Episode 39: Warning

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Once the crack of any light came we rose up and woke the others up. "What's going on?" Darius yawned. "We have big news." Omega told him. The others got up and after eating some we were bout to say what we saw last night when Kenji interrupted us. He had a whole suit on. A white one. "Hey, where are you going?" Brooklyn asked him. "An investor party, dad wants me to hang with the big dawgs." He said. "Can I come along?" Brooklyn asked. "I'm sorry, no you can't. My dad probably wouldn't like that." Kenji said, sadly. Brooklyn looked down. "Have fun." Darius told him. He nodded and walked off. "Guys, you were right about Mr. Kon. He's faking his personality and is going to start the dino fights." I said. "What are we going to do?" Ben asked. "Try and stop the plan and warn the dinosaurs." Omega said. "I'm gonna get Firecracker then, who knows what might happen?" Ben said and left. "I can warn Junior." Gamma said. "No, you need more rest." I told him. "We will go find out if Mr. Kon has any more plans he's not telling us." Darius said and him and the others left. "We got work to do." I said. We flew out and ran into the pteranodons. The one who took the tablet a while back had a scorched face. He looked at us. "What do you two want?" He grumbled. We have come to warn you of some new humans. Make sure to hide if they come close." I told him. "Oh, thanks." He said and flew off with the others. We began to glide down lower when we saw the raptors being the first controlled creatures. It was successful as well. "We have to hurry." I said and we made it to the T.Rex siblings. I Switched to Al and Omega switched to Frost. They rose up. "How's Gamma?" Junior asked. "He's okay, he'll be healed soon." Omega told him. "Some humans are approaching with some mind control tech so watch out" I said. Drones flew out toward us. "Oh no." Omega said and roared at them. Junior chomped one down. I jumped up and bit down another. "You guys go, I can keep them busy." Junior's sister said. "You've already been in battle." Junior said. "I won't let them hurt you." She said and nipped at her sister. Junior wined and began to run off. "We will keep her safe." Omega said. "You better keep her safe." She growled. We ran after her. "I will warn the others." I said and went into the tunnels into the desert.

I began to fly up as Cyclone again until I found Pierce. I dove down to him. "Pierce!" I yelled at him. He looked up and I landed. "Be on the lookout for BRADs, they will try and take control of you." I told him. "Thanks for the warning." He said. I flew back into the air and flew for some time before I saw Apex and Red Face. That was strange. I landed down and switched to Scorn. Apex turned to me. "Great, you again." He snarled. "We have bigger matters at hand." I said. 'What kind?" Red Face asked. "BRAD X's will probably come and try to take control of you both. I have come to warn you." I told them. Apex snorted. "Thank you." Red Face said. Just then the BRAD X army began to appear.  I switched to my drago  form and used my fire on them before turning to Behemoth. Red Face charged and stabbed his horn right through one's head. "You die." He said and ripped it off. I looked at him. He just roared out. We charged forward. Apex slapped one down and ripped his head off. I smashed a few others. I bellowed and they jumped past Red Face and me and directly to Apex. "They want him and only him." I said. "Not on our watch." Red Face said and began to throw them back. I used my tail on them. They went flying but fired an electrical blast at me. I roared out and stepped on another. Red Face was tearing through them as well. Apex was not falling short while getting swarmed either. He continued his onslaught against them. He bit at one and slammed him into a wall. He then slapped one to Red Face he bit hit and threw it down before stepping on its head. A BRAD X above fired some tranq gas down onto us. I flew up as Red Face scattered. Apex on the other hand was being held down and soon he was asleep and they controlled him. "No!" I yelled. Red Face looked down. "I hope you have a way to free him." He said and walked off. "So do I." I said and went back through the tunnels in human form. I crossed the area and figured they didn't need the hybrids or the dilos.

I turned to my dragon form with an idea, to get to the investors at the dock. I flew through the arctic sky, above the babies. They were growing fast. My wings were freezing. I kept using my fire on them. I flew through the tunnel door and out into the real world. I turned back and saw the three investors. They looked so stupid with the VR headsets on. Why did they have those? Who cares. One was a rich looking guy with gold. Another had a red t shirt and looked basic and a girl that looked like a business woman. Kon came to escort them to the compound. I Switched to Cyclone and followed them. When I arrived back into the area I saw Brooklyn, Ben, and Darius struggling to avoid raptors and Junior's sister guarding the compound from them. I rolled in and switched to Scorn and pushed the raptors back. The kids ran and we approached the compound. Omega luckily came through as Dawn and knocked her back. She roared at us but we made it in. We turned back. "Kenji must be with the investors at this point." Brooklyn said. "He might think you stood him up, he was planning a date for you." Sammy. "Oh no." Brooklyn said. "It's gonna be hard to convince Kenji about staying on our side and believing us." I said.

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