarrassed. "Uh- Bella's here. We'll just-", he slowly stepped away. "Talk later, uh, about this." And he ran away. The pair looked back at eachother and smiled slightly. "That was embarrassing. Let's just go to Edward and her new girlfriend.", Aurora said as she gave Jasper a quick peck on the lips and climbed off him. He watched her straighten her blouse to look good. "Darlin', you're always looking beautiful. You could show up in joggers and a sweatshirt and you still would look good.", he said. "I'll take that to heart, thank you, cowboy." She grabbed his hand and led him outside the room.

"Hey." Aurora stepped into the kitchen and smiled at Bella, Jasper next to her. "I'm Aurora." Bella looked her up and down. "Your name sounds nice.", she said. The brown haired felt uncomfortable because of Jasper staring at her. "Sorry, Jasper's our newest vegetarian. It's a little difficult for him." Aurora took his hand and he immdediatly held it tight, but not that he would crush it. "It's a pleasure to meet you.", he finally got out. She leaned over and hovered over his ear. "It's okay. You won't hurt her." He calmed down at the sound of her voice. "Uh, ok." Edward dragged her out and up to his room. "That was.. a very funny conversation.", the blonde quietly said, thinking about what just happened. "I think that went well, or?" "Clean this up, now. And Jasper, Aurora, meeting in the living room."

"So you finally found your mate.", Carlsile said. No one knew who this sentence was directed to, but you'll probably find out yourself. "Mhm.", Aurora hummed. "I'm happy I didn't come later into your room.", Emmet spoke, clearly still embarrassed about what he saw. "Can we just- go - now?", Aurora asked. "Sure." "We're hunting."

And there they ran out, on their way to kill some animals.

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