Episode 19: Solitary creature huh?

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The creature lunged at us. Claws out stretched. We turned and slapped it with both our tails. Then we charged over to him and each bit an arm. The creature was thrown back into a tree. It roared and then sprinted at us. He jumped up and tried to claw out my eye. I slapped him down and stomped on his head again and again and again. I then clawed its neck and began to truy and claw its head off. "Hybrid scum!" I roared but it kicked away but was bit by Omega. She bit down hard but the armored skin had protected it. He clawed at her chest but she threw him off in time. I had a claw mark on my arm though. Another new scar. Another achievement and proclamation of victory over the clutch of death for another day. We turned back after roaring in victory. My arm was stinging as the new scar formed. I had my shirtless look again. I was just gonna live like this from now on. "Are you okay?" Omega asked. "Would be better if I ripped its head off. Did you take any damage?" I asked. "Thankfully not." She said. "Good." I said. "If I do leave the island then I'm going to kill that thing first." I said. "We will both kill it." Omega said. I smiled at that. "Where are you gonna stay for now?" I asked her. "Assuming you don't want to see anyone new yet." I said. "I don't want to see anyone yet but I will follow you from the trees or wherever you go, better to fight that thing together." She said. "Yeah, good thing every other creature knows about it, except for my friends." I said, again straining on the word friends. "Stay safe." I told her. "You too." She said and we ran off. 

The sun rose on a new day. The sunrise and sunset were always so beautiful, I didn't know what was better, seaside view or mountain view. I had woken up the others when I swam into the ocean making my new scar get cleaned up. Everyone got off the boat and yawned. They were all starving as well. "Ben, can you start a fire?" I asked. "Sure." He said and started one up. I dove far out into the sea and transformed into Scorn and tried snapping at some fish. "Dang it." I mentally said and began to go up for air. "You don't know how to fish." Cyclone scoffed. "You gonna show us?" Al snapped at him. We swam up and Cyclone took over. I then went from Scorn to Cyclone and flew up into the clouds. "That was weird" I said. "Get used to it, now keep your wings spread and flap every now and then as you glide." Cyclone instructed. We glided down and over the sea and saw the fish. "They suspect nothing. Move your beak down carefully and then you can snap them up." Cyclone told me and I did what he said. I flapped up with fish for everyone. I turned back and landed down and set the fish down. They all stepped back as I landed. I was a flying giraffe to them. "That morph while still in one form into another is gonna be useful." Scorn said. "Makes my head hurt." Al said. The others cooked up some fish as I ate a few raw ones. Once finished I turned back to myself. "Kenji, were are we heading?" I asked him. He gulped down the last of his fish. "To my dad's penthouse, there will be gas, compasses, supplies, and no dinosaurs. With B's keycard we can get in no prob." Kenji gloated. "Good, I'm going to scout out for any trouble." I said and left. Darius followed me. "Hey, Alpha? Is something bothering you, you are very distant with us." Darius told me. "My place was never with you all, I consider you friends. You all get on my nerves at times but I feel better knowing I am constantly vigilant, for all your safety." I said. "I understand I guess." Darius said. He began to turn. "Darius, I know you all fear me. If anything were to happen then get them off the island." I told him. He nodded. Being feared by these people hurts but should mean nothing to me. My place is really with these dinosaurs, thanks to Wu. My place is also with a true friend who accepts me possibly because she is like me. Stupid complicated human emotions. I shook my head and walked off. I ran into Omega. "How are you doing?" She asked. "Okay, dealing with human emotions." I told her. She walked over to my side. "Don't let it get to you. I see strength and power in you." She said. "Thanks, you are very compassionate and strong as well." I told her. "I didn't fight the Indominus though." She said to me. "You could take her." I told her. "Alpha, where heading out!" Darius said. "I'll see you later." I told her and walked off. 

After the gang rode on electric scooter things and Ben on Bumpy and me running we made it to Kenji's penthouse that was a whole hotel. Then we saw something. An almost camouflaged dinosaur. "Darius?" Kenji asked. "A monopholosaurs, carnivore. They are usually solitary." Darius said. They moved to the building and began to go in and climb the stairs. Then more and more kept coming. "I don't know whats a bigger lie is, stegos shedding plates or solitary monolophos." I said. I glared at them and saw the door shut. I then looked up. I smiled. I readied my claws and began to climb the penthouse. Moving past the breaking glass until I reached the balcony. I got up and walked in and they all turned to me. "How'd you get up here?" Sammy was frightened by my sudden appearance. "I climbed up." I said and began to relax. I saw a golden sino head. Strange. Then Kenji brought out bottled water he said was filtered through diamonds. I took two bottles and drank them empty. Ben was acting like this was no way to live. He probably has a parasite to think this way or is just arrogant. "Idiot." I muttered. Eventually Kenji tried to get us to do more things. I liked him trying to impress us and get us to have a good time but we had stuff to get. "Me, Yaz and Sammy are going to go to the garage and get stuff." Ben said and they left. "We need to get that compass." Brooklyn said. We began to walk around until a mono smashed its face through the door. "That's solid mahogany." Kenji said, surprised. "We get it your rich." Darius said. I smacked the mono back. "It must be tough to break through it. Also Darius, accepts Kenji trying to give us a relaxing time instead of showing off." I said. My respect for Kenji is greater now. We began to move through the area. Kenji grabbed a sculpture. "Leave it." Brooklyn said. "No way, think of dad." Kenji said and that made something click in my mind. His dad hasn't even come to look for him. Rich parents, this one was horrible. They got the compass as I fended off some monos. "Can't you transform?" Brooklyn asked. "My forms are all too big for it." I said as I kicked a mono and then I readied my claws. "Get to the elevator." I told them and they ran to it and began to go down the wires. This left me open to claw a mono's head clean off. I dragged it out. All the way to the balcony. I turned to the cyclone and grabbed the body and head and began to take off. The others are escaping. "Are we successful?" Al asked. "I think so." I replied. "Of course we are." Cyclone said. I flew down and turned to Al. I called out to Omega. She came out and turned to Frost. "I have brought some lunch over." I said and nudged it to her. "Thanks." She said and ate the food. She tossed the head to me and ate it and spat the skull out. Freshly cleaned. I began to sleep for the night. "Shouldn't you be by your other friends?" Omega asked. "No, I'm fine with her and they'll be fine." I said and yawned. We both went to sleep beside each other. I could hear that abomination roared out as a drone fell from the sky. For now I was content.

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