Facing Akemi's father

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After i told my story to the group, they one by one went to be bed. They all told me how they felt sorry, how I was so strong, and that should never have happened. I did appreciate their support and all that jazz. They left me alone down stairs. I noticed that a different person came downstairs. My birth father. He noticed me and slowly sat across from me. "Akemi..can we talk?" this could go of 2 ways act like a total arse or listen to what he has to say.

"Sure" was all i could muster. "How have you been?" he asked me "good. You?" 

"Good, Good" 

We had awkward silence til i spoke. "Why did you leave me there?"  i asked him looking him in his eyes. He didn't say anything. "and why did you lie about coming back for me? Why do that to me? I was only four" I questioned "Listen Akemi i apologize for leaving you that way it's just i was thinking straight. But i also didn't see myself able to take care of you. I was sad-" "Don't use small words like i'm a child because i'm not. I had to grow up to survive through things no one should have to go through. I was four when all the suffering in my life happened, i lost my baby sister and my mother while you lost one of your daughters  and your wife. I was hurting too" My voice trembled. 

"Akemi i don't know what to say rather than say i'm sorry" He said" I dont want to hear 'I'm so sorry' anymore I've heard that from enough people. What I want to hear is like I wish I was there or I was in the wrong to leave you, something to show that you do genuinely care! NOT THE BULLSHIT ANSWER OF I'M SORRY!" I yelled "everyone says 'oh I'm so sorry for what's happened to you' 'I'm so sorry you had to go through that pain' 'I'm so sorry' they always said that but did nothing to help! They just left so they wouldn't have to deal with me and whats happened or what they think happened! Guess I got used to being left behind at some point since it start with the person who was suppose to love and support me! But you know who cares" I shrugged "I guess 'I'm so sorry for what I did' makes up for all the times you missed all my birthdays, all my accomplishments, all the bull crap i went through without a biological father because he couldn't handle losing people in his life!" He had let me scream and yell at him until I said that. "Now that's not fair I gave everything up for you, your mother and your sister-" I interrupted him "so that justifies everything you've done?! You may have given things up for us but after they passed you gave me up! So don't you talk about giving things up!" Tears streamed down my face as I glared at the man in front of me.

"Akemi I was depressed and i didn't want to end up hurting you Akemi, i had gotten into things that i should have never gotten into after your mother and sister died. I didn't want you to get hurt in the process" He explained with upset expression. I stayed silent.

"I'm sorry i did that to you but i'm glad i did,
you turned out great. I talked to the Blonde fellow from last night he told me about how you got into an elite school, you live with a foster dad and you have a sister who was that other girl there, tough as nails, stubborn, you pursued music, Your in a club with great people-"

 My birth father went on about how Tamaki told him things about me yesterday. "Imma kill that idiot" i spoke with distaste and anger.  He had no right to talk about me to him. "I also saw that you were holding hands with the Raven haired boy are you two dating?" I choked on my spit after he asked. "What the HELL? Two things, one we are not and two it's really none of your business". He smirked "What ever you say". What the hell does that mean. 
I sighed trying to calm down.

"Anyways who was the little girl and women from last night?" i asked sinking into my seat. I could see the sweat that started to build up on his forehead, he nervously spoke "The women is Jomei she's my w-wife and the little girl is Hoshi-" "My half sister? I figured" "Then why ask?" 

"I wanted to hear it from you"

This part of the conversation may seem casual, when someone sees an old friend or something but it does hurt to talk as if were old friends since he did leave me and i can somewhat understand his reasoning.  I didn't want to hold a grudge, i didn't want that to be a thing to define me. 

"DADDY" I heard a little girl yell. I then saw a blonde blur run into my birth father. "Well speak of the little devil" Hoshi looked at him weirdly, the little girl then noticed i was sitting. "Hey your the girl from yesterday! Daddy who's that?" "That's your older sister" He said to her. My eyes widened, did he just openly say that?  "Really?" She squealed my birth father nodded and the little walked over to me and smiled. "Hi I'm Hoshi" 

My confused expression changed to a calm smiling one. she was a cute little girl that was for sure. "Hello Hoshi i'm Akemi". I guess this was the start of a better relationship with my father, I don't want to keep the hatred I had in my heart for him any longer. I had gotten everything out that i had wanted to say for years anyways. Though i want more answers and I will get them no matter what it takes. On a brighter side i can try and have a new realrionship with my half sister and hopefully my supposed step mother. 

I want to make one thing clear though. By letting him in my life, he will never ever replace the spot in my heart as my true father. He may be my biological father but someone already has that spot in my heart, the one who dealt with all the crap i put him through, the person that showed me his strange but doubtly kindness, the one that took me in when he never needed to. That was ranka  (ryjoi) Fujioka. My father. Papa.

(Sorry it took me so long to update and that this was short and crappy chapter..... but next chapter will be better since you get to figure out why Kyoya walked away.......  Also i was wondering should i do a christmas chapter, comment and let me know.

Also Just wanna take a second to thank you all for reading, voting, or adding this story since I don't usually say/ type a lot when it comes to author notes. All the support means so much to me and i appreciate you all! 😊  I hope you all have a great morning/ afternoon/day/night!
til next part novarose7 out) 

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