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very VERY special request from user @AniyahRamirez4, enjoy

requested chap
"Relax! Why are you so fucking pressed?" you laughed, as Tom latched onto your wrist and began dragging you away from the party roughly. "You think this is funny? You think this is a joke? I should've killed him and you!" he yelled, looking back at you with rage in his eyes. "yeah well you basically did he's passed out on the floor from the fucking beating you gave him!" you laughed out. "Shut the fuck up!" he yelled at you, dragging you forward by your wrist aggressively.

"What you gonna beat my ass too?!" you joked, as he shoved you into the passenger seat of the car after he opened the door. You fell onto the seat, as he shut the door with so much aggression the car shook. He hopped into the driver's seat, shoved the key into the ignition as the car began to vibrate and the engine began to roar. "You need to relax." you giggled, as he stayed silent and began to reverse out of the parking spot.

"You have so many girls around you whenever we go out to a party or something, I dance with one guy and you beat the fuck out of him for what? You're such a hypocrite, Tom." you shook your head, leaning your elbow against the window as you rested the side of your head against your hand.

He stayed silent, swallowing as his breathing got heavier, his grip on the steering wheel tightened.

"Are you ignoring me?" you asked, as he proceeded to ignore you and drove with one hand on the wheel, the other gripping onto the shifting gear.

You laughed, shaking your head. "Fine then, ignore me, I bet he wouldn't ignore me." you teased, referring to the guy Tom got jealous of you dancing with.

His foot slammed the brakes, as the car came to a sudden stop. The cars screeched against the road, as your body jolted forward before landing back into your seat, your back slamming against it.

"What the fuck did you just say?" his hand squeezing around the wheel. "I said, he wouldn't ignore me." you repeated with confidence.

"Who wouldn't ignore you y/n?" he questioned, as you began to feel scared at his tone, hearing him say your name in such a threatening way was scary, but you remained collected.

"The guy at the party." you answered, having no remorse or censor in your answer.

His hand turned the steering wheel, as the car began moving to the side till it came to a stop at the side of the neighbourbood, you weren't nowhere near your house yet and he had ended up parking in the middle of a random street filled with suburban houses. He turned off the car, as the engine went silent once he pulled the keys out of the ignition.

"Repeat what you just said to me." he demanded. "Oh Tom, don't act like you didn't hear me." you scoffed, till his hand suddenly met your neck.

You gasped, as he shoved you back roughly against the door of the car, pushing you up against it with his hand wrapping around your throat. Your eyes widened, as his hand tightened around your throat firmly, making you struggle to breathe.

"Don't you ever fucking say shit to me like that again. I am better than that man. I have treated you with everything. I have given you everything. Do you fucking understand?" he threatened, as your eye twitched from fear and shock. You nodded, as you felt his hand loosen around you till it moved away, you knew that it was gonna bruise. You gasped for air, taking in oxygen as you panted.

"Climb in the backseat." he ordered, as you obeyed although you didn't know why he told you to do that.

You felt nervous, your heart still racing at him suddenly doing that, it wasn't normal for Tom to touch you in such a violent way and you felt terrified for what he'd do next. You climbed over and sat into the backseat, just listening as he joined you and turned around, hopping in the back with his knees at either sides of you, pinning you back. You didn't wanna make the situation worse by acting stubborn or cocky now. He leaned down to your ear, as you watched his face move closer to yours, his warm breathe hitting your exposed shoulder.

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