Episode 35: Another batch of hybrids, why?

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Thank you to everyone who has or is reading this, it means a lot to me. I hope you all are liking this story and I think it's time to say that after this I will do a Fallen Kingdom part and Dominion part and something else and maybe even another thing after that. Thank you all.

We began moving to the med bay, wherever that actually was. We walked aimlessly for a while. "I think I know this route." Gamma said and took off. We ran after him. We came up to three paths. "Is this it?" I asked him. "Yeah." He said. "Nice job." I told him. "I think we should split up." Brooklyn said. "Yeah, who knows how many babies are here." Sammy said. Brooklyn and Yaz went one way and Kenji and Sammy went another. Ben went on his own. "Looks like we're on our own now." I said to Gamma and Omega. Before long we walked into a white room with a giant computer screen. "Oh my, this is big." Omega said. "And complicated." Gamma said. I approached it. "This must be a control room." I said and started typing things on the screen. I saw files on Apex, named Asset 87. They had taken his DNA and used some sinoceratops DNA to make a hybrid. Spinoceratops. "Not more hybrids, at least this one is a herbivore." I said. It said there were two of them. A brachio baby was also held captive. It seemed a few more were being held. I saw two new dino signals appear. "Who are those?" Gamma was confused. "It seems to be some dilophosaurus and a nothosaurus. More dinos to save." I said. "We have some babies to focus on first." Omega said. "I agree." I said. We started going into cages holding mini habitats. Four cages in this room. Inside was a spino, an allo, a qutzle and in an aquatic cage a liopleurodon. "This is off." Cyclone screeched. "They are just like us." Thel said. I fell down some. I didn't want to lose any babies I rescue and have them fall to something. This was also mind racking. "Are we the fathers?" Al asked. "Seems possible." Scorn said. "This is something else I think." I said. "What would that be?" Al asked. "Wu and Mantah Corp must have been working together and used this as a side project, the next test subject was probably Gamma." I looked at Gamma. Omega walked into another room and fell back onto the wall. I moved over to her. "No, this doesn't make sense." Frost roared. "This can't be." Dawn said. "It's all wrong." Shriek squaked. "I remember these guys." Gamma said. "When we were tested on we saw them, heard them, and felt the pain." Gamma said. "Mantah Corp is the reason we are like this, not just Wu." Omega said. All of a sudden Wu came in. I turned and charged him. Wu didn't even look at me and I went through him. "This is a maze of horrors." Omega said. "These are some old clips." Gamma said and sat down to watch. We watched with him as the dinos were experimented on. "These babies are younger versions of ourselves." Scorn said. "How did you get into our minds then?" I asked. "We don't know." Dawn said. 

"Test 49 commencing now." Wu said. A blue laser hit the spino in the head. He roared and thrashed about. Soon the spino fell down as a limp body. Omega gasped. The process is repeated with the others. "Project successful." Wu said holding the essential memories of the dinosaurs and prehistoric beast inside. "Now we can begin phase two." Wu said and walked out. The room flashed red and then the entire room stayed red and inside the cages were skeletons. My mind felt as if it was breaking. I was gasping. Then I fainted. 

Soon me, Gamma, and Omega all woke up in our collected mind. We processed the new information. Our forms, excluding the dragon, also conversed the idea with one another and then decided to settle it with fighting. It was mostly silent. The occasional bellow filled the room. "That was crazy." Omega said. "Yeah, it was." I said. "How do you two feel about this?" Gamma asked. "We are shocked. What about you?" I asked. "Same here." He said. We all ended up snuggling up to one another. "Let's put that behind us." I said. "Okay." Omega sighed. "Yeah, alright." Gamma said. "I love you two, I couldn't bear the thought of losing you two." I told them. "We love you too." Omega said. She gave me a kiss. "We couldn't bear losing you either, dad." Gamma said and he smiled at me. I smiled back. Soon we woke up. We saw the red room and the skeletons and walked out. "Give me a sec." I said and turned to my dragon form and burned the area to the ground. I turned back and we walked away from the burning lab. 

Eventually we reached the others. They had the brachio with them and two of the hybrids. They were being rambunctious. "Hello guys." Ben said as the brachio knocked him down. "Hey, as you can tell we didn't find anything." I said. "Us however found Rebel, Angel, and Firecracker." Sammy said. The light one was Rebel and the darker shade was Angel. The brachio was Firecracker. I nodded. Soon though Firecracker dodged a charging Rebel who slammed into the power grid and disabled it. The lights went red and cage doors opened. Loud stomps were heard. "Hide." Yaz said and a cerateo came out. He yawned. I turned to Al. He looked at me. "Sup." He said. "Hello." I said. "Who might you be on this new island?" He asked me. "Alpha, a type of human hybrid." I said. "Ah, I see. I go by Red Face. I am very relaxed unlike my friend, Apex." Red Face said. "Huh, I didn't know Apex had friends." I said. "Yeah, he doesn't mention it a  lot but he wants peace for many of the creatures on the island. He hates humans like most of us." Red Face explained. "Wow you are an open book." I said, a little surprised. "Yeah, I get that, what's a book?" He asked. "Nevermind that." I said. Red Face saw one of the babies run by. "Oh hey, come here." He said. "Wait, look out." I said as Sammy launched a tranq gas bomb at him. "Well, back to sleep." Red Face said and the bomb went off. He fell back into a slumber. I turned back and we went up an elevator. 

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