Episode 21: Fight for life

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I dove down and turned into Scorn. I saw quills being shot all over the place, hitting trees and dinosaurs. They instantly fell and tripped. One ourano even slammed into a rock and died on impact. Brooklyn and Sammy were hiding behind a rock. The rain began and lightning flashed. I charged the Scorpius and pushed him into a tree. He roared and slashed my arm. I roared and bit his neck and threw him into a rock, cracking hit. He was dazed so I charged again and Brooklyn and Sammy made a run for it. "I am going to drown you." I said and threw him back through the forest. All the way until we were by the empty watering hole. I dragged him but he kicked off me. He then jumped on my side and clawed at it. Then the smaller rex bit him off and threw him. The scorpius crashed. "You helped us, we help you." He said. "We?" I asked. Then all the dinosaurs I helped came out of the forest. Then to my shock the Scorpius roared out and a second one appeared. They roared at each other before turning to us. We all tried to intimidate them by roaring but it wasn't working. We charged and so did they. Me and the rex bit the first Scorpius by his leg and arm and began to pull. He screamed out and flung quills at us. "Duck!" I yelled and we ducked down and the quills flew off. An allosaurus and baryonyx ran to help us. The sino, steg, stigy, pachy, tric, ankylo, brachio, apato, mammechio, paro, corytho, certeo, and dilo attacked the other one. It seemed we would win but the second Scorpius leapt at them all and flung his quills at most of them making them fall down in an instant. This felt like losing children that were my own flesh and blood. The ankylo blocked it. Stigy dodged. All the others fell down breathing heavily. They were dying. A carno rammed into the hybrid, knocking him down. The carno stepped on him and bit his tail. The hybrid roared as Stigy rammed his head and Ankylo slammed his bone crushing tail into his head. The Scorpius roared out in pain but he managed to kill the carno and ankylo with his quills and he rammed into Stigy. I pinned the Scorpius down and tried to cut his throat but couldn't. The bary got a quill stabbed into him. "Fall back!" I yelled, I was not afraid but I couldn't bear to lose another child. The two Scorpius had different plans and attacked Rex. They then used both of their quilled tails to stab him. Rex roared and fell but rolled over onto the Scorpius crushing his leg. He roared. I ran over in fury and grabbed his head and tore the ugly thing right off and threw it. I then charged the other one and pushed him into the watering hole. I slashed my claws at his face. I gave him a scared eye and he raised his claw and slashed my eye. I roared out. He ran away. "No." I said and collapsed. All those children but Stigy and the Allo died. I couldn't save them. I gave a roar of mourning. "Alpha, we will kill it." Scorn said. "I know we will. I will rip off one of his quills and stab it through his eye and use it to take off his head." I said. "Let's kill him." Al said. We ran off. I followed his scent but lost it as it was lost in the storm.

It's been a long day. I needed rest and someone to talk to. I could not rest till that demon was dead. I turned to Cyclone and saw Bumpy run from lightning. Ben tried to get to her but I picked him up and placed him in the tree house. "Alpha, your eye." Brooklyn said. I picked them up one by one and put them up into the tree house. I then turned back to Scorn. I saw they had sticks, taser poles, and spears at the ready. The Scorpius then arrived. He rubbed against the fence and it burned him. The electric fence held him back. That was until he roared like a full demon and looked human and then he was gone in a lightning flash. "I don't see it." Ben said. The creature then dropped down and roared. They all fell back but I grabbed the creature with a bite to the head and dragged it down and held it to the fence. He screamed and roared. he then kicked me off and chased everyone around. The weapons all dropped in fear. He roared at them and jumped at them. They dodged and he turned to Sammy. Her foot stuck under some heavy boards. She was panicking. The Scorpius shot his quills toward her. I ran through and used my snout to move her away and out of the boards. My tail slapped two quills away but the third struck my side. I roared and charged him. He then got rammed into the fence and I threw him over the fence. Lighting struck a tree causing a fire. It drew the Scorpius away and he then fled. I fell down against the tree house. I slowed my breathing and a lot of the time held my breath to reduce the poisons spread. I turned back. "That hurt." Scorn said. "Are you okay?" I asked him. I will be okay." He said. I then pulled the quill out. "Omega." I muttered. I mentally called for her. "Alpha, I'm coming." She said and headed my way. I lost consciousness with everyone shouting my name. I rose up in my mindscape. Everyone surrounded me. Cyclone, Al and Scorn all looked worried. "How bad is it going to be?" I asked. "Unless you get an antidote soon then you won't make it, we will all die. Our healing factory can only do so much." Scorn said. "Just hang in there." Al said. "You're strong, you can make it until the antidote arrives." Cyclone said. "Omega." I said. "She's coming. She can get the antidote." Scorn said. I began to drift away from my mindscape and into some dreams. Dreams that turned into nightmares.

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