1. Bestie

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Oh my fucking god! Am I listening this correctly or am I hallucinating? Because this bitch has the audacity to tell me that she's getting married and that too with Master Felix, like what? When did this happen and why the fuck was I not involved in this process. I am going to choke Violet to death the moment she enters home. As I was finding a weapon to hit her with, the door bell rang. I got up from the couch, getting a pillow with me so that I can smack her with it.

I opened the door and swinged my arm to hit her when I saw who was at the door. Shit! It was Master Felix! He blocked my attack by taking a step back and my pillow went flying to the ground. It happened so fast that I didn't even register what happened. Both Felix and Violet were looking at me with shocked eyes.

"What the hell Lily! Were you trying to attack us?"

"I wasn't- I mean I was but not you, I wanted to hit Violet but I didn't expect you to be with her."

"And why were you trying to hit her?"

"Because this bitch got engaged and didn't even tell me!"

"Language Lily."

Come on! Why are all these Doms so pressed about cursing?

"I literally told you an hour ago Lily."

"That's what I am saying, why were you so late!?"

"I was going to but-

"Don't you dare-

"Stop both of you! Are y'all small kids? Fighting at the door like this? Get inside!"


"No buts. Get inside both of you."

Master Felix might not be my Dom but he is a Dom and a damn intimidating one which automatically makes my inner submissive listen to him whether it's inside the club or outside the club. We all went inside , me and Violet walking behind him like meek cats.

As much as I wanted to smack Violet for not telling me before, I wasn't mad at her. I was the happiest person in this world because she was finally getting her happiness back. The glow on her face might look like after sex glow but I knew it was much more than that. She was practically brimming with joy and I was so happy for her that I couldn't keep up with my mad act.

I took her in my arms and hugged her tightly. I knew she would start crying as soon as I held her. We have been doing this for years now but today's tears were of joy not sorrow.

"Don't cry idiot, nobody likes a crying face. He might take that ring of yours back if he sees you like this."

I heard Felix chuckle behind us as I wiped her tears. I was so happy seeing her like this. We have been friends since literal childhood. I was that Indian girl who smelled like curry and she was the fat girl who everyone used to bully. We hit right off and rest is history. Our bond is more of sisters than best friends and there's nothing in this world that I can't do for her.

"Ma will be so furious when she knows you're getting married. You know how she was trying to set you up with my mama's son."
(Mama=Mother's brother)

"He was quite handsome though."

"Excuse me?"

We laughed as Felix eyed Violet from the back.

"I was just kidding stupid."

"Stupid? You are getting quite courageous baby."

"Because I know Lily will save me from you."

I laughed seeing them pull each other's leg. Will I ever get someone who looks at me the way Felix looks at Violet.

"I ain't saving your ass because I might be the biggest brat ever but I am also not dumb enough to call my Dom stupid!"

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