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"Why do I have to do this every night y/nnnn?!" Tom whined, as you latched onto his wrist and dragged him to the bathroom. "Because, it is good for you. You'll thank me when you're an old man in your fourties looking like you're still in your early twenties." you wrapped the headband around your head then grabbed another one to put onto his head to move back your hair as he groaned and scrunched his face like a child.

"Stop being a wuss, all I did is put the headband on you." you rolled your eyes, as you opened the drawer filled with a range of skincare products. "Y/n this is so boringgggg!" he whined, "we haven't even started!" you yelled back at him. He pretended to cry, as you shook your head at his childish behaviour.

"Wait, did you wash your face today?" you turned to look at him, as he looked to the side and scratched the back of his head. "Tom." you gave him a 'are you serious' look as he giggled and licked his lips.

"Come over here." he smiled excitedly as he thought you were calling him over for a kiss but bent his head down to the sink and began to wash his face with cold water. He kept making whining noises and groaned, "okay then do it yourself." you crossed your arms over his chest as he groaned in annoyance and began washing his face with the cold running water.

After he finished, you chucked a towel at him and he dried the remaining water droplets off from his face. He placed it down beside the sink, as you squeezed out a bit of cleanser from the bottle onto your fingers and slapped it onto his face. "Ow!" he yelped, as you giggled and rubbed his face with both hands.

"This is the only part of it that makes me not regret doing this." he smirked at you, as you continued to massage the product into his skin. You couldn't help but smile when he said that to you, as you leaned in to place a soft kiss onto his lips. You pulled away and saw him blushing and smiling, and you couldn't help but do the same.

You put the cleanser onto your skin as well, before moving on to apply the toner. You took the plastic cap off, holding the tiny bottle in your hand as you sprayed it across his face and he squeezed his eyes shut, scrunching his face up dramatically as you laughed at his dumb ass faces. "You're a child." you commented, putting the lid of the bottle back on and putting it back in the drawer. "Thanks mama." he replied with a smirk, as you turned around and gave him a face of judgement.

You grabbed out a bottle of serum, "okay, this one's for mennn" you said, twisting the lid open and squeezing out a few droplets over his face. "Okay you rub that in whilst I do mine." you directed him, as he listened and began rubbing the serum over his skin. Meanwhile, you squeezed out droplets out of the glass dropper and rubbed in your serum too.

You both stared in the mirror whilst doing it, and Tom couldn't help but put his arms around your waist, placing a kiss onto the side of your head. He moved down to your neck, placing another gentle kiss behind your ear. Your heart fluttered, as you melted right into his hands and you noticed the pink colour spread along your cheeks in the mirror, you smiled uncontrollably before he unfortunately pulled away and slid his hands away from your waist.

You proceeded to reach for the eye cream, as you twisted the tiny lid of the tube between your fingers open, pulling it off and placing it onto the counter. You squeezed out a bit of the product, and traced your fingers underneath his eyes, spreading the product along his skin. You stared at him intently, admiring his features up close as you barely get any chances to do so.

All this belongs to me.

You smiled to yourself, as he stared back down at you. He saw the way you looked at him with such love and admiration, and of course, crashed his lips between yours. You were surprised, but loosened up and melted right into his hands around you, as he deepened the kiss into you. You raked his hands through his dreads, as his arms climbed down from your waist to your ass, lifting you off the ground and your legs wrapped around his hips as he placed you onto the counter.

Your hands glided down from his neck to his chest, as his head turned slowly to the side so he could deepen the kiss as much as he could. "Tom..." you breathed out in between the kisses. "Mmmm... mhm?" he moaned in response. "Let us finish the routine and then we can continue..." you gently pushed him away from you. He groaned and pulled away from you, placing his hands down onto the sides of the bench, barricading you.

"You're so boringg." he whined, "oh shut your flip flaps and let's finish this so we can go to bed." you hopped off the counter and put the bottle of moisturiser on top of the bench. "Put it on." you told him, as he pumped out the moisturser into his palms and put it onto his skin.

Meanwhile, you finished applying the eye cream and moved onto the moisturiser.

"Is there anything else?!" he asked, "nope." you replied, putting all the products back in their place and shutting the drawer. "Finally." he huffed out, slipping the headband off as you did the same, tossing it onto the bench.

You took a hold of his hand, guiding him to the bedroom and dropping down onto the bed as he climbed on top of you and began placing kisses all over your cleansed face with his soft, cleansed, moist lips. "Mwah, mwah, mwah.." he said in between the repeated kisses. "Yeah, yeah, enoughh." you giggled, as he giggled back and rolled over to lay beside you.

He pulled the duvet over to cover you both, as he snuggled into you and placed his head onto your chest with you both laying on your side, close to eachother. He placed a kiss onto your collarbone, as you placed one back at the top of his head.

"Goodnight y/n." he said, with his face burried into your chest.

"Goodnight Tom."


TOM KAULITZ IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now