i'll go anywhere with you

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*Cassies POV*

the world cup was starting in a month and 8 days and joão has been to practice nonstop, it honestly really sad, i have lots of modeling campaigns and i barely get to see him so it's either just me and floki or i'm modeling

but recently i've started to miss my friends back in spain, pablo and pedri.

they were and still are my best friends, jenna, pablo, pedri and i were the group.

but since i moved back to portgual and jenna decided to come along we haven't been talking as a group, i know pablo and pedri and practice for the world cup recently and jenna had been in the USA acting playing in movies like "Scream" and "X"

so it's been just me and floki and modeling

i had the intrusive thought to maybe go to the US to visit jenna, or maybe go to spain.

but i'd have to ask joão and ask my agent lisa obviously.

i waited for joão to come home from practice to tell him about it but until then i'll call lisa.

"Hey cassie!"

"hi lisa! i have something to tell you"

"what's up?"

"so i've had the thought maybe i could go on vacation with joão before the world cup and i was wondering do i have any MAJOR jobs coming up?"

"uhm hold on lemme check..."

she pauses

"okay... so you have a chanel campaign bu-"

i groan

"hey you didn't let me finish! but they are willing to reschedule it."

i smile

"okay till when?"

"November 10"

perfect, today was october 12

"okay perfect i'd like to do the campaign on November 8th."

"alrighty i'll send them a email, have fun with joão!"


i end the call and patiently wait for joão to come home.


João's POV

the world cups starting in a month and 8 days, and everyone is training like crazy.

practice was over and it was 12 pm and practice started at 9, we were exhausted.

coach had told us we could take the week off but he recommends we still train over break, i was so happy and excited to tell cassie, i haven't been with her for a while.

cristiano comes to me

"whatca gonna do over break? bang my sis?" he laughs

i awkwardly laugh.

"i'm not sure really."

"alright well i trust you i gotta go bye." he leaves

and i get in my car and head straight to cassie's house.

i knock on her door and she smiles and hugs me

"joão!!!" she screams, floki jumping i haven't seen floki in a while because i left floki at cassie's house because i was off to training so much.

"hii floki oh i missed you!" i say kissing floki.

"and i missed you more" i say standing up and kissing cassie on her lips.

"cassie i have something to tell you" i say taking off my shoes

"and i have something to tell you!" she says smiling

"you go first" i say sitting on the counter chair.

"well i got a break from modeling and i was wondering maybe we could go on a vacation?"

i smile

"well if you don't have practice..." she adds on

"well i don't, because we have a break for a week" her face brightens up and hugs me

"omg where are we gonna go! oo i really wanna go to the beach! but i also wanna go to italy!"

"my love calm down let's figure things out once i take a shower" she calms down and wait for me patiently as i take a shower, once i got out she was already on her computer looking for places to stay.

i kiss her cheek from behind

"you choose the place, i'll go anywhere with you."

she blushes

"i was thinking maybe las vegas buttt i wanna go to the beach. sooo i maybe hawai'i but... i wanna go to Universal studios! so can we go to Florida?"

"of course we can." i say sitting next to her

"okay! i'll rent a plane!"

"why not use mine?"

"okay showoff, don't forget i have one too." she rolls her eyes and smiles

we booked the earliest time we could which was tomorrow moring at 7, i headed out to my house to pack all my essentials and promised i'd be back with my things.

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