Part 21 Awkward and nervous it seems (4)

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Trigger warning physical and mental abuse

My vision was already blurry but I could see his foot pulling back to hit me again. Due to his rage he miscalculated and kicked me in the face. I let out a small yelp after the contact since I knew it could anger him further. He grabbed my hair, pulling up my tear-stained face to look at the damage to my face. He made almost a growl-like noise as he examined my battered face.

"Stupid bitch look what you made me do! Now you will have to miss school!" He saw the fear flash in my eyes from the statement as he smirked at how frightened I was "n-no" I whispered trembling. He yanked me closer to him by my hair, smirking, "Huh? I couldn't quite hear that, speak up little whore" I whimpered as my scalp burned from the constant tugging, I said nothing. "That's what I thought" he shoved my face into the ground making my vision become a little more blurry "you're such a disappointment" I felt tears boil up to my eyes as he grabbed my face and made me look at him "aren't you?" If I had enough strength, I'd spit in his face and taunt him, but I didn't have any. I was terrified. "I'm a- I'm a disappointment" he smirked at me but I didn't fully realize as I only felt hot tears fall down my face. He stood up "Good. It's good you know your place in this world now"

He sighed irritated as his foot laid on my side. "Now look what you did" He dug his shoe into my side "You got blood all over my new shoes" I trembled at what he said worried he was gonna hurt me more. He removed his foot from my ribs, annoyed. "I have to change before a meeting with the Suoh's" he turned to walk away but he stopped before he barked out an order to the staff "Any of you help her before I'm back, you're fired" I held back tears as I faintly heard his shoes clack against the marble floor as he walked away. My eyesight was so blurry I couldn't tell who had started to talk. I didn't listen to any of the hushed voices so I just stared through my blurry vision at a clock on the wall just watching the second hand go around the clock. I wasn't prepared for being touched and moved as I had zoned out, but as soon as they had made contact to move me I felt everything full force again.

End of tw

I screamed sitting up sweating and clutching at my chest looking around, feeling hands on my arms shaking me making me look up and see a freaked out Kyoya. "Akemi, Akemi! It's only me! It's okay!" I looked at him, feeling the tears spill from my eyes "K-kyoya" I whispered softly and he awkwardly pressed me into his chest to calm me down. I clutched onto his shirt, baling. He rubbed my back, embracing me, "It was only a dream. You are all right. You're with me Akemi" I could feel myself starting to hyperventilate as someone slammed open the door, scaring me much at the sudden loud noise. I whimpered quietly hiding behind Kyoya, feeling as if it was back then when I needed to hide but it wasn't back then why am I shaking so much.

"What did you do to her?!" I heard Hikaru yell at Kyoya accusingly. "For your information I did nothing to her" I could hear Kyoya's anger in his voice. It made him pissed that the twins would think Kyoya would hurt me willingly. I looked at the twins, sniffling as the other Hosts ran into the room questioning what happened. Kyoya tried to explain, but the twins argued with him, convinced he did something to me. I closed my eyes, inhaling and exhaling, calming myself before whipping my face with my hands, getting rid of the tears. "I'm fine." Everyone immediately became quiet as I spoke up. Honey- Senpai walked over to me grabbing my hand "are you sure?" he asked seriously and I smiled at his worrying face and nodded "Yes Honey Senpai I'm fine, Kyoya did nothing" I stood up, pulling away from Honey-Senpai's hand.

"I'm grateful you were all concerned but I'm fine" With that said I left the room.


I glared at Kyoya before following Akemi as the rest of the Hosts talked in his room. I noticed Hikaru looked at me as I left but he said nothing, he just turned back to the others talking. If I remembered from the tour correctly the music room in this house isn't fair, I heard a piano and knew my inkling of where she had gone was right. I leaned on the door frame as I watched her play the piano in the rather sizable room. Her eyes closed as she played as if she knew the song from heart, then she sang

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