part 19 The cluster fuck of a day (part 2)

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(A/N sorry forgot to add Kyo's picture) 

(English )

I looked through the window of the limo as Louis drove us, I was so stressed about what the older twins had wanted. I mean Louis didn't seem all that worried when he picked us all up but he did tend to hide his inner worries without even realizing it. Everybody was in conversation or looking at the window watching as we drove by buildings and other cars until we got off the freeway into some town except Kyoya who was typing on his laptop again. "Where are we going? " the twins questioned me, I looked to Louis asking him in English but he became somewhat nervous as sweat ran down his face for a second "Ummm." I raised my eyebrow at him "well you see Jessica and Angelica are working at a concert right now and they didn't really want for you to wait at the house so we're heading to the concert". My eyes narrowed at him "Louis who's performing?" I saw him gulp nervously "that's not importa-" "LOUIS you better tell me or so help me." Louis then put up the divider between the driving compartment and us. I glared at it "LOUIS ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I became angry because if it was who I thought it was I was gonna be ticked. "Um Ake-chan what's going on?" Honey-senpai asked me and I sighed "We are going to a concert" The twins tilted their heads "What's so wrong with that" Hikaru asked "You like music and concerts," Kauro said "I do, but I believe we're going to see my ex" Everything went quiet, Kyoya had stopped typing but then Hikaru started to laugh "oh that's a good one! You're messing with us right?!" Kauro put his hand on his brother's shoulder "I don't think she's joking". "Kauro's right I'm not" everybody's (except for Mori- senpai and Kyoya) eyes widened. Tamaki hugged me, squeezing me almost to death "AH!" " HOW DARE MY PETIT OISEAU (little bird) AlREADY DATE SOMEONE!" The twins mumbled between each other trying to pronounce the French words confused. I squirmed out of Tamaki's grip glaring at him "I wouldn't exactly call it a relationship, we didn't ever kiss or see each other that much" Tamaki still looked bothered, they all did. "What?" "Why didn't you tell us?" Honey-senpai asked I felt a little guilty "Well you never asked and it wasn't really relevant" They all nodded but I saw the twins smirk "Wait a minute" Kauro said "If you never kissed him that means-" "your first kiss-" "WAS KYOYA" they laughed and I felt my face heat up with my embarrassment and anger "Oh yeah! Ake-chan and Kyo-chan kissed because of the twins" Honey-senpai said as Mori-senpai confirmed with a "yeah" Tamaki was slightly flipping out on the twins for bringing up the incident that didn't make his 'daughter innocent'. I wanted to kill the twins and I didn't dare look at Kyoya, I was about to lunge at one of the twins until the car had stopped and Louis opened the door. "We're here" We were in a back alley of the concert building. We all go out and the host club looked sorta disgusted at the back alley and how dirty it was. I walked with Louis to the door "is this Kyo's concert" he smiled sadly at me "m-maybe" he stuttered out. I sighed tiredly as we were ushered in. We followed Louis to a room and when opened there were Jessica and Angelica "hi guys their here-" they squealed and hugged me immediately shoving Louis out of the way which made me laugh "Okay no time to talk" the twins said "put this on" Jessica said pushing an outfit towards me "Why?" I looked at them suspiciously "the person who was supposed to open canceled last second because of food poisoning" Angelica said "so we need you to open" Jessica said to me as my eye twitched "Please!" they begged me I sighed "fine" I said through clenched teeth. "YAY" the squealed hugging me and saying thank you, over and over again.
I sighed, this was the twins for sure doing something last second but then again they didn't expect the open to get sick. I sighed as I turned to the host club as they were very confused but before I could say anything the twins ushered them out of the room.
I sighed sitting in the couch defeated the girls didn't even tell me why I was here. I laid on the couch for a minute just thinking about how this whole trip was so chaotic. I should have expected that I mean the last few months have been terribly hectic because of the host club but thinking about it my life has always been hectic in some way.
I felt bad for the host club having to deal with all this and for some reason I did feel guilty for not telling them about Kyo. I wanted to be more truthful with them about how I am but it's so hard to open up but I couldn't even dream of a time where I would actually talk to them as truthful as I would like.
I sighed as a knock interrupted my train of thought which I think at the time was a good thing. "Please give me a minute I haven't changed yet" and the person on the other side just said "Okay" I held up the outfit the Twins had given me and I scowled at how short it was. 

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