9*. Déjà vu

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I don't know why that night flashed through my mind when we reached the private rooms. It was as if it had happened before. That night in Club Bliss, the punishment, the private room and this voice.

Master Agosti reminded me of that mysterious Dom who rocked my whole world in a single night. I still vividly remember that night as if it happened two days ago and not two years ago. There's something about him that my mind can't put a finger on. The voice is awfully similar but that can be a coincidence right? There are tons of people with similar voices in this world.

"Are you going to keep standing there the whole night or do you want me to drag you inside?"

"Listen we don't have to—

"Is this how you talk to a Master or do you really need a lesson in BDSM protocol? I let you off the first time because you didn't know who I was but make that mistake again and I'll make you regret this attitude."

Fuck! What is wrong with me! He's clearly an experienced Dom who knows what he's doing. I fucking knew it the moment I saw him in the class today. The way he commanded the room should have been enough to identify it, but I never fucking imagined he would turn out to be a Master here in Edge.

"I-I am sorry sir. I just think this is not right."

"Are you in the position to tell me what is wrong or right sub?"

" But sir! You are my professor and I am your student, you can't do this to me."

"That's outside the club sub. Here, I am just a club Master and you are a submissive who's under my charge tonight. If you think you can get out of your punishment with these excuses, think again."

Damn it! He really doesn't care about his image outside this club. He knows that everyone has signed an NDA but still, other professors would think twice before fraternizing with a student and here he is ready to spank my ass red.

"Stop wasting my time as usual and strip Lilian."

No one ever calls me with my full name but the way he says it, sends shivers through my body. I don't know what is going to happen when I will be attending his class tomorrow but right now the only thing on my mind is the way he dominates me. The way my body wants to submit to his each and every command. It's like my brat has gone into hidding leaving me alone with this strict and cold Dom.

"I am sure that dress costs thousands but I will be ripping it off if you don't strip in the next two minutes."

It did cost me thousands! I hurriedly lift up my dress over my neck without even bothering with the zipper. I was wearing a full bodysuit under because I didn't plan to do any scene today. If I remove the bodysuit there will be nothing left and I would be naked as a new born baby. It's not like anyone in the club hasn't seen me naked before but it has been too long since I did a scene in private fully naked.

I look up at him, silently praying that he allows me to keep my bodysuit on. It's nearly see through as you can see my hardened nipples through it.

"Everything sugar."

No it can't be! My mind is playing games with me right now. Why does all of this feels like a déjà vu. But sugar is a common term of endearment, is it not? And even though I had not seen that mysterious Dom's face, I knew he didn't have any facial hair and nor did he wear glasses. Master Agosti had a medium stubble and wore those sexy square glasses.

"I do not like repeating myself."

Fuck it! Everyone knows how awkward it is to get out of a bodysuit. I barely managed to do it without tearing it. The urge to cover myself with my hands was strong but one look at Master Agosti's eyes and I dropped that idea real quick. He was looking at me like a hungry beast about to pounce on its prey and I swear to god I could feel his eyes on every inch of my body.

He started to come closer and again the urge to step back was strong but I knew that wasn't in my best interest. I forced myself to stand still even though my heart was beating like crazy. He was checking me out from head to toe like an inspection. He circled me and stood behind my back, even though our bodies weren't touching, I could feel his warmth behind me. He leaned forward near my ear and I could feel his breath on my cheek.


One single word and I was on my knees, heart in my throat waiting for his next command. He walked in front of me towards the bed and turned around facing me. My eyes were on the floor and I wanted to lift my head so badly because he was removing his shirt right now. I knew I would be in trouble if I did that and yet my mind was screaming for me to look up. And that's what I did, I just wanted to steal a glance at his body but when I looked at him, I freezed.

This cannot be fucking true. This has to be a joke because I know whom this body belongs to. I could never forget that body and before I could stop myself, I opened my mouth to question him.

"What is your first name Master Agosti?"

I expected him to be surprised or even annoyed but the only thing he did was smile at me.

"You recognise me now, don't you?"

Oh my fucking God! He is that mysterious Dom!

"Master Vincent?!"

"How can you forget me this easily sugar? Perhaps I was too easy on you last time."

"Easy? Easy! You fucking edged me for half an hour!"

The next I know my hair was in his hand and I was being pulled up on my knees.

"You do not talk to me like that sub."

Fuck! My mouth is gonna get me in serious fucking trouble.

"I-I am sorry sir, I was just too shocked that you were Master Vincent—

"Be it Master Vincent or Master Agosti, disrespecting your Dom is only going to give you a blistered ass. Am I clear Lilian?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good girl. Now go and drape yourself on the spanking bench, you have a long night ahead sugar."

My mind was full of different questions I wanted to ask him but right now following his command was the most important thing. I knew better than to stand up and walk towards the spanking bench so I crawled on my hands and knees giving him a nice view of my naked ass.

I slowly got up and positioned myself on the bench waiting for him to bind me. I heard his footsteps come near me. My heart was really beating like crazy with the anticipation of what's coming next. I felt his touch on my back as his hands explored every inch of my body. I could feel my pussy getting wet more and more as he inched closer between my legs. Just when I thought that he was going to touch my pussy, his phone rang and he stilled his hands. I whined softly out of frustration and was rewarded with a sharp slap on my thigh.

"Be a good girl and don't make noise."

I just nodded my head as he moved aside to pick up the phone. From the faint voices that reached my ears, I could only tell that it was Master Felix's call. He returned rather quickly after cutting the call and I wondered what they talked about in such a short time.

"You really seem to be lucky today sugar."

"Lucky? What do you mean sir?"

"Master Felix has asked us to come to his private room for a special scene."

"Special-special scene?"

"Well I am also unaware of the details but we need to go. And that doesn't mean you are getting out of your punishment, it just means it's getting postponed."

"Yes sir."

Phew, did Violet really managed to convince Master Felix to get me out of this punishment or is this some another way to punish me. A special scene doesn't sound very nice to me but it couldn't be worse than getting punished by Master Vincent right?

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