The Past

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(edited c) 

"I guess i should start." They nodded and proceeded to talk "Once there was a little girl born at dawn. I came from a British mother and my father. They named me Akemi after beautiful sun rise or beautiful dawn (which ever preferred). A year later i got a younger sister named Fumiko." "Wait you have another little sister?!"  I nodded but glared at Hikaru "Anyways, Fumiko and I were close even though we were to young to now how close we really were my voice cracked as I spoke about buy I kept talking "she was a good person. um- ok well when i turned four my mom and my sister got into a car crash" I  bit my lip holding back some of my tears. 

~~~~~~~~~Flashback~Akemi 4 years old~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Daddy said mommy and sissy went to the store i was so happy he said they were gonna get ice cream. I was only coloring in a coloring book when the phone rang through out the house. "Daddy the phone!" I yelled "Busy pumpkin please get it!" he yelled back. I nodded to myself and ran to the phone i w got up onto the chair next to it and answered it "Hello Hayashi house Akemi speaking" I said cheerily. "It's a child" i heard a person mumble sadly. "Hey i may be kid but why are you calling?" i said "Um Akemi was it may you please get your daddy?" "Sure" i said slowly "DADDY THEY WANT TO TALK TO YOU!" i yelled and he sighed as he took the phone from me. 

I watched as daddy's face turn lighter and his smile leave his face. His eyes had water in them. "Daddy?" i asked quietly as he dropped the phone. "No" He whispered. "Daddy your scaring me what's going on?" My dad then hugged me. "Why are you crying? Give me the phone so i can call mommy so she can help" i said i tried to get out of daddy's hug but he held on tight. "Mommy's gone Akemi she's gone....So is Fumiko" Daddy said as he looked into my eyes. "How can they be gone they went to the store silly" i said laughing nervously 

"Akemi listen to me they got hurt really bad baby and their gone" my daddy broke in to a crying fit. "They can't be gone they were just here....." i said as i cried to. 


Daddy and i were outside the funeral it had just ended. I gripped my daddy's hand "Fumiko and Mommy are watching over us right?" i saw a tear run down my daddy's face. i tried not to cry i knew mommy and sissy would want us to be happy even they were gone...right?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"After their death i tried to be happy- happy for both my dad and i but he didn't seem himself, ever. I get that our lives changed but he cut the world off. He lost his wife and daughter i get that but i lost my mother and my sister.  Still it was like his whole life stopped, like nothing mattered, i didn't matter anymore. 

He dropped me off at foster home and just left me...." 

~~~~~~~~~~Flashback~Akemi 4 years old~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

 Daddy doesn't usually leave his room unless he makes food. Not even then. But today he seemed a bit more off he and i drove some where and didn't know where we had gotten to the house and it looked weird their were a lot of kids here. Daddy went to talk to someone then came back to me. "Pumpkin i need you to stay here okay?" i nodded "Good. I'll be right back,Okay?" Little me nodded my head but i grabbed the mans hand before he left "You promise you'll come back?" i said as i held out my pink finger. He smiled but something looked wrong with it. Little me didn't notice "I pinky promise my little Pumpkin" i looked up to the mans face as he wrapped his pinkey around mine then left.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Akemi 5 years old~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Daddy never came back iv'e come to others peoples house and they treated me like their kid it was weird they would always send me back to that awful house with the mean lady. The mean lady always made funny of us. I'm turning 6 soon and i can't wait i hope daddy comes to get me.

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