Episode 43: Striking hard and fast

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When the time finally came to wake up I flew on up and followed the humans back to the ship. They were loading up the captured dinosaurs. The old man and Kon were talking. We had to move now. I flew back to the others and landed down. They had all gotten up and I switched by to Al. "They are loading dinosaurs onto a ship, we have to strike them hard and fast now." I said. "Finally." Rexy growled and we all began to head that way. In the distance a plane took off. "Did that have any dinosaurs on it?" Blue asked. "Don't think so." I said. When I looked back at the volcano, since no rumbling had happened in a while, I didn't see any smoke. That was strange. "I smell approaching humans." Cerateo said and ran to them. "Wait!" Echo called after her and followed. Chaos ran after the two. We all sprinted. When we arrived Hawkes had tranquilized Cerateo. Mae was there and went to approach her but she woke up just in time and knocked Hawkes down with her tail. She then charged at him but got tranquilized yet again. Echo then leaped out followed by Delta and Charlie. Hawkes and Mae ran in different directions. Chaos was about to go after Mae. "No, leave her, she doesn't pose a threat." I told her. She reluctantly turned and went after Hawkes. Hawkes was shooting back at us but all his shots were missed and he was out of ammo. He jumped over a rocky stream and ran to the boat. The raptors and I along with Gamma and Omega jumped the stream as the others needed to find a way around. When we approached him the boat was on site. Kon saw this and grabbed a sniper with tranquilizer darts and fired at Echo. Echo fell down. Next was Delta and then Charlie. Blue turned back but we were not deterred. Hawkes got up and picked up another gun and fired at us. Gamma got hit and fell down. I switched to my dragon form and picked him up. I was about to go to the others but a dart hit my back. I crashed into the trees. Gamma rolled out from my talons and into a tree, thankfully a soft landing. Omega ran in after us. Outside I saw Hawkes take the three raptors. Blue was overlooking the scene. "My sisters, I just got them back." Blue said. Her tone was heartbreaking to hear. "We will get them back, I will get them, Limbo, Toro, even that dimorphodon and whatever else they captured back here." I said. Kenji then went to find Mae I assumed. Blue sat down next to me. I rubbed her neck as I had turned back to normal. "Omega, get the others regrouped and inform them on the situation. I have to speak with Kenji." I said. She nodded and grabbed Gamma and they went back to the others. 

I took off toward Kenji and then ran out of the trees to him. He was shocked and ducked. My tail tripped him though. "Come here." I said as I grabbed his neck and lifted him off the ground. "Wait, Alpha, I had changed my mind. I see that I was wrong now. I was blinded by my dad. I was going to warn Mae." Kenji said. "How do I know this is true?" I asked him. "They got Bumpy after I had made sure to tell my dad not to get her. That is when I switched." Kenji said. I dropped him down and he held his neck. "Let's warn Mae then." I said and we ran off to go see her. Not too far away I heard some indistinct voices. Then I smelled the camp of Mitch and Tiff. I'll go check that out next. We saw Mae dumping DNA samples into the stream and then she got a drink. "Mae." Kenji said. He kneeled next to her. She looked at him and then saw me. "Alpha?" She asked. "Yes, I came to stop Kon. It's not going too well." I said to her. "I changed sides, they have Bumpy and that's when I decided to stop this." Kenji said. "Really, you didn't see it when you saw your father force dinosaurs into battle and mind controlled Toro." Mae said. "I see it now and men are after you so you better make a run for it." Kenji told her. "Alright." She said and moved away. "See you back on the island." I told him and walked off to the yurts. 

I went through the trees and saw to my surprise Roxie, Dave, and I guess you could say an older version of Darius, probably a brother. They turned to me. "Alpha?" They asked. "You guys came back to rescue us." I said. "Yeah, we're the others?" Roxie asked. "Let me explain." I said and told them everything and they told me everything. "You guys went through a lot." Brandon said. "Yeah, we are mostly safe though. I have to get back to the other island, just find someone named Dr. Mae Turner on the island and she can bring you to Mantah Corp Island." I told them. "We will, Alpha." Dave said and with that I ran off. 

I made it back to the others. "They left." I said. "No!" Blue snarled. "We are going back to save them, don't worry." I told her. She looked at me. "Please be quick with it." Blue said. "I will." I said. Me and my family then departed. "Hit good for me, mate." Stigy said. "Be safe." Alice said. "Good luck, don't forget to bring Limbo back." Chaos said. "I will do all that." I said and we flew into the air. When we arrived at the docks I saw Blue looking at me after following us. Omega flew off with Gamma already. "I'll be back soon, Blue." I told her. She nodded and I dove into the ocean and turned into Thel and made my way back to the island. 

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