Episode 20: Welcome to Jurassic Park

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I woke up the next morning energized. I roared out a roar that signalled that I was here, I was alive, and I am not to be trifled with. "What are you doing?" Omega laughed at me. "Expressing myself." I said. She rose up and approached me. She then let out a loud roar as well. I laughed. "Should you go to the others?" Omega asked. "Not yet. I was going to scout out for that monster." I snarled. "Let me help then." Omega said. "I don't command you." I told her. "Aren't you an Alpha though?" Omega asked. "Well, I guess I am." I said and we began to walk through the area. Before long we made it to a certain area around the middle of the island. We were at a helipad by a waterfall. I looked around and followed a dirt path. We turned back and walked through the area. We passed through some opened gates. Going past the bushed and along the dirt path. "How long has this been here?" I asked. "Longer than we have been alive." Omega said, amazed. "This must be-" I began to say but Omega finished it before I could. "Jurassic Park." We walked the path with respect. We got to a whole other watering hole. Around it was triceratops, gallimimus, parasaurolophus, and brachiosaurus. A brachio walked past us and ate from a tree. A paro came by us and leant down. We tried to pet it but it made noise with its crest. We both smiled. Before long we went down to the watering hole and began to drink from it. It was refreshing. 

After a few hours we continued along the path. We discovered some old tracks for some old cars. We then arrived at the old gates. They were slightly cracked. A little bit of room to walk through. We did go through and came across the dilophosaurus cage. A dilo looked at us from it and turned back with a chortle. "She looked magnificent." Omega said. "I agree." I said and we arrived at a broken cage with destroyed vehicles and a fallen thatch building. Wires draped down. We felt the ground shake and Rexy walked back. This was her original home. Behind her was a juvenile T.Rex. I walked to the now giant rex and he seemed to remember me because he leaned down and nudged me slightly. No intentions of eating me. I patted his snout. Rexy growled at me so I backed away. He then looked at Omega. He approached her but she turned into Dawn. Rexy seemed to back away very quickly. The two left. "I've never seen Rexy run away so fast." I said. "Well I think she knows that Siats was the real apex predator in her time, by pure instinct." Omega said. I turned to Scorn and we continued and walked past a destroyed fencing on a building. "What do you think was here?" I asked her. "Velociraptor." She said, nodding to the raptor sign. "Too bad only one is left." I said. I was sad for Blue. Omega nudged me. I looked at her. "Maybe she won't always be alone." She said. "I hope she won't be." I said and we walked back and made it to the visitor center. The sun in the middle of the sky. Blazing down on my back while my sail sheltered Omega from it. We turned back to ourselves. We walked up the steps and pushed the door open to see scaffolding, grass and vines, fallen bones, and compys. One ran past us with a compass. "Hey, where do you think you're going?" I said grabbing it. It dropped the compass and Omega caught it. "If she's here then the others will be coming behind her." I told Omega. "I'll see you later then." Omega said and handed the compass back to me. I grabbed it and she ran off. 

She was exactly like me, I could not ask for a better person to be with all day. "Do you think you and her might be mates." Al whispered. "Al!" Scorn yelled. "They are similar so it makes sense." Cyclone said. "Since when do you care?" Al asked. "Never said I did." He said. "Quiet all of you! Maybe though." I told Al. Darius, Yaz, and Kenji ran in. "Looking for this." I said and threw the compass to them. Darius caught it. "What are you doing here?" Yaz asked. "Was scouting around and stumbled past the compy." I told them. "Why does it have to be this haunted place though." Kenji said. "If anything, this is a temple." I told him. "People died here." Kenji said. "Bad deaths." Yaz said. "Like everywhere else, don't believe in superstitions." I said and then Blue pounced on a compy from out of nowhere. They all screamed and I stepped back. "Run away, slowly." Darius said and they ran out. Blue chased them in response. "You have got to be kidding me, you think they would learn." I said to myself and ran out. Blue chased them over a rock and then it happened so fast and I saw Blue under a jeep. Compys coming to get a meal but she snapped at them. "No!" Al yelled. I transformed into him and tried to move the jeep off her. The others tried helping. We got the jeep off and I turned back. Blue shook herself off some grass. "Thank you, Alpha." She said to me. I nodded and she ran away. I glared at them, next time don't run, let me handle it or don't run at all." I said and walked off. They followed. "Alpha, we are ready to leave the island as soon as this storm passes." Darius told me. "Good." I said and walked away until I heard a radio crackle. "Darius, Alpha, Ben. There's a hybrid on the loose called Scorpius Rex, it could be anywhere and it has poisonous quills." Brooklyn alerted us all. "Roger that." Darius said and we all ran to camp. I then flew up as Cyclone. 'Omega?" I called out. "Yes." She said. "Chaos is erupting because of the hybrid, be careful." I said. "I will be, you too." She said. I then looked at a stampede and flew over to it and dove down. 

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