you stupid prankster

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You held the fake pregnancy test in your hand, setting it down onto the bathroom counter. You began rubbing your eyes, waving your hands to blow some air onto them so you could tear up. You wanted to prank Tom and Bill, using a classic, fake pregnancy test. You were going to make it even worse though, by saying you don't know if Tom was the father. Forced tears began to form in your eyes, as you took the fake test and swung the door open.

You walked down the stairs, sniffling as you blinked to allow the tear to fall down your face. You heard Tom and Bill laughing in the kitchen, knowing that the only one about to be laughing was you.

You entered the kitchen, wiping away a tear as they both turned to look at you.

"Baby?" Tom asked once he realised you were crying. "Y/n, what happened?" Bill rubbed your arm, as Tom approached you and cupped your cheek, raising your head up to look at him. You look up at him with glossy eyes, as he stared at you with concern.

"I have to tell you something but I don't want you to get mad at me..." you cried, holding his hand that cupped your face. "What is it my love? Just tell me, please." he begged, sounding worried.

You began to cry, as his thumbs rubbed away the tears on his face and his lips pecked your forehead. "Y/n, talk to me." he said, "we won't be mad, tell us." Bill said.

You tossed the fake test onto the kitchen counter, as they both turned their heads to look at it. Looks of realisation and shock formed in their faces, as their mouths dropped open and their eyed widened, they were frozen and there was silence for a long minute.

"You're pregnant?" Bill asked. You sobbed, rubbing your arm to make them feel bad. "Baby, don't cry... Why would we ever be mad at you?" his hand cupped your cheek again, you were lowkey shocked at his answer. "Y/n, honey, look at me." his hands guided your head up to look back at him.

"N-no, that's not it..." you choked out. "There's more?" Bill asked.

"I don't know if you're the father." you blurted out.

Their faces dropped, as his hands glided away from your face. "What?" his voice cracked.

"Are you fucking serious?!" he shouted. "Tom, entspannen (relax)..." Bill placed his hand onto his arm to calm him down. "Why should I?! Did you really fuck another man?!" he got up close to your face, anger and rage taking over him. You backed away from him, pretending to act scared.

"I-I'm sorry..." you cried, rubbing your eyes with your sleeve. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! We were happy together! You bitch!" he yelled, as you tried to hold in your laugh.

"I could fucking slap you!" he suddenly said, as you felt like you should probably break the news to him before he hit you.

"Tom..." you called, "what?!" he yelled.

You smiled, "this is fake." you held up the test. "Huh?!" his eyebrows furrowed, as Bill looked confused too.

"I got you." you laughed, as his face dropped and they began to smile.

"You stupid prankster." he shook his head, as Bill began to laugh along with you.

Suddenly, his arm wrapped around your legs as he lifted you off the ground, swinging you over his shoulder. You gasped, "hey! put me back down!" you demanded, kicking your legs around as he open the door to the backyard, Bill following you two as he was still laughing.

Then you realised what he was about to do.

"wait wait wait wait! Tom! I'm sorry! Please!" you pleaded, kicking your legs as you tried to wriggle out of his grip so you could escape and run. "Nah nah, you wanna pull shit like that on me?" he asked, as he kicked his flip flops off and approached the pool. "Tom please I'll do anything!" you cried, begging at this point.

"I have my phone on me!" you screamed. "That's too bad." was all he said, before he jumped into the pool.

You fell deeply into the water, the coldness drenching your entire body as you were freezing. The water flooded your nostrils, entering up your nose as you floated up to the surface. The first thing you heard was Bill's loud obnoxious laughter, as you felt someone pull you by the arm. You turned around to see Tom, as his hands wrapped around your waist and he crashed his lips roughly against yours.

You shoved him away, splashing the water at him as he laughed and pushed his cornrows back. "That's what you get." he chuckled, as you climbed out of the pool, shivering. Bill held out a towel for you, giggling as you snatched it off of him and wrapped it around you.

Tom came behind you, pulling you to him by wrapping his arm around your stomach as he placed a kiss onto the back of your neck. You shoved him away angrily again, stepping back into the house as you looked back to see him and Bill high five eachother, laughing with his body dripping wet which was lowkey hot and you would've given him head but he pissed you off now.

"I love you." he entered the house, as you rolled your eyes and headed up to your bedroom, as he followed. "You know you love me back." he said into your ear, as you ignored him. He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him, as he placed a rough sloppy kiss against your lips, his tongue slobbering up your mouth as he lubricated your lips with his saliva.

You tried to push him away, but he wouldn't budge, so you just kissed him back. Your tongues danced around, wrapping around eachother as you explored eachother's mouths. He moaned against you, making you feel turned on as his hand grabbed your ass, lifting your thigh up slightly as his hands rubbed your ass. You fell back against your bed, as he pulled away.

You panted, as he heavily breathed and pulled his shirt over his head to reveal his drenched sweaty glossy muscles. Both of your lips were red and swollen, as he leaned down to kiss you again, your hands raking through his cornrows down his wet back, his hands gripping your thighs and ass.

"Uhm..." Bill stood in the doorway, as he quickly pulled away from you and pulled his shirt back over his head. "Sorry Bill, got a bit distracted..." he embarrassingly said, as you looked away in embarrassment.

"It's... Fine... Was just gonna tell you that the pizza's here..." he said, before walking away. "We'll be down soon!" Tom laughed, as you slapped his arm. "Close the door next time!" you told him off. "Ow! I will!" he rubbed his bicep. He kissed your cheek, pulling out a new pair of clothes for himself, as you did the same.


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