Episode 13: Feral Hunt

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During the night Alpha had left the yurt in his sleep and transformed all the way into his feral allosaurus form. 

He was in full control now and extremely hungry

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He was in full control now and extremely hungry. He walked along the area and then poked his head into a yurt. Inside was a stench of death. Covered by a tarp was a cut off sino head. He grabbed it off and dragged it off and ate it clean.  A skull remained and he ran off. 

He walked into the territory of Blue. She was curled up and sleeping. He looked down on her and nuzzled her. She stirred and saw an allo head and jumped up and slashed a scratch on his chest. He fell into some dirt. "Blue." He snarled at her. She stopped. "Alpha?" She asked. "Kind of, I am a feral form of his. He won't remember this when he wakes up." He told her. "Why are you here?" She asked. "To hunt with you, you must be starving." He said. "Yes, I am." She said. "Lets go hunting then." He said and they ran off. 

Our prey for the night was a lone sino. The one that girl released I think. That didn't matter as we were going to eat it. We stalked for some time. Blue then moved to the back and i was positioned to aim at the neck. The sino continued eating grass. Then Blue charged and clung on the sino's side and she cut a leg. The sino roared in panic. Then I charged in and bit down on her neck and snapped it. The sino fell down, dead. A successful hunt. "You eat first." I told her and she did. She was probably on the verge of starving. Then I ate. I tore off huge chunks of meat and then threw them up and ate them whole. I used my claws to hold the meat down. 

We had picked the corpse clean and the compys went to get the rest. "Lets wash this down." I said and we went to the watering hole which was empty for now. As we drank we kept watching each other. "We make a good team." I said. "Yeah, you'd make a great pack member." She said. "I ain't already?" I laughed. "Okay, you are a pck member." She chorteled. "I can hunt on my own I think." She said. "You just can't kill anything big." I said. She nodded. "You should be full for a few days now right?" I asked. "Yes, what about you?" She asked me in return. "I should be fine." I told her. Alpha would do fine since I could go back and all. Blue then splashed some water at me. This was not regular dinosaur behavior but I went along with it. I splashed her entire face in return. She snorted out the water. "You asked for that." I said and she wrinkled her snout. Later we ran around the watering hole trying to tackle each other to sharpen our skills and just play until we were tired out. She curled up around the area. "Better get you home I guess." I said and got her on my back and brought her back. I sat her down and left. 

As I was heading back I got a memory flash. I shook my head trying to stop it but I fell down and it played out. I was in Alpha's body and saw his parents. They were in a glass box and to the left in another cage was a black beast. It was ugly too. Very ugly. "For doing what I told you not to, make a child, I'm afraid you have ruined your time here and your son will be used in your place." Wu said and clicked a button. The creature ran in a blur and bit the dads skull and crushed it. Alpha hit the glass and began crying. His mother went over to him and stared at him before she was dragged back and killed by a toe claw. Alpha cried and then the creature's tail hit a power box. The glass went down and the creature attacked Wu. Alpha escapes in this. 

I got up from that. I shook myself and then walked around and found the lab. Anger came out and I roared at it. Why though. I went over and looked through the window and saw that creature frozen. Stuck in a chamber. I could go kill it but something screamed not too in my head. "Enough of this." I growled and went back to the people who were taking care of the humans. I moved through the camp and I looked through the camp at the two hunters. I growled and saliva dripped from my mouth and almost on to them. I then left feeling I wanted to kill another. I looked at the old man but I took no interest in him. Then I looked at the 1st group of campers and moved past them. Then the one Alpha preferred. That girl of his. I looked down on her and she was the one I wanted to kill. I was about to chomp down on her and then was pulled back. I was so close to killing the small person and ending a distraction. I looked for the one who dare disturbed me. I saw no one and I pinned myself down. "You shall not hurt her you bloodthirsty beast. I am in control here." The spino said. "Fine." I said and the spino took over.

I looked down on her. "No one will touch you while me and Alpha are around." I said. I then scratched the ground outside and moved it onto the yurts. I snorted and then sat myself back into the yurt as Alpha and the sun rose. "I don't know what came over me. I won't do that again. We still should eat those humans." The Allo said. "Agreed, but not now. We are the only ones who know about this." I said and we watched Alpha go through his day.

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