Episode 46: War

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As everyone regrouped and tried to accept Kenji back in the other dinosaurs appeared. Empress and Junior. The two raptors. The raptors then turned back into raptors again and snarled. Pierce was here as well. The hybrids as well as the baby brachio. The pteranodons. Bumpy and Red Face. Notho and the dilos. All of the non controlled dinosaurs. We stopped the reunion when Gamma turned into Saber. Omega turned to her strongest form, Dawn. I then turned to Behemoth. All my other forms were all in a feel that Behemoth was the one needed for this. Toro burst through the wall with many people controlling the dinosaurs. Limbo, the dimorphodon, and Apex. He was enough as it was. "Alpha, what is your command?" Empress asked, officially giving me the title as Alpha for this island as I was called to command. "Kenji, you can still join us." Kon said. Kenji stepped back towards Brooklyn. "Fine then, get the drive, the kids, but make sure Kenji is unharmed." Kon said to his people. The enemy group charged. "All dinosaurs, charge full force, don't kill unless necessary and kill the controlling humans." I told them. We roared and charged through the water. 

Apex charged into Empress. Red Face and Limbo collided. The pterandon charged forward against the enemy flier. Junior and Gamma charged the others. Pierce helped the baby escape as Toro came but engaged Bumpy. The raptors leapt onto Apex. All five of them. "Raptors, kill humans." I said. They left and charged with the dilos, and notho. Omega and I charged at Apex. Apex slammed Empress into the water and we charged him back. The kids ran around trying to avoid the conflict. I slammed my foot into Apex making him roar out. Omega bit down on his neck. Empress went to strike him but was stopped. Apex had gotten up and bit down on Omega causing Empress to slam into her. He got up and slammed into me. I bellowed and used my tail and hit his face. Toro slammed into Bumpy who tried to hit him back. Toro stomped on her tail and bit at her leg. Bumpy roared out and freed herself before ramming her armored shell into Toro, moving him back. Limbo bit down on Red Face but was thrown into the side of a tree by Junior. The pterandon and dimorphodon wrestled with claws grasped and snapping at each other. The dilos came near the humans as did the notho. The raptors came in full force. Notho leapt out and bit a human and dragged him down. Two dilos spat at another before a third snapped his neck. The raptors cleaned off the rest. Hawkes then controlled Limbo and Apex to push past us and he bit down on a raptor and flung her away. The others roared at him before he hissed back. Toro rammed back into Red Face. Junior bit down on his neck. He rammed his horn into her face making her roar in pain and let go. Gamma then sunk his teeth into his back making Toro roar and try and get him off. Limbo had run off after Pierce who turned and slashed her face. She growled at him before she was forced to back off. Bumpy backed him up. Apex then bit down on Junior and threw her into the water. He then slapped down Omega and stepped on her neck and began to crush it. I slammed my toe claw across his side. The dilos spat at his face. He lifted his head up and bit my neck. I was knocked down as Empress came in and bit at his neck and slammed him into a tree. Apex growled and knocked her back. Red Face ran into Apex but was kicked back. Limbo and Toro were charging full force. The dimorphodon fell from the sky after being knocked unconscious. Toro had gotten Gamma off and threw him back. Limbo was slashing her big claws at the dilos and notho. "We have to fall back." Delta said. "Raptors, dilo, pterandon and notho retreat. We can take the rest." I said. They began to escape the battlefield. Apex charged on all fours and knocked Gamma back. Pierce came in and slashed his leg. He roared and wounded Pierce. "Pierce and Bumpy protect the kids and babies." I told them. They nodded and fell back into the woods. Red Face and Limbo kept fighting when Red Face gave an uppercut with his face, knocking Limbo back into herself. Limbo then bit down on Toro. Omega slammed her face down onto Apex who was plowing us. Empress and Junior both charged Apex but he slapped one down before his arm was bitten by Empress. He roared and bit down on Empress. She roared and released her bite. She and Junior moved back as I slapped Apex down. He ran at me and clawed my chest but Omega bit his spine and Gamma bit his side. He slammed them into a tree and then pushed me back down near some rocks and clawed at me ferociously. Limbo and Red Face then freed Toro from the mind control and he rammed Apex. Apex then roared out. "Stop!" He roared to himself but an amplified control came as Kon took full control with a master controller. Apex slammed Omega down as she tried to attack again. Gamma was thrown off. Junior got stepped on. She roared out. Apex turned and bit Limbo and threw her into Red Face. I got up and charged him. He plowed me into a tree causing it to fall. Empress then slammed her face into his neck and bit down on it and slammed him into a tree. He shook himself and bit her neck. He slammed her into a tree and then into the ground. He then put his arms around her neck. His eyes focused. "Don't Apex, fight back." I said to him. He tried and his eyes widened in fear. General terror as he could not stop it. He snapped her neck and dropped her corpse down onto the ground as the rest of the dinosaurs watched. "No, we lost." I said. "Sister?" Junior cried out. Apex broke the control and roared out. "No!" He roared and then turned to Kon and Hawkes. He roared at them. He then approached them and slammed his face into the two sending them flying back. He then tried to make an escape as he was controlled again. We all let out a mourning roar for Empress and Junior. Junior stayed by her sisters side and Gamma joined her. 

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