returning home

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Your beloved boyfriend, Tom Kaulitz, has been on a tour for a while now with his famous boy band Tokio Hotel. You haven't seen eachother in ages and have only been able to occasionally contact eachother over the phone. Today was the day he was finally going to return home to you.

You felt a big wave of excitement and adrenaline come over you, as you sat down and felt like you could leap out of your seat and start doing cartwheels all over the place. You were currently waiting at the airport, sitting down impatiently. You were so fidgety and couldn't stop moving, as you picked your nails and bit them while your foot tapped against the ground, your knee bouncing up and down. You rehearsed and replayed constantly what would happen once he did arrive. What you would say, what you would do, what you would think.

Tom was flying home from Europe to the U.S.A, he left at 11AM and told you he'd be returning back at 8 or 9 at night, it was currently a little past 8PM so you expected him to be arriving soon.

You took a deep breathe in through your nostrils, releasing it out through your mouth to calm down and lower your excitement. You looked around the setting, observing what was around you.

The airport was emptier than usual today, the atmosphere quiet. You stared outside the tall and wide windows, watching as the airplanes took off and flew out of sight, whilst other airplanes arrived, gliding on the runway. You were getting a good view from where you were sitting, as you could see all of the bright lights and tall buildings scattered across the city in the distance.

The sky was so dark you couldn't even make out the shape of the clouds, they simply just disappeared. You were only able to see the bright full moon that stood high in the sky. You stared at the sky some more and was able to make out a few stars that glistened above you.

The calming sight of the sky began to make you feel tired and sleepy, as you knew soon you would be heading home with Tom and be able to sleep in eachother's arms like you used to. You haven't experienced that in so long, and began to forget the amazing feeling of his warm presence. You closed your eyes, as your head fell back against the chair, you dozed off and continuied to fantasize about the possible scenarios that could happen once he arrived.

You woke up nearly half an hour later, bringing your head forward and you looked up at the schedule screen to see it was now 9PM, yet his flight still hasn't arrived. You huffed out, beginning to feel impatient and your leg began bouncing again before you heard people behind you arriving and entering the airport from their flight. You jolted up from your seat and approached the crowd, as the people walked past you.

You searched around for Tom's face, your eyebrows furrowing until your eyes lit up at the sight of him, a smile formed across your face. You saw his familiar dark braids, and his all black baggy outfit that you'd recognise anywhere.

He looked around for you, before you called out his name. "Tom!" you called and waved your hand, his face lit up once his eyes fell onto you. A wide bright smile grew on his face, "y/n!" he called back, opening his arms out widely to invite you into a hug as he walked towards you.

You immediately ran up to him and leaped into his arms, as he lifted your feet off of the ground and spun you around in the air. You were both smiling widely than ever, revealing all of your teeth to eachother. "I missed you so much baby!" he exclaimed, as he lowered your body down to his lips. Your cheeks felt so warm.

His lips fit perfectly between yours, and you missed the feeling of them, you were reminded how both perfectly soft and moist they are. You pulled away from eachother, as he lowered you back down against the ground.

He wasted no time and pulled you in for a big hug that showed you how much he missed you. His arms wrapped around your neck, yours tied together at his waist as you swayed side to side. He placed a kiss on top of your head, before resting his chin onto it.

You were squeezing eachother so hard there was barely any space left for you to breathe but you both didn't care, you could feel eachother's rapid heartbeats hammering in your chests from how excited the two of you felt. You snuggled into his chest, your nostrils getting a whiff of his familiar cologne.

You both didn't wanna pull away, but had to eventually as your hands released from him and snaked away from his waist. You looked up at him to see his cheeks pink, as he grinned at you, and you couldn't help but reflect a smile back at him. He placed his hand onto your chin, guiding your head up to his lips so he could kiss you again.

You pulled away, leaning your forehead against his. "I was so excited to see you I nearly jumped out of the plane." he joked, and you began giggling along with him.

"I'm telling you, this guy would not stop moving around and never shut the fuck up for a second about seeing you the whole flight." Bill interrupted. You looked over at him and began giggling, as you embraced him into a hug. You told the other three, Gustav, Georg, and Bill how much you missed them and proceeded to give them all quick but genuine hugs too.

Tom's warm hand took a hold of your cold one, heating it up. He put his fingers in between yours, as he dragged you over to him and planted a kiss onto the side of your head. "I love you." he told you, your cheeks feeling so warm as you smiled so much your cheeks ached. "I love you too." you replied, as you all headed off to pick up everyone's luggage.

You were more than happy to be reunited with the love of your life again.


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