Part 20 long over due (part 3)

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I looked at the tea swirl around as I stirred it In Jessica's house. My head was pounding from the chaos from yesterday. The yelling and the fighting that ensued after what Kyo had done on stage, as much as I appreciate the host's coming to my aid I didn't like how a certain someone handled it.


"We're your worse fucking Nightmare," Kyoya said darkly

I could feel the tension between the blonde boys, the twins, and Kyoya as Kyo laughed not afraid at all of what Kyoya said. "You pretty boys think you scare me? that's hilarious" Kyo said with such amusement, but everyone just glared. I gulped, I hated the situation I didn't want this to get out of hand I didn't want to see my friends become violent. I zoned out as I started to panic.

I shouldn't have made a big deal out of it, I mean it was a simple, It didn't matter it was just a stage kiss, It meant nothing. I should have just walked away in anger instead of yelling at him maybe this wouldn't be happening if I just stayed quiet.

That's when I heard it, someone had punched Kyo. When I finally realized who it was I was shocked as I saw Kauro look at Kyo, who was now bleeding from his nose, with such anger and hatred. Kyo may have been taller but that didn't stop Karou from picking him up by his shirt collar. "Don't you call her that ever again! because I swear I'll-" I didn't realize at the time but Hikaru looked surprised by his brother's outrage but when I looked at the scene all I saw was past events that haunt me, my breathing became heavy as I thought about my past making me clutch onto my own arms. The first to notice was Tamaki as his eyes met mine I knew he was conflicted on helping me or stopping Karou from doing something he regretted. I just nodded at him slowly and Tamaki knew what to do. He first elbowed Kyoya and Kyoya turned to me with what looked to be like sadness and worry. He immediately went to my side hugging me and trying to shield me from what was going on but I could hear Tamaki talk "Now now Karou could you please put the bully down before you do something you'll regret and sully your good name as a gentlemen" I heard something drop and I assumed it was Kyo falling on his ass. "I believe that this is not our fight to handle but a certain different pair of twins" I heard Tamaki say. I felt a small smile creep on my face as Tamaki brought up Angelica and Jessica, Kyo was in deep shit now. I felt someone pick me up as I felt numb and I couldn't move from where I was. I closed my eyes leaning into whoever this was before passing out.


I wish Karuo hadn't hit Kyo, even though he's a giant prick, I don't like resorting to violence unless deemed necessary. I had learned a lot from what Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai since they've been training me on self-defense which made me a little angry at myself because what if I used what I knew against Kyo?

I don't know why but I don't feel like myself, everything almost seems out of character since this trip started.

I shook my head before I sipped my tea as yesterday played through my mind over and over thinking about what I could've done differently.

I tried to think about anything else as I was getting tired of thinking about the situation of last night.

I hadn't seen anyone today really after yesterday. Tamaki and the host twins might be getting a tour of the land from Angelica and Jessica, the cousins might still be asleep as well as Kyoya. I felt my face warm up as I thought about Kyoya. I needed to talk to him about what happened between us yesterday because I felt like we could be more than friends but we would have to keep it on the down-low because of us being hosts. Then my worry started because Kyoya is very much a businessman, what If he thought all of it over and thought the risk was too high for some reason. I felt my anxiety build again which made me sigh and try and drink more of my tea. Stupid brain.

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