merry christmas

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requested chap


You woke up to the feeling of a pair of lips pecking your forehead repeatedly, as you groaned and opened your eyes to reveal Tom above you, his black cornrows hanging down and dangling above your face as he hovered above you, smiling as you finally woke up.

"Morgennn!" he sang with a grin, as you smiled back, "good morning Tom." you sat up, as he sat next to you.

"Merry christmas y/n." he smiled, as you locked eye contact.

"Merry christmas Tom."

You stretched your arms out, making a bit of your t-shirt lift up to reveal your lower stomach. You yawned and moaned as your cramped up body finally got a good stretch, as Tom reached over to the bedside table, holding a bed tray table with a small bowl of fruit, some croissants with different fillings, another small portion of yogurt and a mug filled with tea.

"What's this?" you excitedly asked.

"What does it look like stupid?" he jokingly said to you, as you rolled your eyes, taking the croissant in your hand and taking a bite to reveal the nutella filling. The sweet chocolate mixed with hazelnut taste entered your mouth, coating your tongue as you hummed from happiness at how good the food was.

"Thank you my love." you kissed him on the cheek, getting a bit of the leftover nutella from your lips to mark his skin.

"Woops." you giggled, as your finger took it off and you stuck the nutella on your finger into your mouth, licking it clean.

He watched with his cheeks red, looking away when you caught him staring.

"You're actually a pervert." you shook your head.

He threw his hands up in defense, before you both laughed.

"Take your time eating and calm down when you're finished, okay baby?" he said, leaving another quick kiss on your head before leaving the room.

You continued to eat, enjoying the deliciousness of the fruits and croissants as you dipped some into the yogurt, taking little sips from your hot tea, careful not to burn your tongue.

After you finally finished, you moved the bed tray with the dirty plates aside, hopping out of bed as you entered the bathroom, quickly brushing your teeth and hair.

You left your bedroom, hopping down the stairs as you looked around for Tom.

Your head peeked into the living room to see the big green christmas tree decorated in bright blue flickering christmas lights, blue tinsel wrapping around in a loop from the bottom to the top, blue ornaments and a silver star at the very top of the big tree.

You then saw Tom dressed up as Santa, the big fake white beard and baggy red suit with the black belt.

You began to laugh at his idiocy, when your mouth agaped as you stared at the christmas tree in awe again, admiring how pretty it was.

You left it up to him to decorate it, and he clearly did a fine job but...

"Why is it not pink?" you crossed your arms.

"Because it's blue."

"But I wanted it to be pink!"

"It was pink last year!"




"But doesn't it look good in blue?!" his hand pointing towards the christmas tree which towered over you and him, despite how tall he is.

You clicked your tongue, rolling your eyes and shaking your head as you stepped closer towards him.

"Tom, can we please decorate it in pink?" you fluttered your eyelashes at him, trying to make your eyes more bigger so he would give in. Your bedroom eyes were his weakness.

You saw him give in by the look on his face, as he sighed.

"Okay, fine. We'll do pink." he shook his head, trying to hide his smirk.

You smiled back in satisfaction.

"Oh yeah, I bought pink decorations in case this happened."

You laughed, he knew you too well and knew you would complain about the blue, he's well aware of your stubborness.

He reached for a box, opening it up to reveal the pink decorations which filled it.

Your eyes lit up, as you reached for the pink tinsel and approached the tree.

You began from the top, leaning against your very tippy toes to reach as you made your way down the tree, the tinsel trailing along as you finally reached the last part.

Meanwhile, Tom took pink ornaments and began scattering them along the tree as well.

You helped him by grabbing the rest of the ornaments and hanging them up as well.

"To make you feel better, I wrapped your gifts in pink." he said, as you both looked down at the christmas gifts underneath the tree.

Some blue which were from you to him, and some pink which were from him to you.

"I love you." you said, lifting his fake beard down to give him a quick peck on his lips as he couldn't help but sheepishly smile, you saw he also noticed that you had wrapped his gifts up in blue.

"You look so dumb in this costume." you looked him up and down, giggling.

"Hey, I think I look sexy." he joked.

"Did you decorate the outside of the house too?" you asked.

"You already know." he proudly grinned.

"You wanna open the gifts now or later?" he asked you.

"Hmm... Let's wait for the other three to come over too." you suggested, as he agreed.


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