what are you staring at?

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As soon as you entered the class (which was sociology), everyone's heads snapped to your direction. You stood awkwardly, keeping your head down as the teacher watched you make your way towards your assigned seat, which was located right in between Tom and Bill Kaulitz, and behind Georg Listing and Gustav Schaefer.

These four were the absolute loudest and most annoying in that class. Well, maybe except Bill, he can be tolerable at times. Like when he'd offer to share some of his snacks, or would let you burrow stuff you needed, he'd help you understand anything the teacher explained. But the other three, man, they never shut up. They're like radios, they keep talking, they have no lids nor censors, especially that one boy Tom. And the worst part was, he somehow managed to have every girl on him. Well, the others did too but not as much as Tom, he was a real ceritifed manwhore.

Plus, that group would always pick on you. They'd say the most unfunny jokes, yet everyone would laugh, even the teacher! You never even cracked a smile though, you found them annoying. They'd ask stupid questions with obvious answers to get a laugh out of others, and you found it immature. They'd always make fun of the way you dressed, why you did your hair like that, why you laugh like that, why you're so quiet, literally for just existing, they'd always find something to pick on about you, only you. Maybe it was because you were quiet, maybe it was because you didn't seem to give them the same attention everyone else did which is what they would expect.

"Sorry I'm late." you quickly said, as you slid the strap of your bag down your arm and set it down onto the ground next to the leg of your chair. Of course, you already felt a pair of eyes piercing through you and you already knew who it could be. You rolled your eyes, slouching back into your chair as you crossed your arms over your chest and turned your head to the side.

"What are you staring at?" you looked Tom up and down, as he leaned over his desk, his elbow leaning against it with the side of his head resting onto his palm.

"You." his smile grew widely across his face, as you made a disgusted sound and turned away from him.

"Yeah, well don't."

"Don't what Schatz?" Tom teased. "Don't stare at me." you told him off. "Why not?" he asked, leaning up from his desk. "Why should you?"

"I don't know, you're the most interesting thing in this room." Tom commented. "Hey! I am!" Georg turned around in his chair to look at you both.

"Tom, why do you always pick on her?" Bill interrupted, his chin resting into his palm.

"Boys, stop flirting with y/n and pay attention." your teacher called, as your heads whipped up to look at her and you immediately felt embarrassed when you heard everyone laugh. Your cheeks became warm and your heart accelerated at her embarrassing comment, you hoped they didn't catch you looking all red, otherwise they'd get the wrong ideas which was the last thing you needed.

Again, Tom proceeded to stare at you intensely, whilst his tongue poked and swirled around his lip piercing.

"What?" you groaned. "what else am I supposed to stare at?" Tom chuckled. "Yourself." you replied. "Hmm... That sounds like a sexy view but don't know if it would compare to being as sexy as you hun." Tom joked, as the other three boys let out a loud laugh which grabbed the attention of everyone in the class.

"Right! You're separating now." the teacher put her hands onto her hips.


"Tom, you can sit behind y/n." the teacher directed.

Great. Now he'll get more ideas and have more ways to annoy the fuck out of me.

"Gustav, up here." the teacher snapped her fingers, as he groaned and pushed his chair backwards, the legs screeching against the floor.  "Georg, sit on the other side over there." the teacher pointed, as Georg argued a bit before obeying. "How come Bill doesn't move?!" Georg questioned, "he hasn't made a sound!" the teacher defended. "Yeah sit down you monkey." Bill stuck his tongue out at Georg, who stuck his middle finger up at him as a response. "Bill, don't push it." the teacher warned. "Sorry miss." he quickly apologised.

It was finally more quiet and you could actually pay attention to the lesson once all of the boys were now separated which prevented them from being so loud. Until, you began hearing what sounded like a plastic bag being rattled and ripped open. You glanced over to your side, your eyes lingering down to see Bill secretly ripping open a bag of Skittles underneath the table, he kept looking up every two seconds every time the bag made a sound to make sure the teacher wouldn't see. He noticed you staring, as he held out the bag for you.

You reached your hand out, ready to dig in and grab a handful of the coloured candy before a hand reached out between you two from behind and snatched the bag away. "Hey!" Bill shouted, leaning back in his chair to yank the bag back to himself. You turned to see Tom hogging the bag of Skittles, as he began eating them. Bill leaned a little too backwards, and fell to the floor, making Tom fall out of his chair as well as you watched the two boys on the floor with the now spilled bag of skittles, the coloured candy scattered across the ground.

"Boys!" the teacher shouted out. "It was Bill!" Tom said, kicking Bill as they began to fight like children. You turned away to laugh, waiting for the fight to end till you watched the teacher begin storming her way over to the messy scene, everyone turning their bodies in their chairs to look back at the three of you.

"Both of you stand up now!" you heard everyone laugh as they both stood up straight. "Get out of my class!" the teacher pointed to the door, as they both began to walk before she pulled back Tom by his arm. "What?" he asked, "clean your mess up first!" she demanded, as he groaned and rolled his eyes. "Why me?! Bill brought the Skittles in here!" he pointed at Bill who already managed to escape, good for him.

He gave in, finally listened, and began cleaning up the skittles and throwing them away.

You couldn't help but laugh as you watched him bend over with his terrible posture, scooping up the tiny candy. He heard you laugh and looked up, "shut up." he laughed, kicking your chair as you laughed even more. "You shut up and clean your Skittles." you teased, as he shook his head and rolled his eyes with a smile plastered on his face.

"Y/n!" the teacher called, as you felt fear for a moment. "Yes?" you answered, raising your chin up as you looked at her at the other end of the class. She gestured with a hand motion for you to walk over to her, as you complied and pushed your chair backwards before standing up. You stumbled over Tom, walking down the classroom.

"I know this is a bit sudden and maybe much to ask but I believe you're the perfect fit for this task..." she spoke. You furrowed your eyebrows, waiting for her to continue explaining.

"I want you to complete the next project for this Sociology class with Tom Kaulitz as your partner." she suddenly said.

"What?!" you asked. "I think you would work well together, you'd teach him a lot and no one else can deal with him but you..." she explained, "Miss, he'll make me do all the work!" you whined. "No, he won't. You will both work on it together. Besides, the project isn't that hard, it's just a presentation—"

"I HAVE TO PRESENT WITH HIM TOO AFTERWARDS?!" you cut her off. "What if I don't want to?!" you crossed your arms. "Y/n, please." she pleaded. You sighed and gave in, looking at the dumb ass who was still on the floor picking up after himself.



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