Episode 24: No more freaky hybrids!

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We ran for a long while across the docks. We weren't even sure if those hybrids were even chasing us. We just ran as far as we could. Soon though we ran into Kenji driving the boat back to shore. We waved him over. We met up. "We thought you were gone." Darius said. "We would never leave you guys, we just had to get away from the Scorpius." Kenji said. "Appreciate it but now we have two of them on our hands." I said. "How?" Brooklyn asked. "I think they reproduce asexually." Darius said but everyone looked at him. "We have to kill them." I said. "Or else the island will collapse." Omega said. "Lets do it." Brooklyn said and we walked around trying to find them. 

We did approach something. An animal calling out. We approached cautiously toward it until we saw it was a baby brachiosaurus. "Little one, where is your herd?" I asked her. "They left." The baby wailed. "It's okay, we will find them." Omega said and everyone called for the brachiosaurus and soon the mother approached and took the baby with her. "Look, tracks." Ben pointed out. "Scorpius ones too." I said and we followed them. Eventually we followed them around and lost the tracks. "Where did it go?" Yaz asked. The Scorpius dropped down. "Hello there." He roared. Some of us screamed and we ran. The Scorpius followed us and smashed the jeep across the land. The jeep, we were near Jurassic Park. The theory was soon confirmed when the Scorpius chased us into the area. He smashed through a wall in front of us or this was the second one. Darius aimed a gun at it, a tranquilizer gun but even if it hit, it had armor. Darius did shoot the gun but it shot a raptors eye on a backdrop for the place. "Run." I said. We ran into the kitchen. "Scorn, Cyclone, Al. Do any of you want to help?" I asked them. "I can't help." Cyclone said. "I'm too tired." Scorn said. "No worries, I can handle him." Al said. "Count me in." Frost said. The Scorpius charged through and roared as we hid. behind the counters. He then smashed through the area and charged us next. We rolled away and Sammy turned the fire on the stove on, drawing him away. Soon it stopped and he ran away from it and went back to us. 

The first Scorpius ran back into us and attacked. I turned to Al. "Let's do this!" I roared. "I am going to eat you alive!" Al said. Omega turned to Frost and roared at the Scorpius. The Scorpious charged at us. We turned and struck at his sides. He roared and flung his quills around. We dodged thanks to our speed advantage. Darius and them ducked down and then they were met with Blue. "Not more hybrids." She snarled and charged at them. "Blue, watch out for the quills." I warned her. "Thanks for the warning." She said and jumped on his back. Then the second Scorpius jumped down from the sky and crushed the scaffolding. It was an all out battle royale against both Scorpius's as they fought each other while we fought them. "This place is going down." Omega said as rocks began to fall. "It will kill them." I said. "We better leave." Blue said. The kids ran out and then Omega but a rock cut me off as I was about to escape. The place began to topple onto us and bring dust into the air. "Scorn!" I yelled and switched to him. I held the Scorpius duo down as rocks fell onto us. 

For a minute it was darkness and I heard the others coming closer. "Alpha?" Blue asked. Light shown and a Scorpius head popped out roaring. He looked at them but was pulled back down and raised up. He panicked and tried running. I rose up and bit his neck. I clawed his eyes out and began to rip into his neck. Al then turned through and did what he said, eating him alive. The Scorpius wailed. Then Cyclone was next and ripped the head off and dropped it down. I turned to myself and stepped onto the head and crushed it. The other Scorpius was already dead as Compys went to feast. I brought out my claws, tail, and quills and breathed heavily. I then let out a roar of all three forms I had. The roar of victory and triumph. The roar of an Alpha, of a king. I then turned my sights onto the campers. They all reeked of fear of me. I turned to Omega and Blue. They didn't reek of fear. They smelt of respect. The body language confirmed it. "Let's go home." I said picking up the skull. I threw it into the forest. I walked beside Omega. "Guess this is goodbye." Blue said. "No, just see you later." I smiled at her. She smiled back. "I think those hybrids had human DNA." Scorn said. "It doesn't matter, they are dead." I said. Omega turned back. "How do we explain to your family about me?" She asked. "I don't have any family left, just some kind elders. They have a bad cancer though. They may be gone." I said. "I'm sorry." Omega said. "Don't be, death comes for us all, we have to be ready to accept it." I said. "Then who would we stay with?" Omega asked. "I don't know but I'll find out soon." I said. It began to rain and peace overcame the island. We got to the boat. "Are you sure about this Ben?" Sammy asked. "Yeah." He said and we left the island. Ben was staying behind. "He won't last a week." Cyclone said. I shook my head. Soon Ben was swimming to us. We pulled him up and all hugged. We knew he would come swimming to us. He had that realization and realized Bumpy was fine. "To Costa Rico." Brooklyn said to kenji and he happily started the boat. We began to move but helicopters flashed lights on us. "What the heck?" I said. "Head back to the dock." They commanded and we drove back. I had a bad feeling. 

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