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includes a ballett studio, fear and fire.

After some more hours spent in the hotel, Alice, Jasper and Aurora decided to check them out and head back home

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After some more hours spent in the hotel, Alice, Jasper and Aurora decided to check them out and head back home. The two siblings left to check them out as the two women packed everybody's things. "How are you feeling? How is your mind dealing with this all?", Aurora spoke up with a soft and caring smile on her face. "I'm not sure. I love Edward. But I'm scared. I'm so scared." Bella didn't know why she was opening up to the woman in front of her, but she felt relieved she did. Before the blonde could say something else, she was interrupted by Bella's phone ringing. Aurora kept on packing the small bags they brought with them, leaving her friend to have a mother-daughter moment. But then, she heard his voice on the other line of the phone. She heard James' voice instead of Bella's mother. The daughter looked to the vampire with a panicked look, knowing she heard her. "Where should I meet you?", she asked, her voice trying not be shaky. "How about your old ballett studio? And I'll know if you bring anyone with you." Bella knew she couldn't just leave, Aurora would tell the others. He hung up the call and the two looked at eachother. "I hate doing that to Jasper, but I'll come with you." Bella was very thankful for the woman, very.

After sneaking out of the hotel, careful to not get caught by their two friends, Bella and Aurora took a cab and they were currently two streets from the ballett studio. The blonde stepped out and looked through the window, where Bella was behind. "I'll be there in a second if anything happens to you. The Cullens couldn't smell me, so he won't neither." "Okay, okay." Aurora gave her a slight smile, trying to act like this was a normal situation, but it wasn't. The cab drived off and she sat down on a bench. Jasper and Alice would be already searching them, or? She didn't want to end up in a fight, she wished she wouldn't.

Aurora could feel Bella getting shoved into a wall by James. Please, hurry up, Jasper. She sprayed pepper spray into his eyes and tried to run away, but he quickly jumped over her and pushed her on the ground, making her hit her head by a pillar. She stood up from the bench and started smelling the blood. Her leg was being crushed. In a second Aurora was in the ballett studio and pushed James off her, tackling him on the ground. She stopped for a second, distracted by Bella's sweet blood, giving James accidentally the chance to push her into wall while holding her neck. "You're alone. Cause you were just by the corner. You think you are smarter than the others." Anger built up in her. He smashed her head into the mirror, making it splatter. "You're weak." "Strong enough to kill you." She let out a a white-blue power wave and stroked James away, making him fly into another mirror. The blonde quickly rushed to the bleeding girl on the ground. "I'm sorry, Bella. I should have come earlier." She tried picking her up and running out. Suddenly James grabbed her feet and threw her away, directly into the window. Bella landed on the ground and rolled through the glass sharps. Aurora's eyes widened, before trying to get up again. The brown-haired screamed as she got biten by James. She jumped at James and kicked him on the ground. Bella started groaning, the vampire venom flowing through her vines. Aurora let out another burst, aiming directly at the man in front of her. More power came out of her, surrounding her entire body. In her hands were large balls of power. She pushed him on the ground, standing over him. "Am I still weak?", she spoke with her teeth clenched together. Before she could throw another ball of power on him, a hand landed on her shoulder. "Stop." She turned her head to Carlsile, who looked at her seriously. "Take control." Jasper, Alice, Edward and Emmett jumped down from the balcony and headed to the others. Alice and Edward bended down to Bella, Jasper and Emmett headed to Carlsile and Aurora, who still had her hand around his neck. The blonde stepped into his mate's vision field. Her eyes were burning white and blue, her hands were full of blood and her entire body was surrounded by power. "Remember who you are. Think about the consequences.", Carlsile spoke. Aurora looked at the man in front of her, trying to follow his words. She slowly let go of James' neck, leaving him for Emmett and Jasper. "Carlsile!", Alice called. "The blood." They both dragged him away and started making a fire. "I've got it. Go.", Aurora whispered to Carlsile, who rushed to Alice's side and told her to help her brothers. She jumped onto him and cracked his neck, the two men throwing him into the fire. Aurora stood still, still concentrating on getting her power under control. "Darlin'", Jasper said as he approached her, taking her hands. Her eyes already became a bit gold again, but there was still some white and blue left. "I'm sorry.", she murmured. Aurora was sorry for leaving him and Alice in the hotel without saying something, losing control over her power and making him worry. "I'm sorry." He noticed she was shaking the whole time. "I'm sorry." The blonde man took her into his arms and hugged her as she let her head fall onto his shoulder. 

"I'm sorry."

She said over and over again.

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