let us go

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You brushed your hair out through the brush, as you stared into your vanity. You finished brushing out the last few sections of hair, as you set your brush down onto the vanity. You tied your hair back into a low ponytail, tucking back the strands hanging down in front of your face. You flinched at the sound of something hitting your window, as your heart skipped a beat in your chest from surprisement. You whipped your head around to look outside the window to see what it was, but the object that had hit it already bounced off and fell to the floor.

You stared intensely, waiting for another one. It happened again, a rock hit your window which created a noise and you stood up from your seat, walking over to the window. You pulled it up, allowing the cold breeze of the night to enter the room. Goosebumps formed across your skin, as you were only wearing your black satin sleeping dress that had a lace trim. You peeked your head out, looking side to side before you brought your view down to look below you, and there stood, of course, Tom Kaulitz.

He put his arms up slightly, shrugging before he dropped them down to be side by side, he shook his head.

"What are you doing here?!" you shrieked, trying to be as quiet as you could, so you wouldn't wake up your fiance.

"I came to see you." he shouted back. You rolled your eyes, "Tom, you can't keep coming over here and doing this." you told him off. "Come outside, I need to talk to you." he gestured for you to come outside with him. You pressed your lips together, shutting the window as you groaned in annoyance.

You made your way over to your wardrobe, pulling out a robe for you to wear over your sleep dress so you wouldn't freeze to death being outside. You tied it around you, as you slipped your feet into a pair of warm slippers and quietly shut the door behind you after you left the bedroom. You made your way downstairs, walking down the halls as you looked back over your shoulder every now and then to make sure he wouldn't see you. You reached the front door, slowly unlocking it as you pulled the latch off and opened it slowly to prevent it's annoying creak, you stepped outside, shutting the door behind you as quiet as you could.

You walked down the pathway, seeing Tom standing out front. You grabbed onto his wrist, dragging him around the house somewhere where he wouldn't catch the two of you together.

"okay Tom, seriously, what did you come here for?" you crossed your arms over your chest. "To see you, what else? You think I came here to see him?" he joked, followed along by a chuckle. The sweet, heartwarming sound of his laughter rang in yours ears as it's been a while since you've last heard it. "I told you not to come here anymore." you reminded him. "I know, I know I just... I can't stop thinking about you y/n..." he stroked your cheek with his hand, as you stared up at him. "...I can't stop thinking about us, about what he had..." his hand cupped your cheek, you were too flustered to reply. His gentle touch, his soft touch reminded you of the way he used to touch you before, the way he held you so delicately with his arms as if you were so precious to him, which you were, and he'd remind you everyday. You haven't been touched in such an affectionate way in a while, and you began to miss it. Your current fiance, Louis doesn't even touch you as lovely as he does, he refuses to.

"And believe me, I've tried to move on y/n. I have, I swear... I want to move on, for you and for me but... Everytime I'm with another girl, it's only you I think about, and that's what leads me to come here, to bring me back to you..." his other hand met your cheek as well, stroking it before he cupped it as his thumb rubbed against it. He held your face so delicately in his hands, as it fit into his palms so perfectly. You put your hands onto his, bringin them back down as you couldn't help but hold them as you stared down, you could feel the tears forming in your eyes.

"Tom, I'm engaged... I'm going to be married, hell, I'm going to even have kids soon..." you reminded him, as you couldn't bring yourself to look up at him as you told him this, you couldn't handle to see the sadness and disappointment that would develop in his eyes. "You have to move on, like I did..." you looked up at him teary eyes, to see his eyes were glossy too, your heart ached and you felt your stomach turning. "Why are you with him, y/n?" he suddenly asked. "And don't tell me none of that I love him bullshit, because you and I both know you don't." he added.

You swallowed, trying to compose your tears as you took a deep breathe, inhaling through your nostrils and exhaling out through your mouth. "Everyone wants us together, everyone expects us together..."

"They don't get a say in who you're with."

"I know, I know they don't..."

"Do you want to be with him?" he asked you, as you let go of his hands. You thought about it for a moment, knowing deep down inside, you had the real answer. But would always say the rehearsed, forced, and fake one.

"No..." you admitted, and you felt guilt as you've never shared the real answer to anyone, ever before.

"Y/n, I can see in your eyes you don't want to be with him, what does he do to you? What's he threatening you with?"

"Louis isn't threatening me!" you angrily yelled at him. He sighed, looking away as he licked his lips before turning to bring his eyes onto you again. "Y/n, you can tell me everything, I can help you, but you have to tell me the truth. Just be honest with me." he pushed, as you felt your throat begin to close up. You felt a tear escape from the corner of your eye, as his hand cupped your face again with his thumb rubbing the tear away, you closed your eyes at his comforting touch.

"Tom, we were seventeen. Our relationship was years ago.. We were young, we didn't know what we were doing. You need to just move on, okay? If you can't do it for you, do it for me." you told him. He just swallowed, as his tears grew more visible. "I can't." he choked out, as a tear fell down his face, running down to his chin.

"You have to let us go." you said to him. "You have to let me go, let us go. We have to move on." you added. "Please." you whispered, as both hands cupped your face again.

"I just need to know that you'll be okay. I need to know that I can go to sleep tonight, knowing you'll be safe with him."

You opened your eyes, looking up at him as more tears rolled down your cheeks.

You don't know what happened, but something came over you and you leaned up against your tippy toes, crashing your lips into his.


TOM KAULITZ IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now