Episode 1: Invite

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The sun rises on an arid landscape. A stream of water runs through it all. Around the landscape is a giant Dreadnoughts. Others are around his kind being swarmed by bugs and they are sitting in a lake as an Ornithocheirus land to get a snack on a dead Giganotosaurus from the day earlier. Elsewhere in Africa. A spinosaurus was fishing and caught an onchopristis, a saw shark. He raked the flesh and he moved into the forest where he saw a trespasser. A carcharodontosaurus. It looks up and roared. The spino roared back and was bit on the arm. The spino roared and slapped the charchar's face. Said dinosaur bit the sail of the spino before being pushed off and onto the ground. The charchar walks off and the spino roars and walks to a swamp. The sun began to set. 

The sun rose onto the modern day world. Inside was a kid, a kid who is 15 years old. The light hit and bathed his tanned skin. He woke up quickly in an instant burst of energy. He crawled from his bed and stretched. He then yawned. He then rose up standing at 6 feet and 5 inches tall. He made his way down a hallway. 

In the kitchen were the caretakers of this teenager. After being an orphan at a young age. Unfortunately they had a sickness. A bad cancer. It was taking them faster everyday and there was no way to stop it. "Hey kiddo." A man with brown hair said to him. "Good morning Ethan and Ally." The kid said to the two. Ally brought him some fresh french toast. "Thank you, you don't have to do this." He told them. They smiled. "Of course we do, you are our boy." Ally hugged him. He hugged back. "Oh kid, this man has something to give you." Ethan said and brought a man with grey hair and a tan vest with a blue shirt up to him with an envelope. "Hello there, Alpha, yes?" The man asked. Alpha looked down, he thought his name was a bit cringy at times. "Yes sir." Alpha said to him. "Do you know who I am?" The man asked. "Of course, you are Nigel Marven. In fact, I want to be like you when I get older." Alpha said. "Thank you, I have no doubt you will have any trouble." Nigel said to him. "What brings you here, sir." Alpha asked. Nigel handed him an envelope to which he opened. "Jurassic World has asked you to come to a new camp they have and with your past relations with the franchise they wanted you there." Nigel told him. Alpha looked at Ethan and Ally and they smiled and nodded. "I'd be happy to go." Alpha told him. Nigel smiled. "Have fun, I'm off on my next adventure." Nigel said and set up a time portal. "Where are you going?" Alpha asked. "To Africa, I am going to discover the truth about the spinosaurus and bring it back to prehistoric park." Nigel told him. "Good luck and thank you." Alpha said to him and nigel smiled and nodded before going through the time portal as Alpha was taken to go to Isla Nublar. "Have fun, kiddo. We'll miss you." Ethan said. "Stay safe." Ally said and hugged him. "I will and I'll miss you guys too." Alpha said and left on the plane. 

He came up across two rock spires formed by nature and saw the beautiful mountains filled with nothing but trees and a few waterfalls. He landed down and was taken by jeep to the area where others would be at. Others being here was not an idea that sat well with him. Anytime he met others they would mess with him and cause him to fight them off. He shook that off and approached the docks. Already he saw a not so promising group. A sea sick kid in a green jacket vomiting out every meal he ever ate. An athlete in grey. A dark skinned kid who looked ready to run the whole island. A chubby girl with a black jacket hopping from one foot to the other. Then he saw a pink haired girl in a pink jacket holding a phone. Alpha thinks he may have seen her somewhere but he doesn't know where. Though he wasn't a fan of dyed hair, he didn't mind it on this girl for some reason. Then using his stealth he crept into the back and towered over them all but they did not notice.

"Welcome campers to Isla Nublar, you are the selected few to experience the newest Jurassic World attraction, Camp Cretaceous. I know the trip wasn't good for all of you but you are here now." This adult in red with brown spiked hair said to us. "I am Dave, the head counselor. Yes, you heard that right." Dave said to us. Just then a jeep pulled up and a tanned adult with black hair came out. "Hello campers, I am Roxie, head counselor." Roxie said. We all turned to Dave. He looked down. "It's a co-head counselor situation really." Dave said. Roxie shook her head. "Thank you for coming here, we appreciate you being here as we go kayaking, rock climbing, zip lining and of course-." Roxie was cut off. The dark skinned kid blared out. "Dinosaurs?" He asked really wanting to see some. Who could blame the kid but come on, he's at Jurassic World, of course he's going to see dinosaurs. "Yes," Roxie pauses to look at his name on her clipboard. "Darius, plenty of dinosaurs." Darius smiled and then looked down. "Now we have to get you six to camp before we run into camper number seven." Roxie said. "Who is supposed to be camper number six." The sea sick kid asked. I cleared my throat shocking everyone. They all turned. The sea sick kid was shrinking back, the athlete stepping away, Darius looking up at me, the chubby girl looked at me and took a step back while the pink haired girl pointed her camera at me. I flashed a smile at them and the camera before I stopped smiling. Before long we picked up camper seven. He came straight from the sky. By that I mean helicopter. He stepped out and had sunglasses and a blue shirt and a bag over his shoulder. "What's up my dudes, Kenji is here so let the party commence." Kenji proclaimed. Great of all people it was an entitled rich kid. I rolled my eyes and then he threw his bag at Roxie who caught it. "What's your deal." Kenji asked Darius. Then he was hit by his bag and he fell down to the dusty ground. I smiled. 

Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous How It Should Have EndedWhere stories live. Discover now