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tells about school, a family reunion and a chase.

"Aurora! Jasper!", the pixie-haired called while she ran out of the house

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"Aurora! Jasper!", the pixie-haired called while she ran out of the house. Before Aurora could do anything else, she was in Alice's arms and hugged her. "Finally!", she spoke, behind her coming the others too. Carlsile and Aurora hugged, while Alice moved to Jasper. "It's good to see you again, my little bird.", the father whispered into her ear. "I missed you guys too." They pulled away and after hugging everyone else, the family headed inside.
"Why were you an hour too late? We were getting worried.", Alice said, waiting for an answer. The mates looked at each other with wide eyes, realizing they forgot that Alice could see the exact time. "Something..." "Came in the way." Smirks appeared on the other's faces, knowing exactly what they did. "Please, no details."

Alice, Jasper and Aurora joined the canteen table, where Bella's friend group already sat with her and Edward. "I decided to throw a party.", the pixie-haired spoke, getting everybody's attention. "After all, how many times do you graduate high school?", Jasper said, making the vampires chuckle. "A party? At your place?" "I've never seen your house." Jessica's lips were parted, clearly seeing this like an invitation to the met gala. "No one's ever seen their house." "Another party, Alice?", Edward asked. "It'll be fun." "Yeah, that's what you said last time.", Bella spoke. Alice didn't answer. She laid back in her chair as she seemed to see something. Aurora's mate turned to her, realizing the situation. Edward's eyes widened as he read her mind. "Angela, do you need some help with those?" Bella tried moving the attention from Alice, to not let the humans be suspicious. Aurora's eyes wandered over the others, trying to find out what Alice was thinking and if anyone noticed something.

"Are you sure that's what you saw?", Carlsile asked. The Cullens, including Aurora and excluding Edward, stood in the forest, because of Alice's vision. She saw Victoria.
"She's almost here.", Alice answered while Jasper moved to her side.
They all stood quiet, without moving and waiting for any move while their eyes wandered around.

"On your left!" Immediately everybody started running into the direction, following the orange-haired vampire. Emmett was in the front, then Rosalie, Aurora and Esme and at the back Jasper, Carlsile and Alice. The black-haired tried reaching for her, but quickly got thrown into a tree.

They reached the end of their area, Victoria jumping over the small river. "Wait! She's in their territory.", the father said.

The family quickly caught up on course again, not daring to make a step into the wolves' territory. "She's eluding!", Esme called, running next to Jasper. "No she won't!", he screamed back. The wolves were now already behind the vampire, nearly catching her. The other vampires ran on the other side of the river, not letting their eyes off them. She jumped over it again, landing on the vampires' side. Aurora was behind Jasper, who was now directly behind the orange-haired. She jumped from one tree to another, the blonde man copying her steps. In the air he tried catching her, but missed and fell on the ground. Aurora knew he was okay, so she continued running. 

Emmett and Carlsile caught up, the three of them now running next to each other. She jumped once again over the river. "Emmett, no!", Rosalie called when he jumped over it too, directly getting approached by a werewolf. He fell into the river. The Cullens stood on their side, looking down on their brother or son, who was staring at the wolf over him. This took Victoria the chance to escape, causing Aurora to sigh. But she knew the family was important to her, so was Emmett. She couldn't handle losing another family member.

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