Episode 36: Give me that tablet, bird brain!

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We rose up from the platform. Our presence will be known soon I believe. We began to run deeper into the forest. There had to be a place we could hide. But there was danger everywhere. Apex is a notable one. Then down below and here are the BRADs, BRAD X, and Kash. The arctic biome was too cold for us. The three babies were happy though as they ran into each other and played around. Rebel and Angel were butting heads with one another. Firecracker was taking a break and eating some leaves. Ben looks down. Sadness written across his face. "What's up?" I asked him. "I just miss Bumpy." Ben said. "Me too." I told him. I did miss her some but not as much as Ben was missing her. Rebel and Angel began to get really tired. They fell asleep. "Strange." Omega said. "How are they already out of energy?" Yaz asked. "Maybe because they were running from that dinosaur with a horn on his nose." Kenji pointed out. "They are too hot." Gamma said. We looked at him. "I think they are anyway." He then added. "So where do they go?" Sammy asked. "Surely not a snowy place." Brooklyn said. "That place is way too cold."  Kenji said. "For us." Omega said. She looked at the hybrids. "So we move them to the arctic place then?" Brooklyn asked. Omega nodded. Soon Firecracker ran off. "Wait, come back!" Ben shouted at her. She kept running away until she was met by four BRAD X's. Now there were more nearly unkillable beasts. I didn't see Kash with them so Brooklyn activated "MechaGodzilla" and used him to fight the others off. I turned dragon mode and used my tail to slap them back. They just came back though. They fired at me so I fired back at them. They took barley any damage. One fired a tranq gas canister. It exploded in my face and soon Firecracker was asleep. I felt myself falling asleep as well until Omega flew in as Shriek and blew it away. She roared at them. They shot at her but I sheltered her with my wing. Gamma then leaped at one of the BRAD X's and stabbed his teeth through a neck servo and our BRAD X removed the head off. It was too late though as Firecracker was taken away from us. "No!" Ben shouted. I returned to my normal state. 

We approached the building that Darius and Kash were both at. The baby was brought forth and Kash put in a control chip much to Darius's and our horror. We had failed. Kash had a tablet like the one Mae was using. We could use that and disable the chip. We went over the plan and told Darius when we got the chance. 

We were about to begin when the second we brought the tablet out a pterandon stole it. Ben grabbed onto its leg. "Give that back." Ben told the flying reptile. The pterandon screeched and clawed at Ben's arm making him fall down. I turned to Cyclone and grabbed him. I sat him down and me and Omega flew after the pterandon who gained more help. They tossed the tablet around like it was a game. I snapped at the one who had its wing. "Give me that tablet, bird brain!" I yelled at him. "No!" He squacked back. Omega then flew down and tore the tablet from his claws. He then ran into the force field above and fell down and we scared the rest off. We flew back down with the tablet and disabled the controls to Firecracker. We sat around thinking what to do. Ben then got up. "We need to get rid of Kash!" He yelled at us. "By what means?" I asked. "Please let it be eating him." Al snarled. "We need to lock him up, we can lock him in Mae's cave." He said to me. Al groaned. Frost laughed at this. "We can handle that." Gamma said. "I'm helping lock him up." Ben said. "We can get Darius." Sammy said and motioned for her and Yaz. "We need to get Rebel and Angel to a safe place soon." Kenji said. "Sure." I said and we walked away. "How do you want to do this?" Omega asked Ben. "I want to scare him into the cave."He said. "Kash isn't easily scared though." I said. "We just don't need to let him get to his raptors, BRAD X army or inside the building." Gamma said. "Good idea, I'll handle the raptors." Omega said and turned to Dawn. "I can guard the door." Gamma said. "I'll fend off the BRAD X army." I said. "Lets get him." Ben smiled and we went over to the building. Gamma turned to Saber. I was about to turn to my dragon form when Thel stopped me. "No, you can activate your last form now, he will be very efficient." Thel told me. "Good." I said. I then concentrated on this new form and was met with a loud and deep bellow. I fell on all fours. Omega turned to me. I held my hand up showing that I was okay. My tail extended far out and gained more weight along with the rest of my body. My arms and legs grew bigger and I grew taller and then my neck stretched above the tree line. I looked down and saw that I was my favorite dinosaur. Brachiosaurus. 

I stood above everything and knocked down trees as I approached the BRAD X army

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I stood above everything and knocked down trees as I approached the BRAD X army. They approached and fired the tranq gas that exploded but could not reach me. I stepped on one of the BRAD X's and crushed him. I then smacked another one with my toe claw. He went flying back into a tree. I used my tail on another and he also flew far back. Unfortunately I couldn't rear up. Real Brachios could not do it. But I did keep crushing the army down below. I bellowed out a roar. Omega came out of the trees and roared. She kept the raptors away and Gamma blocked the door. Kash looked around and Darius was smiling. "You set me up." He said. "Yeah." Darius said and punched him down. Kash rubbed his face and fell down. Darius rubbed his hand. Ben came up with a stick behind Kash. Gamma walked up to him and snarled. "Run." Ben told him. Kash then began to run into the cave in utter fear. He then got locked in. We all began cheering. The raptors moved away snarling about no free will these days. I solved that by smacking the drones. They ran off. The BRAD X's were all destroyed except for the one we had. Firecracker looked up at us. I leaned my neck down and nuzzled her face. I bellowed and she roared back. "Another form?" Darius asked me. I nodded. I turned back. "The last one too." I said. I then double checked with myself. "Last one for sure right?" I asked. "Yes." The new deep voice called out. "Good, and you are?" I asked. "Behemoth." He said. "Nice." I said. We walked back to the others. Sammy and Yaz came from behind Darius after a moment. "You beat us here." Sammy panted out. "Sure did." Gamma laughed. 

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