14*. Apology letter

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By the time, all the lectures got over, I was frustrated as hell. My anger had turned into frustration and I wanted to confront him so bad. I headed towards the detention room on the third floor and as expected he was already there with three more students. How the fuck did he manage to give detention to so many students on his first day! Now I can't even confront him in front of them!

I knocked on the door and asked for his permission because I had no intention of listening to his lecture on manners again.

"May I come in Sir?"

He didn't even bother to look at me as  he allowed me to come inside. I was starting to get angry again but couldn't do anything except to sit down quietly. I looked at Josh who was sitting beside me to find out what they were doing and if he had given some task to them.

"You all have detention for an hour. Hand write a detailed apology letter for the reason you've got detention. Submit it to me when you leave the room. Clear?"

He wanted a fucking apology from me as if I haven't spend the whole night begging him for mercy. Fine! If he wants a detailed letter I'd give him one, just that it wouldn't be an apology. I searched my bag for my notebook but it wasn't there. Did I forget it somewhere? How am I supposed to write the letter now. I eyed Josh beside me and decided to ask him for a sheet.

"Hey Josh, can I please borrow a sheet of paper?"

Josh was a nice guy, he was kind and friendly to me in the class. I was wondering why would he get detention as he was always a straight A student.

"Sure Lily, here you go. By the way, are you also in detention because you were late?" Josh asked me as he gave me the paper.

"Yeah, he gave me two weeks of detention for being like 15 minutes late."

"What? A two week detention? I only have detention for a day."

"What are—

"SILENCE! I don't remember giving y'all permission to talk. If I hear another noise from any of you, you'll be sitting here for another hour. Am I making myself clear?"

I was furious, I was furious beyond words. How can he do this to me. Why the fuck do I have a detention for two weeks whereas Josh has it just for today. Isn't this partiality?! Is is not discrimination between students?! I am going to complain his ass to the principal, I swear to god!

I wanted to rip this fucking paper and throw on his face but I knew it wouldn't be a wise decision. That is why I started writing the most filthiest, nasty, toe curling smut someone has ever read. I wrote something so filthy that fanfiction authors would also have a heart attack reading. I know I was being a brat but I was not in the state to think rationally right now. I submitted that same paper when the hour got over and got out of the class without sparing him a glance.

He wanted to play this game with me, I'll fucking win it. He wanted to act like we were strangers right, but after reading what I have written in that letter, I am one hundred percent sure he'll lose his control and come for me. He'll have to talk to me if he wants to scold me and then I'll be the one ignoring him.

I went home with a smug smile, waiting for him to call or text me. I am sure he would have taken my number from the records after he read that letter. I waited and waited for him to call me because at this point, he would have definately read our letters or did he not. Did he just throw those letters in a drawer without reading them?

I have to do something to get his attention. I can't just give up after a failed attempt. I was thinking about what to do when an idea struck me. It was a dangerous idea but an effective one. My chances of succeeding were 99.9 percent if I executed this idea. I immediately called Violet and prayed that she would pick up the call. It was eleven in the evening and knew I Felix kept her busy these days. I was losing hope but at the last ring, she picked up the phone.

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