Episode 47: The final episode

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Kon was not through with us yet as he sent Apex to chase us down. "Everyone scatter!" I yelled out. We all ran in different directions. Junior and Gamma ran off north and Omega flew south. The kids and most of the dinosaurs headed west. I then turned to my dragon form and shot a blast at Kon and Hawkes who dodged. I then flew off as they sky changed to a terrible storm. Unnatural weather, my least favorite weather. Before long me and Omega regrouped with the others as Gamma was with Junior. "We have to get off the island, take the boat out of here." Kenji said. "Did you forget that I put a hole in it?" I asked. "It got fixed." He said. "Of course." I said. "We need to leave before things get worse." Sammy said. "I will not leave until Kon is stopped, the dinos are free and home and until Gamma is back with us." I then said to them. "We will need to at least prepare the boat." Yaz said and they went to handle that. "Let's find our son." Omega said. I nodded and we left. The other raptors came and helped us track him down. We found him with an upset Junior. "Son, glad you're safe. Junior, sorry for your loss." I said. She turned away. "We are still going to get you home." Omega said to her. "All of you." I said to all dinosaurs present. "I want to stay with Junior for a while longer though." Gamma said. "Okay, just alert us if you need anything." Omega said. "What are you going to do?" Charlie asked me. "Kill Kon." I said and made my way toward the area. As if on cue Apex roared out. 

When we arrived Kenji had given the password to his father trying to save them all but Kon turned on his son. "Kill Darius, no witnesses." Kon said to Hawkes who brought Apex over. Kenji tries to stop his dad but fails and is held back. Apex leans down to eat Darius but he stops. "Never again!" He yelled out. He broke the chip and turned to Hawkes with a malicious smile. He began laughing, He ran after Hawkes who was sprinting away but was grabbed by his claws. Hawkes struggled. Apex then bit an arm off of Hawkes who screamed out. Apex then ripped off the other arm and then ate the rest of him whole. Apex roared victoriously and then used his tail to knock Kon back and then he stepped onto the controller. No more controlling for anyone. Kon then ran away as Kenji and Darius began to flee. I walked out as Scorn. Apex turned to me. "Show your real form, Alpha." He said. I turned back and Omega walked beside me. "Thank you." He said and left through the trees. "Wait, I'm not done yet." I told him. He turned back. "I will bring you home, I promised." I told him. He nodded. 

We made our way back to chasing Kon and we saw it on the docks trying to convince Kenji again. Gamma was here now and so were the raptors. Kenji punched his dad in the face. Kon fell down and then ran into a plane he had and flew off. "He's getting away." Ben said. "No, he isn't." I said and flew after the plane. I turned to my dragon form and burned a wing off before turning to Cyclone and breaking the top open and I grabbed Kon out. He squirmed around and I dove into the ocean. I turned to Thel and brought him down where his ears bled and I rose up and threw him into the air. I saw that everyone was fine with me giving him the punishment. I looked to Kenji to get the go ahead. He nodded and I ate Kon. My teeth were snapping all his limbs off and they dropped into the water. I then rose up as myself. "It's over." I said. We all began to cheer. Just then another boat showed up. Outcame was Brandon, Dave and Roxie. All the campers were overjoyed and ran to hug them. I walked up and greeted them. "Thank you Alpha." Mae said to me. "No problem." I said. "Anything you need to do?" Mae asked. "Yes, we need all the creatures from Sorna moved back there. Bumpy and Pierce along with the notho can stay here. The nublar creatures must head back home." I told her. "We'll get on that." She said and over the course of the next day we had moved each and every dinosaur back home. Sorna was a lush place and all the dinosaurs were thriving. Apex went off near the airplane strip. The pteranodons flew back to the aviary. Red Face went back to the river. Junior reunited with her mom and dad and said farewell to Gamma until the next time. For Nublar Chaos and Limbo reunited and went off. The raptors reunited next and all nuzzled one another. They showed them the form change which Blue was fascinated by. The dilos ran off. The other raptors stayed on Mantah Corp island. 

That was everyone so we hopped on the boat and made our way after saying goodbyes and promising to return we made it across the sea and to the mainland. Everyone hugged their parents. It reminded me though that we had nobody to take us in. Or so I thought. I was approached by a familiar face. Omega and Gamma got around me. "It looks like a lot has happened since I last saw you." The man said. "It sure has been, who knew an invite could have led to that?" I joked. "Since you don't have anyone to take you and your new family in I have decided to bring you back to work for me if you want." The man said. "You mean you're asking me to work at your line of business, that's a dream come true. Of course we will come along, Nigel Marven." I said. "I believe you'll enjoy Prehistoric park." Nigel said and we departed after saying goodbye to the campers. 

Next time with Alpha he will be working with wild life presenter Nigel Marven as he travels back in time to a land before humans and modified dinosaurs. What will he encounter and what will go down at the park. His forms will not be able to come out. He cannot hear the dinosaurs and other animals. He and his family live rather normally at Prehistoric Park.

Finally finished Camp Creatoecus. It took time and each episode may seem short and probably is but it led up to this. Thank you for 1.1 k reads and counting. I hope you enjoyed this. I will see you soon in the next part. It will be much longer. Thank you KilluaZoldyck3000 for always reading the next story part and always seeming to enjoy it and also thank you to williamsmaurice1254 for giving me the idea to do this in the first place. Thank you both. Thank you to the people who voted, followed, and added to their reading list for this one story. I appreciate it. 

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