13. Strangers

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Lilian was already asleep when I returned from the bathroom. She looked utterly exhausted but peaceful at the same time. She didn't even bother to pull the blanket over. I went close to the bed and covered her with the blanket. She stirred in her sleep, making noises that were making me think of our recent scene again.

Looking at the time on the clock, it was past midnight and we both had college to attend. I can't stay with Lilian but if I leave her here, I am sure she won't be attending tomorrow's lecture. The first thing I did today after getting home was check her academic report. Although she was a bright student, there were numerous remarks for attendance and late submissions. Her results were good but she lacked discipline and focus.

Lilian would make a great criminal psychologist if she put some more effort in my subject, because looking at the stats, there's where her strength lied. She  would also make a beautiful submissive to someone someday. As much as I would like to be that someone, I am not the right person for her. She has her whole life ahead of her and attaching her name with me will only bring her disappointment and regret.

I am not ashamed of my lifestyle in kink and that is why I never went out of my way to hide it. Everyone knows who I am and I do not fucking care what the world thinks of me but she does. Lilian cares about what people think and she should because at this point in her life, her image is important for her. Her actions can make or break her career and being with me will only sabotage it. Even though I blatantly told her in the class, that I do not care about my reputation here which is true,  I do care about hers. I shouldn't even be seeing a student after college and here I am half-naked in her bed in a freaking sex club.

Fuck! I really ignored my morals and principles just for her. If somehow this gets out, it would just be another headline for me, but for her, this might cost her, her entire life. And I am not willing to let this happen just because my dick gets hard whenever I see her. I need to stop this even if it means that she starts hating me. I cannot play with someone's life for my enjoyment. I need to call Felix and see it they're awake, I can't just leave her here alone.

"Hey, are y'all still awake?"

"Yeah, I just saw Alex and Sofia out. I insisted Alex to stay at nonna's so he took Sofia with him. That brat got a thorough scolding from all three of us. You should have looked at her face when they finally left here, I feel bad for her now."

"Poor Sofia, you all really went hard on her. She's  naive and your family has always treated her with utmost love and affection so might I say a little bit spoilt also."

"Little bit? She's spoiled rotten and I have only me to blame for it. I was eleven years old when Sofia came into our family. She was merely six months old at that time bundled in mom's arms. Being the youngest and only girl in the family, got her way too much of pampering and now she's causing trouble left and right. I swear to god sometimes I do think that I should let her explore BDSM, atleast then she'll find someone to take her in hand, but then the thought of someone doing that to my sister, makes my blood boil."

"I can understand because at the end of the day, she's your sister and you love her too much to think about something like this. Don't worry she'll learn as she grows up, let her explore the world while she's young."

"She's exploring the wrong side of the world Vincent and I am really concerned. Call me a hypocrite but the thought of Sofia indulging in BDSM doesn't sit right with me."

"Don't think too much about it, everything will be fine. The reason I called you for, was that I need to go home now if I want to conduct tomorrow's lecture. But Lilian is in deep sleep and I do not wish to wake her up.  She also needs to attend tomorrow's class so will it be okay for her to stay here?"

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