Part 2 Meeting the host club and becoming a host

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(A/N From future edited Grammar and such) 

"This place has four library's you would think at least one of them would be quite " Haruhi explained frustrated. "I know it's pretty lame but what do you expect from a snotty rich kid school" I replied to her as I fixed my glasses.

"You have a point".

We walked down the hall of this so-called 'Great school' in silence until Haruhi stopped at one of the windows for just a couple of seconds. But could tell she was thinking about Mama. It's been 10 years since she passes. I frowned I miss you Mama and it's almost been 8 years since grandma left us for heaven. I hope you're doing OK in heaven.

"I'm beginning to think that rich kids only come to school to have a good time" Haruhi broke the silence by grumbling. I silently snickered at her. She glared at me. Boy does my sister like to study.

"An abandoned music room" I heard Haruhi say as she looked at the sign up above then at the door.

"Maybe we should try there " I suggested. She nodded in agreement "Yeah. I guess this will probably be the only way for us to study in peace and quiet" she explained as she opened the door. Studyahcolic I thought to myself.

When she opened the door there was a bright light coming through the door and red rose petals came out. cool

The bright light went away and there stood freaking Six guys in a perfect formation type dealio. What in the hell is this

"Only those with excellent social standing and those from filthy rich families are lucky enough to spend their time here at the elite private school-" how the hell did we get in then I thought as Blondie explained ." -or an academy Ouran host club is where the school's most handsome boys with too much time on their time hands entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as our academies elegant playground for the super rich and beautiful ". Blondie finally finished.I sighed.

Great, what did we get into?

I looked over at my sister she had her arms out on the door trying to find the doorknob. Keyword trying."This - This is a host club " I heard her stutter out"Hikaru, Karuo I believe this young man is in your same class as you isn't it. and that young lady next to him is in Tamaki and I's" Glasses said

He? oh this is comical they think Haruhi's a dude I silently laughed to myself idiots. Well, at least it'll be interesting.

I saw the identical ginger twins reply back at the same time while turning their heads to face Glasses "Yeah but he's shy. He doesn't act very sociable so we don't know much about him" Glasses turned his head slightly with a smirk.Ok, at least he knows.

"Well that wasn't very polite-" Snob but a nice smart snob at that."Welcome to Ouran host club ms. and Mr. Honor students" he said to us

Out of nowhere Blondie comes in front of us, ( more like me since Haruhi is still attempting to open the door) and started to speak. "But you must be Haruhi and Akemi Fujioka. You two are exceptional honor students we've heard about" I laughed at Blondie's awe and Haruhi still trying to open the door.

"How did you know our names " I questioned as Haruhi turned slightly to ask the same thing so she just nodded her head.

"Why you're infamous it's not every day that a commoner gains entry to our academy""HEY who do you think you're calling a commoner " I yelled but was ignored."You two must have an audacious nerve to fight your way into this school as an honor student Miss and Mr. Fujioka " okay glasses is now is pissing me off. Haruhi was down about being called an 'audacious' ' commoner'.

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