5. Master Agosti

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Fuck! Club Edge was magnificent. I knew Felix had money but building a club this huge and at this scale was something else. The technology and security was also very good. I guess I'll have to ask Felix if I can invest in this because it is a brilliant establishment.

I was welcomed at the gate by the security and led to Felix's office. It seemed to me that there was some kind of event or party happening as people were doing decorations. I think this is for that surprise Felix was talking about. I knocked on the office door and entered inside. Felix looked up from his laptop giving me a wide grin.

"Finally! I thought you would disappear on me again."

"Come on I would never do such a thing."

"Yeah coming from someone who didn't call or text me for 5 months."

"I said I was sorry. But let me tell you this place is amazing. It's a dream come true for all the people in the kink community."

"I know right, I had an grand vision which Master Elliott brought to life. Remind me to introduce you to him. He's a Master here and a great interior architect."

"Sure. And what is this commotion downstairs. Is that the surprise you were telling me about?"

"You won't believe what I am going to tell you now. I myself am having a hard time believing that this is all real!"

"How big of a thing is this that you are unable to believe in it?"

"Do you remember someone named Violet?"

Violet? That name did ring a bell but I was not sure.

"One of the girls we punished at Club Bliss two years ago. Does it ring a bell?"

Wait a minute isn't that Lily's friend who was with her that night when we first met.

"Yup I think it does."

"I am getting married to her."

"What the actual fuck!! How? Why? When? I mean you are getting married and you are telling me now!"

"You were the one who disappeared from this earth not me! And it happened so fast I didn't even have time to register it."

"But how?? I know you had a thing with a girl for a few months after that night but I didn't know it was the same girl."

"We dated for 3 months while you went to Australia but I made the biggest mistake of my life and left her. I never imagined that I would meet her here, again, in my very own club. Seeing her here brought back all the memories from the past like a crashing plane. I realised how much I loved her all these years."

"Fuck! If that's not destiny then I don't know what it is. You are a lucky son of a bastard that she accepted you again."

"I know I am and I can't be more grateful for that. And that's not all, Lily is also a member here, the girl who was with you."

Fuck! Are you kidding me?! This cannot be happening right now. What am I supposed to do now because having Lily in my class and her being here in a sex club are totally different things. I wasn't even sure if I could control myself in the class but here, impossible!

"I already met her."

"What? When?!"

"Lily is a student in the college I am teaching. I met her in my class today."

"This is bad, isn't it?"

"Bad? It's the worst thing that can happen. I still think about that night I spent with her as if it happened two days ago. Do you think I can control myself if she's here?"

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