cat cafe

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"I want a cat!"

"We're getting a dog!" Tom yelled back at you.

"No!" you refused, crossing your arms over your chest.

He huffed out in annoyance, rubbing his face with his hand as he dragged it down to his chin. "We aren't getting a cat." he remained stubborn. "Why not?" you questioned. "Dogs are better." he replied. You groaned in annoyance.

"How about we go to a cat cafe instead? It could change your mind." you suggested. "What the fuck is a cat cafe?" he furrowed his eyebrows. "A cafe... But it's filled with cats." you told him. "No thanks." he was ready to walk away from you before you dragged him back by his arm.

"Pleaseee!" you begged, looking up at him with doe eyes as you fluttered your eyelashes, you knew Tom struggled to say no when you did that with your eyes, he just loves big pretty eyes.

You could see in his face that he gave in, as he smacked his lips together. "Fine." he said.

You grinned, leaning up to plant a big deep smooch onto his cheek, as you raised a leg up.

"I love you!" you said when you pulled away.

"I love you too." he looked away shyly, his cheeks red as he tried to hide his little smile.


You both entered the place, seeing the pet toys and houses, along with various cats laying around everywhere.

You felt something soft move in between your ankles, as you looked down to see an adorable grey cat.

"Tom, look." you smiled as you tapped Tom, he looked down with you as you bent down to the cat, your hands caressing it's face.

"Oh it's so adorable! Look at it!" you grinned widely. Tom felt slight jealousy at the attention you were giving it. "Sure." he dryly responded, looking back up.

"Oh Tom, atleast try to enjoy yourself here." you rolled your eyes, standing back up as you walked around to give the others cats some attention too.

You sat down next to a black and white cat which had big green eyes, you softly stroked the top of it's head, as it closed it's eyes at your soothing touch. You lowered your hand down underneath it's chin, your fingers rubbing and scratching it as it purred. You were smiling so big and wide at the cuteness of these little creatures, you didn't understand how Tom could say no to them.

You looked over to see Tom reaching his hand out to a ginger cat, hesitating with fear.

Has this man never touched a cat before in his life? Gosh, dog people.

You clicked your tongue to the roof of your mouth, scoffing as you shook your head.

You watched as his hand finally met the cat, scratching the top of it's head with his fingers before he lowered his hand down to scratch it's chin. The cat's tail moving around slowly behind it.

You came behind Tom, squatting down as you rested your chin onto his shoulder. "Isn't it cute?" you asked. "I still think dogs are better." he said. You scoffed.

"Why don't you hold it?" you suggested. "We can do that?" he looked back at you.

"Of course you can."


"Like this." you leaned forward, picking up the cat as you cradled it in your arms like a baby. He watched you pick it up with no struggle.

"Why do you want one so bad?" he questioned. "Because, they're so cute. I had one when I was a little girl." you told him. "What happened to it?" he asked.

"It got run over by a car." you bluntly said.

He tried to hold in his laugh at how you shared that with no hesitation.

"Hey! It's not funny!" you kicked him.

"Sorry." he giggled. "You just said it with no hesitation." he chuckled. You rolled your eyes.

"Wanna hold it?" you asked, holding out the ginger cat to him.

He looked scared, hesitating before he opened out his arms for it, as you gently handed it to him. He looked nervous, not moving as he was scared.

"W-what's it doing?!" he panicked, as the cat climbed up onto his shoulder, looking around.

You laughed, "relax." you reassured. "Get it off!" he screamed, as you laughed even louder.

"Y/n. Get it off of me." he demanded, as the cat climbed on top of his head.

"Tom, calm down." you said, as you held the cat again in your arms, stroking it's head.

"You're such a pussy." you shook your head. "Pussy holding a pussy." you joked, as he couldn't help but laugh.

"Your pussy is the only pussy I like to touch." he joked back.

Your smile dropped. "Tom." you said with no emotion. He laughed, "the opportunity was right there." he said.

"Sit back." you said, as he sat back against the wall, you placed the cat into his lap.

The cat spun around, before laying down and curling up in his lap comfortably.

"Awww." you smiled, as Tom watched the cat close it's eyes, drifting off. His hand stroked the cat's head, moving down across it's back. Tom smiled as he looked down at it, maybe he was beginning to warm up to cats, finally.

"What do you think?" you sat next to him, as his arm hung around your shoulder, pulling you closer as you got a whiff of his cologne.

"I still prefer dogs."


TOM KAULITZ IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now