Part 18 Interesting plane ride (part 1)

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A/N Hey everyone i'm so sorry that i haven't updated in a while. I've been dealing with some problems and life and writers block to do for the next episode so i'm doing this instead of the episode with Honey's brother or I'll do honey's brother afterward, I dunno. (If you read the i'm tagged thing you would already sorta get whats gonna happen)  
(English )


Sitting with the host club on the plane was... OK. Haruhi was lucky that she didn't have a passport. Might be wondering why we are on a plane. Well to sum it all up Jessica and Angelica wanted me to come to America because there was an emergency. And in the process of them telling me, Tamaki had overheard and decided that everyone was going as 'moral support'. I only said yes because he gave me those stupid puppy dog eyes. 

So here all the host club (Except Haruhi since she didn't have a passport and getting one would take weeks plus she didn't want to go. Practically refused )on a plane to America. Honey-Senpai and Mori-Senpai were in the seats on the left and Hikaru and Kaoru were in the seat sets on the right. The other second years were in the seats in front of Kaoru and Hikaru with me, I had Kyoya on the left of me and Tamaki on the right

I sighed as I silently freaked out, Angelica and Jessica didn't say anything more than I have to come to America as fast as I could. The endless possibilities ran through my head, I hope bringing the club doesn't cause problems.

I felt eyes on me so I turned around to meet Kaoru's eyes. His face turned a different color, almost as if he was embarrassed. "So Akemi what is America like?" Hikaru said making me turn my attention towards him and away from his brother. Hikaru looked at me curious but slightly bored with his chin in his hand. "Yeah you've never really talked about your experience in America" Kaoru spoke as he did the same as his brother, acting more normal then a second ago. Then everyone was looking at me except Kyoya since he was typing on his laptop. I rubbed the back of my neck as they asked. "um Well America can be very different from Japan in certain aspects". 

"How vague of you" Kyoya didn't even look up when he made his not wanted comment. I pursed my lips and glared in his direction. "Whatever. America is different so prepare yourself" The twins slid back in their chairs and started to talk while the cousins did the same, well sorta, since Honey was the only one really talking as he played with his Bunny. Tamaki smiled like a weirdo probably daydreaming. Kyoya was still on his laptop.

I thought about this morning when we were picking up everyone, trying to distract myself. Tamaki had picked me up (which was not the greatest but I scared Tamaki half to death which was fun) then we had picked up everyone else. I giggled to myself when I remembered when we had gotten into Kyoya's room and he was still awake, working, yet he had been wearing pajamas. The first two things he said was ' it's already morning? and for us imbeciles, to get out of his room. '

I looked to Kyoya as he typed on his laptop with a pineapple on it. I noticed he put the armrest up so he had more room for him to type? but I also noticed that his hair was in his usual casual well-tamed hair yet it was only a tiny bit untamed, kind of like at the market, his thin-framed glasses on top his thin pointy nose hid his brownish-gray eyes. I could still see the slight bags under his eyes. His brownish-gray eyes moved from side to side as he typed on the laptop. Probably reading what he wrote as he typed. I admit, Kyoya is good looking.

I think he sensed me staring because he stopped typing and glanced at me, my face flushed, embarrassed that Kyoya caught me looking at him. He began typing again but this time with a smug smirk. I put the earphones that I had around my neck on my head and listened to music.

I closed my eyes trying to enjoy my music quietly but I felt something on my right shoulder. I opened one of my eyes to see Tamaki had fallen asleep and fell on my shoulder. I was annoyed for a split second before I laughed to myself trying not to disturb him. I may have not woken Tamaki but I had gotten Kyoya's attention. Kyoya smiled for a second before he saw the blush on my face from the situation I mouthed the words "help" to him which made chuckle to himself before he kept typing.

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