Part 23 Sickly thoughts and a brothers conflict

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"Haruhi I'm fine really, I just hit my head on the way back from America" I told her as we walked to the Host club. "Akemi I don't think you're telling the truth" I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine, can you just drop it?"

I was lying. I had been lying non-stop since what had happened at the wedding reception. Haruhi was worried about me, I could tell all of them were when Haruhi spilled the beans to the hosts. I couldn't tell them the truth though. There was too much at stake. What if Jun wasn't fucking with me and they were alive. I wanted so badly to just go to Kyoya and spill my guts and have him take it over. I mean his family has a private police force for god sakes it would be so easy.

Haruhi sighed as we got to the host club door as Haruhi opened the door. I felt someone was behind us. I turned around to find a boy wearing the middle school uniform. "Hey, what the hell do you want, kid? You think it's okay to just sneak around people?!" I yelled as I was a little irritated by him just showing up, not too keen on people not announcing their presence. I hate being on edge. I softened just a little noticing who the boy was. 

Haruhi gave me a weird look for my outburst "excuse me are you members of the host club? Could you ask third year Mitskuni Huninozuka to meet me out here" He younger student asked us. "Who? Honey-Senpai? You sure?" Haruhi asked him. The boy nodded "Yes".

"Oh look it's Chika-Chan! So what's up? You rarely come to the high school like this to see me" Honey-Senpai said cutesy as he was on Mori's shoulders. "Prepare yourself Mitsukuni" The kid told Honey. Then trying to jump kick into Honey but Honey jumped back and landed in a squat. "Hey come on cut it out you guys" Haruhi said to the similar looking boys "Mori-Senpai" She called to him but all he did was hum questionably. "What do you mean 'hmm'? Chika just fucking jumped him?!" Mori then gave me a worried look which made me calm down and shut up quickly.

Mori knew what happened.

Before I had actually met up with everybody again I was able to quietly get Mori-Senpai's attention due to the twins and Tamaki dancing while Honey-Senpai and Kyoya were talking about different foods.

I had him grab my purse out of the car Louis had brought us into the wedding venue. I had a back -up makeup kit in it just in case I cried or something. Mori-Senpai did it discreetly but then questioned me upon his return. He's a man of few words but when it came to something like this he grilled me. He was training me after all so he could tell I was fighting due to my knuckles being a little swollen and red, the indents from my nails in my palm were another indication. The bruise hadn't fully formed yet as it was too soon after it happened but he could just tell for some reason. I didn't tell him everything that was said but I did tell him it was a fight with Jun. Mori then was on red alert for the rest of the reception and he didn't really leave my side unless I was with the other hosts.

So he knows about the fight and that Jun knew too much about me. 

I stood there just watching them fight with my arm crossed passively watching as I had way too much on my mind and I knew Honey- Senpai kicks ass especially since it was his brother. Yes I knew 'chika' was Honey's younger brother since Jun made me do research about other families, not a lot but the Huninozuka's was one. But also I've been training with Honey and Mori so I've met Chika and Mori's brother too.

Should've known Jun was spying on me. I was kicking myself about not being more careful while being at this stupid rich school.

Renge had come out of nowhere bringing me out of my thoughts and she started to narrate their fight. Haruhi was still confused. "So there at it again?" Tamaki asked as he, the twins, and Kyoya showed up. "I wish they would have chosen a better location to do this" Kyoya said as he pushed up his glasses. "Wait, why are you guys so calm?!" Haruhi questioned

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