Episode 8: Left behind

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I had walked all the way to a hole in the ground. The underground tunnels that were probably closed off but I had their scent in there. I jumped down and saw I would not be able to transform. "Better be careful here." I said to myself. I then saw compys run past me. I was starving. "I wish I had a smaller form to transform into." I said and kept going along. I ran into my first blocked gate. I groaned and then turned trying to follow their scent. I ran into another gate and another one then I realized I was surrounded by gates. I groaned and hit one making a vent pop open. They were there recently. 

I climbed through and felt a bit cramped. Being as tall as I was would totally have that effect on you. Something rammed the side making me move to the right. That's when I noticed a new scar on me. It was across my chest. The ramming continued. "Can't transform now." I heard. It was Toro. He rammed again and I kicked the dent. "After I kill your friends, you'll be next." He snarled. He then rammed again causing my foot to be trapped. I groaned. Sweat poured down my body and I was starving. Knowing I was not leaving the island yet I knew that I would go and eat those ankylosaurs I found. Maybe some apatos for the others. They are going to have to deal with it. I then used my strength and moved the metal off my leg and I clutched it seeing the scratch marks it made. Nothing serious.

"There they are." Toro chuckled and approached my friends. I rushed down the vent and heard them all scream and Toro ran at them. He smashed a crate as they all began to hide. I saw the area was big enough for me to transform. I smiled and broke through and rolled and then rose as my spinosaurus form.  I roared loudly at Toro. "Oh come on." Toro roared back. "That threat you made was not a good one. You have earned my wrath." I then charged but he was faster and hit me square in the chest. Kenji was cheering off to the side but they all moved him before thinking on how to stop Toro seeing that I was tired. I smashed his face into a wall causing it to break and I saw light. I bit Toro on the neck and clawed at him over and over. He wiggled away and ran around and then hit me into the wall and I almost brought it down. I then slapped him with my tail. He skidded away and fell on the tracks. He saw Darius behind a crate. He snapped at it and then broke the crate revealing oxygen tanks. They began to try and explode them as air was already leaking out. I bit Toro's tail making him roar in pain as I pulled him back. His face slammed on the ground so many times. "Your leader has died." I told him. "I'm settling a score." Toro roared out. He bit my arm and I smacked him down. He roared at me again and I threw him back. I then used my tail to slap him. He was dizzy but still tried to attack me. His attempts were futile and I made the clear when I pinned him. "Alpha! Get to cover!" Darius said as they lit a taser. I transformed and hid behind a crate. They lit a taser and used hand sanitizer. The place blew up and then I realized something. Ben wasn't with them. He died. He's gone. I wasn't there to protect him. I could have saved him. I looked down and then the smoke cleared and I came out from behind the crate. Toro was buried under rubble, lifeless. The others began to cheer and I walked over to them. "If you hadn't shown up, we could have been killed." Sammy said. I nodded. "Ben?" I asked. "A pteranodon grabbed him and then they crashed the monorail after we jumped off." Darius said. He sounded sad like it was his fault. "Bumpy?" I asked them. "I lost her when we jumped." Kenji said, saddened. Then the rubble moved and a burned Toro rose up. He roared. "No." Brooklyn said. I stood at the ready to save them. Toro just walked off. "Let's go home!" Yaz cheered and so did the others. They rushed out and we came across an empty dock. "They left us?" Sammy said, upset. "We will get off this island." Darius told them. "We just have to wait." I told them. "Who's hungry?" I asked. They all said a form of yes. "Good, we have a long walk to get to a dinosaur." I told them. "What?" Kenji asked. "You are going to have to get used to this, we can try and scavenge later but we can cook that up now." I told them. They groaned and accepted the fact they had to eat dinosaurs. Dead ones of course. There are a lot. We walked to one of them when Brooklyn came alongside me. "So where do you think we can sleep?" She asked. "The jungle is full of dinosaurs just like the coast, and mountains. Maybe Main Street." I told her. "Main Street it is then." We arrived at the dinosaur and I started a fire and cooked up the meat I sliced off and we ate. "Not bad." Sammy said. "Tender and kind of juicy." Brooklyn said. "Want anymore?" I asked. "Uhh, maybe later." Kenji said and we eventually went to sleep. It started to get kind of cold though so we huddled for warmth. Me and Brooklyn were the closest and then I had an idea. I got out of the pile of warmth and transformed before I curled around them and went to sleep. Everyone leaned on my side and I gave off a low and relaxed growl. Then I went to sleep, ready to survive. 

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